Lack of "Edge" in popular culture

This anti-edgy, anti-anticonformity is partly to blame for the PC culture we have today.

I can't stand how anything that isn't normie-friendly is mocked as being edgy and is thus uncool and unexplored.

Music, art, movies, etc that are "Edgy" pushed the boundaries of what society was willing to talk about so there would be at least opposing ideas out in the air of public discourse. Now everything is so conformist (yes, using that word unironically) and that leads to blue-pills taking extreme hold.

It used to be what was praised by critics was stuff that offended everyone. Now the best way to get top ratings is to ensure that no one is offended. It is bullshit.

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A real edgemen wouldn't give a fuck about the perceptions of society. Sharpen up nigger.

Anything that is "edgy" is by definition on the edge of what society considers tolerable.

yes but I'm talking about the "Anti-edgy" sentiment.
And calling things that are even slightly outside of mainstream thought as "Edgy" so keep people from ever voicing non-normie-friendly expressions.

When someone is calling you edgy on this board, it's not due to shock or angry over non-conformity. It's because of the underwhelming and immature nature of your post. It sounds like a teenage trying too hard. We aren't censoring; we are mocking

Psssh... nothin personal... kid...

the edgy of the brownie are so crusty, fuck that the middle is the best part

The edge is the worst part of the brownie. Why would you do this?

You Didn't read Machiavelli, not gonna make it.

Wow so no one understands what I'm talking about?

In the 1980's there were over the top slasher films, there was shock rock music, in the mid 1970s there was the sex pistols with sid vicious wearing a Nazi t-shirt.

Now music is all about "ITS ALWAYS A GOOD TIME WOOOAAH OH OH OH OH!"

Does no one else see this shit?
The fuck is wrong with all of you?

This mentality has taken over Sup Forums in the past few years and it sucks

Why manipulate others when you can outright destroy them?

Just do what these people have done and claim the term

8ch net/edgy/index.html

Middle brownies are the best

don't talk shit about carly ever again

>why is being edgy not mainstream and popular?!
because it would not be edgy then.

Oh look, we have future mass shooter here!

Jesus christ how the fuck can people look at HR photos, the tiny fucking hairs on her face ugggggck. not to fucking mention you can see every pore and wrinkle on her fucking face. porn has ruined me.

no one was ever taught why to conform

well it doesn't help that she has a shitty haircut, with a shitty black dye job and her face looks like it is covered in 3oz of grease

agreed senpai


shut the fuck up she's a goddess

The only edgy thing left to discuss is racial differences. But we're becoming a nonwhite-dominated state where that kind of talk will get you put up against the wall, so there's not much else to talk about.

Fucking this, who the hell wants the edge parts?

Currently writing a political song about how the West has become weak, and that we need to re-establish our values and make them in line with the nature of things.

Leftists/hippies have been writing political songs for ages.


Also, the non-edgyness of today's music is partly because the revolutionaries from back in the day (leftists of the 60's and hippies etc.) literally control the media nowadays. Why would they publish things that are against their own interests?

what genre?

Are you in Flight of the Conchords?

Not sure what you'd call it - a fusion of folk music (my base style) and this:

Ask anything but that

The ultra-PC shift happened around 2010-2015 or so

That and Lord of the Rings are literally all I know about your country t b h

We also have sheep

seems pretty cool.
What happened to our society, we used to make things of beauty? I know Soviets aren't normally counted as "western Society" but the cultural tradition of that music definitely comes from opera vocals and music composition from Europe.

We are witnessing the decline, my friend. It's been happening for a while.

It takes a society in full consciousness of its own strength to make beautiful things like that Soviet choral music.

Because nobody in our culture has any balls anymore at all. Google doug stanhope. We're a generation of half faggots.

me biggest regret is to not be immortal.
I don't want the era of my life to be nothing but decline. I want to see how it all crumbles and how something stronger and even more beautiful will rise from the ashes.

I feel ya. Our only hope is in the youth and our sons and daughters yet unborn.

You aint havin any kids because youre too scared shitless of what it'll cost.

M8 I'm gonna pump out about 7 full white babies, and if you think I'm not you can get fucked cunt.

I see it, but pol doesnt give a shit about culture so they won't.

Punk used to be about being offensive and pissing off society. Now modern punk is about getting accepting by society. a complete 180

> brownies
must be an american thing...

The US as you knew it changed after 9/11. After, suddenly you had to watch what you say, or else you be labeled as a terrorist or might anger someone and they'd kill you for it. And it was your fault. The internet ironically dulled people's knowledge on major subject like Nazis because people parrot what they read first instead of investigating further.

whats up with hollywood /music industry and eyes?

Well, I would day edgy has become the new normal. Thouroughly degenerate behaviour that used to be confined, hidden, has been made cool, and this has destroyed Western Civilisation. Everything nowadays is about pushing the boundaries. ""Artists"" try their best to shock, and fail because we have reached a critical point of degeneracy where nothing is even shocking, or disgusting. Activists keep pushing for acceptance of behaviours that would have gotten you rightfully lynched 60 hears ago. And again, people accept it, because we have reached that critical point where our moral compass just gave up and went home becuse we ignored it too much, beca use we ignored that gut feeling tellling "this is wrong".

If you really want to be a rebel, OP, be a white, educated, conservative, masculine married man, with a feminine wife, four children, a dog, a decent job and productive hobbies.

Though, "pushing boundaries" is not always a good thing. Letting kids push boundaries without consequences and outrageous individualism is what got us in this shit. It's needed now, to fight to go back to a society as good and moral as possible, but once that goal is reached, that kind of behaviour needs to be perpetually repressed. Or else two hundred years down the line we are back in the same mess.

Well put

Brownies aren't even that good.

The edge of the brownie is the best part because its scarcity makes it the most desired. When everything is edge, nothing is edge.



>not liking the crispy bits

You disgust me

B-but I'm on my PC and rocking Edge as my main browser...

kek be with you always

I still think we need edginess.
Saying "Fat people are fucking gross" is now edgy.
Saying "There are evolutionary differences to racial groups" is now edgy.

We still need art and expressions of things to make people feel triggered.
In the 1980's it was anti-christian stuff to make stuffy middle america triggered and burn harry potter books, pokemon cards, and DnD character sheets.

Now it is all about triggering SJW. And that should be "cool" too. But I don't see any real artistic movement to push the triggering of SJWs. I don't see any games, movies, tv shows, or bands who are able to make any popularity into being "that bad show that has so many people pissed off"

When are we going to get a good racist comedy?

Must be a matter of taste.

That's quite an exciting brownie pan!



this really made me think

i am now a #cruzmissle

It's like the pineapple on pizza divide all over again.