What's wrong with ObamaCare exactly?

What's wrong with ObamaCare exactly?

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Underage B&

It ensures that fat fuck can survive.

>it's a good policy because it benefits me personally

Fucking liberals man. Also, isn't this faggot like 600lps? No wonder he couldn't get an HMO.

Trippled the cost for 90% of americans

60% of insurers have already left the program

100% of co-ops have become insolvent and closed their doors

The market is re-naturalizing itself

ive seen this thread before

second post best post

Maybe if that fat faggot tried sticking with his weight loss videos he might have been able to get insurance years ago

people that don't want it have to get it (or else they get fined)
those with insurance have to pay for things they do not want/need
those who need it don't understand it and whoop about how good it is.

This country will never have universal healthcare because the systems in place are to deeply rooted in the capitalistic system

I bet this guy had a pre existing condition
And these people make healthcare more expensive for everyone else. Guaranteeing healthcare for them only causes higher premiums for everyone else.

>I'm a fat fuck that was a huge liability to myself, my family and society as a whole
>This policy is 100% perfect because it helped me survive another 5 years out of my 50 year life because I can't stop eating 4000+ calories per day
>My opinion matters because I make videos on JewTube and make fun of myself sometimes

This is the exact kind of shit that destroyed Brazil and Venezuela. Retarded fucks who couldn't control themselves, now praising the government for stealing money from hardworkers to prop up their disgusting lifestyle.

Into the fucking trash of burning hell.

The majority of people are now paying a lot more in their monthly premium, and deductibles are so high now with most plans that they might as well not have insurance at all. Plus, the fact that if you choose to be uninsured, you are taxed for it anyway.

Additionally, the burden it puts on businesses discourages small businesses from becoming larger, and destroys full time jobs.

>individual mandate

Fuck you and fuck your coon president.

>I bet this guy had a pre existing condition
Yeah he did, it's called being a fat fuck.

Obamacare is actually working as planned it was designed to destroy what was left of the free market so they can prop up a single payer system.

for poor people.

Go to the obamacare website and try to apply for a basic plan as a single male in your 20s living on your own and making 20k a year. It treats you like you're a working career man with a steady income. If this is what "competitive" is then I want no part in this insurance bullshit. Like, what was the point of the affordable care act if it made literally nothing more affordable?

Ironically, it doesn't.

It isn't even free.

Excellently put.

It's expensive as fuck and doesn't make financial sense when your deductible is $8,000 before it even kicks in.

My premiums went up because of it, and forcing people to get health insurance (because liberals and John Roberts) was how Obamacare was going to be funded.

They made it ILLEGAL to NOT buy a product.

Also this.

For those of you who don't know, deductibles are what you have to pay out of pocket first; insurance covers the rest.

Obama's idea of socialized medicine is just retarded.

It's no wonder Obama tried to distance himself from it, and wants it called the affordable care act again now. lol

>creates artificial demand by mandating you buy insurance
Also these

>have decent work
>hire 9 different people
>provide very good coverage for all 3
>shit goes well for 8+ years
>I even hire a homeless guy
>Obama care rolls in

Nobody was insured anymore after that. I can't afford it and the fee is cheaper.

The cheapest plans now are DOGSHIT in comparison and have massive deductibles.

And by cheap I mean still fucking expensive.
Granted I'm in Florida so who knows how it is elsewhere. Every other business I know nearby went through the same disaster.

That's pretty much what I've been thinking for awhile.
>people don't want a single payer system
>Throw a wrench in the current system and fuck it up
>Look! Our current system isn't working! We need change!

Thanks to it, I've been unable to buy insurance.
8 years ago I could.

The middle class hard working people who contribute to society and aren't dindus have to pay for it

Obamacare ruined insurance. Deductables went through the roof, plans suck ass and even worse, it's mandatory now. I hope Boogie enjoys that insurance until he actually has to use it and finds it's useless.

