Got Tinder a few weeks ago, and swiping at work in Manhattan I am noticing a hilarious trend...

Got Tinder a few weeks ago, and swiping at work in Manhattan I am noticing a hilarious trend. A good 50% or so of white women who are in their mid to late 20s have something like this in their profile:

>must love baseball/hockey and country.
>no thugs.
>if you don't like hiking/backpacking/kayaking/canoeing/biking/ etc just swipe left.

Why are women so much better at subtly broadcasting racism than men?

what do they mean about must love pets?

are they talking about children?

I read an article about how it's basically impossible to be successful in online dating if you're black unless it's a site for blacks only.

Black people abuse pets.

Well actually black people, are sometimes nice... I should say niggers.

Females are way more racist and redpilled than we give them credit for. Being passive-aggressive, sexual beings, they are most likely to express their racism indirectly rather than outright. It only takes 5 minutes of being raped by a Syrian refugee to do a 180 degree turn on one's beliefs for a lifetime.

>if you don't like hiking/backpacking/kayaking/canoeing/biking/ etc just swipe left.
Can someone explain why cumskins are so obsessed with going outdoors and doing this freaky bullshit? We live in modern societies with ac's. Going outdoors is retarded.

I have a Sammy Flip Phone. I bought it for $15.

No apps, no GPS, no $90 a month data plan...

>it makes wireless telephone calls.

Nature is soothing and healing for the soul. Those without souls wouldn't understand.

A. It has GPS. Just not in a way that will ever be beneficial to you.

B. People are judging you and think you're poor.

Leave it to a nigger to not understand the beauty of nature. Explains why everywhere they live is a wasteland.

>oy voy goyim, don't you know life is about consuming and mass media driven entertainment. you can't be happy in beautiful clean mountain air exercising. watch football instead.

no you are right niggers (all blacks) expection of a few are mean to there pets that still doesnt make them not niggers

Man I need to verify right now. Will post screenshots if true.

This. SJWs and feminists talk the talk but when push comes to shove they all like white dick. Niggers and anything with dark skin is just ugly

When I came to Sup Forums, I thought the biggest red pill you could swallow was that there are differences between the races.

I was wrong. The biggest red pill I've swallowed was that everyone already knows this.

It's harder, but far from impossible to racemix on tinder as opposed to real life.

t. Black user

So you bought a basic phone?

All cell phones make "wireless calls" idiot

I actually never thought of it that way. Blacks are almost never into that shit, plus she's also signaling to the Chad's that do that stuff.

Subconsciously genius.

You black?

there's more to life than guzzling Faizullah's cum within the walls of a rapefugee camp, Sven

Some say that they like country music, traveling and adventure. But none say "must love".

Maybe once you muds start to dominate nature you'll be able to appreciate it.

Also, it's not. Outside is literally filled with annoying bugs. Inside is much more comfortable, and you can even control the temperature.
What beauty? Nature is fine if it leaves me alone. I don't get why people seek to be uncomfortable.
Well you're obviously coco for cocoa puffs.
The 'rapefugee' meme has to stop.

Proles are actually far more likely to own a smartphone than rich people are because they have no fucking impulse control.

I have to disagree, I've seen more coal burners on tinder than anything else. I guess it's just in my area.

What does dominating nature mean? How does that even work? Dumbass cumskin flapping his lips as usual I guess.

>Outside is literally filled with annoying bugs.

Only in summer, and even then not at higher elevations.

>The 'rapefugee' meme has to stop

Stopping the meme won't stop the rapefugees.

typical nigger, can't appreciate something larger than himself


Are you trying to meta-ruse me? Jimmies genuinely triggered now. Literally shaking.

>Only in summer, and even then not at higher elevations.
>The 'rapefugee' meme has to stop
It's exaggerated though
Pic related :^)

White men are found in more inhospitable environments than any other orgnism on the planet. From the sea floor to space and everywhere in between white men have lived and explored. We have conquered every animal and tribe of people. We turn areas you tribesmen consider dangerous or remote into our playgrounds. You can feel free to go on WE WUZing all you want because we also control history and science as well. This level of dominance goes beyond apex predation.

>Those without souls wouldn't understand.
>Not checking your non-ginger privilege

>The 'rapefugee' meme has to stop.
It's only getting started Sven. There will be even more hilarious memes coming to describe you and your kind

>that flag

Hahahaha you can't make this shit up

That's not the profile that I usually see.

>must be at least 6 feet
>vegan, feminist, 420 friendly
>If you don't like [insert bread and circuses sports team that she supports], just swipe left

>Look at me on this quad. How do you do, fellow males? Can't you totally relate to me because I wear camo and hold rifles?

>I listen to all kinds of music, but I especially enjoy country and rap

Hiking is gay
Biking is gay
Backpacking is gay
Canoeing and kayaking are gay

White people are fucking gay, all their hobbies are gay. It's no surprise white women are flocking to real men.

>White men are found in more inhospitable environments than any other orgnism on the planet.
Well that was retarded. Next.

>you and your kind
I'm not a rapist though. Fuck you and your retarded collectivism
Says the one with a fucking leaf for a flag.

ITT: pic related

Oh shut up Osvaldo, if any flag should be banned from using the ebin leaf memd it should be fucking sweden.

