God Bless. Clinton has called half of Trump supporters the "basket of deplorables."
Remember when Romney made his 47% comment? And it ruined his entire campaign against a failing incumbent president? This is that moment.
Praise Kek, Faggots.
God Bless. Clinton has called half of Trump supporters the "basket of deplorables."
Remember when Romney made his 47% comment? And it ruined his entire campaign against a failing incumbent president? This is that moment.
Praise Kek, Faggots.
Have we started the fire?
Romney was completely correct that 47% would not vote for him, because they really are on handouts and gibmedats from the democrats. What reason would they ever vote republican to end their free gravy train from hardworking middle class whites/asians?
If he actually owned up to it, instead of being the usual cuckservative, it probably wouldn't have done shit against him. America was ready to boot Obama out for a stronger president, but Romney fucked himself like the bitch he is.
I am going to be in stunned silent amazement when Trump wins ..and know Sup Forums memed it into reality.
What are you like twelve?
That shit only works when the media is on your side.
She could light up a cage full of babies with a flamethrower and the media would protect her.
Go to bed.
no he fucking didn't
i didn't know literal Cuckservatives shills still lurked this board.
the fucking cntraversy about his comments is not all of that 47% were on welfare or something.
Alot of the 47% were getting routine gibs NORMAL NON DEGENERATE PEOPLE GET YOU RETARD.
NO I'm drunk but i'm completely right.
fucking CHECK these singles. Because they're worthless.
Still right, though.
re read the post you're replying to
that's exactly what he's saying
>no he fucking didn't
And that's what I said, are you dumb? I said "IF" he owned up to it.
>Alot of the 47% were getting routine gibs NORMAL NON DEGENERATE PEOPLE GET YOU RETARD.
If you get routine gibmedats, you are a degenerate, period. "Minimal" welfare for 2-4 weeks to ensure a good transitional period for a new job is fine. 3-4 years on welfare gibmedats is degenerate shit.
I do not care if you are actually disabled, you do not deserve the money, period. There is no reason society should keep you around, unless the people bought private insurance beforehand to cover it, with their own money.
This election has been magical
I don't get it, how is this controversial at all? She is talking shit about half of trump supporters, so what?
>insulting 25% of voters
>not significant
l+, you've been in the dark.
Can you fucking read????
Its not,inherently....just like what romney said wasnt
It just depends how the media plays it,being clinton they will probably ignore it
There's so much riding on this election. I dare not even think of how good it will feel for him to win.
We have to MEME this into prominence.
Please get this message to the Clinton Foundation Generla, /cfg/
This is how we will seal the election. Praise Kek.
So what, what people think of when they hear that is the stereotype of the white hicks who hate blacks, who aren't fucking voting for Hillary anyways.
holy fucking SHIT.
somebody CHECK MY TRIPS... Cmon, degenerates.
It's like the cardinal sin in politics to insult large blocks of voters.
You can talk shit about politicians but not the public.
She might have really fucked herself this time.
Yes and now it burns
I'm gonna deplore the shit out of you.
$0.05 has been deposited into your America Firstâ„¢ Account.
Shills mad because his wiener just shrank .05 meters.
You can't put a price on our freedom.
There's a reason your ancestors tried to invade in the first place. Now you get to see them again.
>reading words
>no proofs
>Dark Army
>white supremacists
Basket of deplorables? Weak
>Clinton has called half of Trump supporters the "basket of deplorables."
Yeah, she should have included the other half that are basement dwelling sperg fags
the fire rises
She's going to die of stroke