At least you don't have to pay for tranny sex changes through the public healthcare system.

t. european dourisd

Working poor here. I make under 15k a year. I still can't afford health insurance. Actually not only can i not get health insurance, I am punished with fines for not being able to afford it. Not just that, I can no longer find full time work. A lot of employers just limit the hours of part time workers to 27 and split a full time job in two to avoid the cost. So not only can i not get a full time job, i lose 5 hours a week from what used to be a 32 hour a week job. Roughly 2500 a year gone, that could have bought me health insurance. Please stop HELPING me libs. Please stop. I dont think i can survive any more of your "help."

It's good for poor people and insurance companies, middle class got fucked again

I can't get it anymore. I pay the tax penalty.

>Artifical demand
>Implying people don't need help accessing health care in Burgerland because prices out of pocket are absolutely obscene

You w0t

Bullshit. If you make under $15,000 a year, you don't pay any fines for Bummercare.

Do you have a throwaway email I can teach you personally at? I want to interview you

>literally make it illegal to not have insurance, whether you want it or not
>Not artificial demand

You w0t

50% of Americans are OBESE

you cant run a universal healthcare system with numbers that huge, it is simply impossible

The fact I'm white and poor so can't get it for free, but still have to pay $1.5k for insurance or $2k for NOT having insurance
>tfw less than $11k/yearly

What was stopping them from getting insurance 8 years ago? Was it too expensive? How did Obamacare make it cheaper?

It's not affordable.

Had to pay in last year. Not a whole ton but it still hurts my jimmies. No kids or right offs.

doesn't have a public option

It actually makes things worse for the people it was most sold as helping.
The working poor and lower middle class are completely fucked by it.

>Implying people not getting insurbance before didn't have a need for it.

You w0t

I dunno, my deductables haven't changed, the plan is fine, and I had it before it was mandatory

It forces you to buy private insurance or penalizes you for not doing it

The fact that he weighs like 600 fucking pounds.

They lowered it. It's 10,000 now.

>I literally don't know how to read or have a solid argument

Yes you do. You have to pay the White Fine

The middle class has to pay for poor fat fucks insurance is why

then that's your state's fault for not expanding medicaid (you're below the federal poverty line, so you would qualify even as a single white male)

UK does

still ridiculously high, it's been lowering steadily, but this whole BODY POSITIVE bullshit is going to bring it to a standstill

Also nice ID.

It's job is to crash the private insurance industry them collapse itself, thus needing a single payer system totally under the government thumb.

So how did Obamacre make it cheaper? I'm legitimately asking, I don't know.

It raised the cost of health insurance, by ensuring people that were unhealthy and needed it would go to it.
But it didn't put in any type of price control, so its cheaper for generally healthy people like me, who use their health insurance once or twice a year for check ups or minor things, to pay the penalty and just forgo healthcare.
Obamacare is a shitty system that takes the worst of the free market and the worst of socialism for a Frankenstein's monster.

>A person with health so bad you could cut his cholesterol with a knife should have cheap insurance
His could purchase insurance before, but he & his wife were so ungodly unhealthy they were priced out.
Instead of doing the logical thing, losing weight, they gubmint forced the insurance companies to sell him cheap insurance while raising rates on healthy people that rarely use health insurance.

Yeah great fucking plan. That's sure to be a success. Here's hoping that the people that rarely go to the hospital don't wise up and just decide to stop paying health insurance.

Lol yeah right. You know how much food stamps you get at 12k a year? 30 dollars. No kids? White? Heres some money for milk and bread.

Honestly user at this point you should see a psych and play the autism or depression card and see about getting on medicare.

There are people far less deserving than you exploiting it.

Fuck boogies fat ass, I don't want to pay for his fucking heart attacks. The only entertaining thing that fat fuck produces is his Francis videos, and thats only because laughing at fat spergs is fun.

>percentages with no source
Wew lad

Anyone asking this doesn't have a job. Seriously.
I now pay almost as much as I do for rent for health insurance that is functionally worthless since it has a $4000 deductible. If you haven't noticed health insurance jumping in price and turning into complete garbage you're a welfare nigger on medicaid.