Your country makes Trudeau seem sane in conparison.

We have environments besides desert warzone to enjoy, Abdul. You should try going outside sometime, it's pretty nice if there isn't someone screaming for the blood of infidels. Hurry before your new nation becomes another warzone!

Well that's some low energy right there.

niggers fear water and adventure, its why they stayed in africa and never evolved.

>It's exaggerated though
It's underexaggerated

>reading a tinder bio
spotted the virgin

>Unironically believes in evolution
>Doesn't even understand how it works
Well, atleast you didn't randomly assume I was one.

more people in Haiti practice voodoo than are catholic, and haiti is >90% catholic.

niggers are incapable of spirituality.

mm, what an interesting source

Thats because Tinder is the scum at the bottom of the barrel

You nigger

>current year believing in things I disagree with

There is no proof of a soul and there is no proof that the soul doesn't exist. It's metaphysics.

Finally women are turning to real men and all you can think about is being politically correct. haha. your a pussy!

>People are judging you and think you're poor.

Listen to yourself.

Not in a college town. Everyone who is into hookups has it

So if a women gets raped twice she's back where sh started?

That's fucked up Canada.

I'm backing up the leaf on this one. You're a fucking faggot if you don't like the outdoors you savage



>wake up
>look out window
>see this

Was a dream. How do you act? What is different?

I'm a superior human who has accepted modernity. You can keep uncomfortably larping /outdoors/ getting dirty like the actual savage you are.
You're doing it wrong ... or maybe not.

"I don't remember moving to NY city"

Prove to me the soul doesn't exist.

Tinder is for whores you wouldn't want to be with.

Checks out

>mfw Achmed the frustrated little sandshit gets shut down by white girls and gets mad at white culture while living in white homeland while parasitizing white government

It's true..pic related is from okcupid polling

Also this.showing theyre the least attractive

And another one. White males are most preferred. White females want to date within their own race more than any other group.

Hows that for your jew media narrative

just like my Japanese animes

>Blacks are almost never into that shit

Because nobody loves exploring shit more than whites do. Ever noticed how whites are always the ones "exploring" their attic or spending the night at an allegedly haunted house? Or how historically whites hold every major exploratory accomplishment?

Whites even were the first to the South Pole. There was nothing to gain and tons of lads died yet they went at it until they reached their destination.

This is a reason why human space colonization probably won't happen if whites get wiped out by the foreign hordes. Who else is gonna have that desire to set up a colony in a new world?

>The 'rapefugee' meme has to stop.

It's like going through escort ads on backpage. It's hilarious. At least half of the women, if not more, all say "no black gentlemen" in their ads.

Nigs smell bad, they're rude, and some of them flat out rape. If they could fix those three things, they'd honestly have a much better chance.


This is good. We're beginning to make inroads.

top bantz op to banter

does it though?

>how did I end up living in this shit hole?
>check assets
>start looking for a house in Arizona

Do they have a black dating site? Because i would troll that place all day, getting them to rage, and expose mud sharks.

Is natural for an increasingly endangered ethnic group to become more vehement in protecting itself. Pretty soon whites are not gonna care anymore about anyone who isn't white, and the subhumans who think whites are already racist now are going to be in for a rude awakening when nearly all whites are racist and no longer care about some foreign ethnic group.

you don't say...

Block the enterance and dont let jews exit before plane crash.


>Leaf bringing top level bantz

so what does this graph imply. shit is hard as fuck to read colors are way too similar

Muslim detected

Depends, i have a fake tinder account with thug nigger pics and shit and i send coal burners to random ass places

>literally catfishman

You see Mohammad, white folk dont live in camps or caves, we live in things called "houses" and when your always indoors, we get bored of that, because our minds are so advanced, we can think of things other than goat fucking. So white folk like to go outdoors, to reconnect with the beauty of nature.



fucking normies really trigger me sometimes. how about get some non pleb hobbies like 4wding, shooting, hunting and horse riding.

Even in porn, it's almost impossible to find non-trashy white girls fucking niggers. I've searched through a lot of amateur interracial stuff and it's so ridiculously rare to find a girl who isn't fat, tattooed or trashy looking in general sucking a black dick.

>calls someone an idiot
>says the stupidest thing anyone will read all week

>no thugs

Nigga pls

I fucking hate this shit. Every woman I know has it and any woman that uses it is a slut.

This is why I essentially MGTOW at this point. Women are fucking disgusting cock carousels.

Don't be such a good fucking goy, mate. There are worthwhile girls out there.

You know even if this piece of shit is b8ing it's still funny because you know how miserable it's cuck life is.

not everyone wants to live in a government funded ghetto, Ahmed.

also, i just changed my status from studying to working as executive at a company(actually true) and i matched with the best looking girl yet.

It's very easy to race mix on Tinder if you are a white man swiping on black women.


>There are worthwhile girls out there
I haven't met any unfortunately.

>meet a girl
>get along well with her
>think she might be worth pursuing
>she drops a comment that strikes you as odd relating to promiscuity or sex positivity or something along those lines
>pursue it and bait her into answering a personal question about her sex history
>girl is basically a whore who works for free
Every time.