Motherfucker. Other people paying for his obesity and diabetes treatments.

That's whats wrong with Obama care. This mother fucker shouldn't have access to healthcare. Honestly though? How many years has it been since he said he was going to lose weight?

Not anymore


Insurance used to assess risk and would be less willing to take in the money on someone who would need big payouts soon.

This guy is literally 600 pounds. That's two Amazing Atheists put together, plus one medium-sized Golden Retriever. This man is fucking *enormous.* And he's a manlet to boot.

>tfw can make up to $30k USD and not have to directly pay a penny for my health insurance

It didn't. 8 years ago Boogie didn't have jewtube bucks. He doesn't even need Obamacare, he can easily afford an actual plan. He's a dumbass.

Oh wow some fat piece of shit is now funded by my taxes so when he inevitably has a heart attack and gets his feet amputated I get the fucking pleasure of paying for his terrible decisions.

its a subsidy for big insurance companies, that simple.

when government forces people to buy insurance (or get fined by the irs), and eliminates cross state competition (creating monopolies - ex. if you are a business in ny you cant buy insurance from a company in ca), insurance companies can jack shit up as much as they want.

nothing wrong with obamacare, if you are an insurance company ceo or investor. if government forced everyone to buy iphones, everyone would be in outrage, however, for some reason, they just dont care about health care that much...

>lack of price controls
>no public option

Thanks for learning from our mistakes

>tfw $1500 in taxes off every cheque

Yeah but what did Obamacare do to change that? Surely it doesn't tell the insurance companies whay they can charge.

he's a fat youtuber with 3 million subs. he would have been able to afford it regardless

ironically he's the perfect example of why i shouldn't have to pay for your fucking hospital bills you fat fuck

it's really not that hard to jog once in a while


>Majority say it had no effect or made it worse

You make 75k a year? What do you do?

it told the insurance companies they can't deny coverage for preexisting conditions

Lots of things are wrong with Obamacare
>the fine is a life tax
>it forces you to buy coverage for stupid shit you don't need, like single childless males getting coverage for childbirth
>the only people who sign up for it are the ill people that are incredibly costly to insure, which jacks up premiums
>this discourages healthy individuals (the ones who make providing insurance lucrative for the insurance companies) who are uninsured from buying coverage
>creates a negative feedback loop of fat sickly fuckers like Boogie buying Obamacare -> drives up premiums -> fewer healthy people sign up -> more sick people sign up -> insurers lose hundreds of millions -> insurers drop out of the program
>to make up losses caused by Obamacare, some insurance companies raised prices for their other programs so people who don't need Obamacare at all still get fucked

Obamacare can't work the way it is set up now. The only way it can work is if the government is handling premiums/claims since they don't care about making a profit, though that shouldn't happen either. If you don't have a job that offers health insurance you don't deserve health insurance tbqhwyf.

>make $30,001
>automagically ineligible.

yeah, right. from my state:

>New Jersey Medicaid
>Expanded Medicaid helps to cut NJ uninsured rate nearly in half

>Who is eligible in your state to get Medicaid?Who is eligible

>The aged, blind, and disabled. Also, adults with income up to 138% of poverty, and pregnant women with income up to 200% of poverty. Children are eligible for Medicaid or CHIP with income up to 350% of poverty.

It's dystopian, it forces people to purchase health insurance. I have to pay a fine because I don't have or want insurance.

pretty much this

fuck me even further since im young, in good health, single, and with no children.
now i have to chip in for the old fucks charging medical bills up the ass to live a couple more weeks, fat fucks that need blood work done every 5 minutes because they can't put the fork down, all the spicitas that shit out a baby every 9 months and all the niggers that go to the clinic every other week to get a doctors note so they can get out of work.

>Call it the Affordable Care Act
>It's not actually affordable

Obamacare forces you to buy insurance or pay a huge fine...

Jews own all the insurance companies.

Certain groups like Muslims get a religious exemption.

Companies now go full contract now...cutting benefit if they do offer it they lowered wages by 33% of that 12 years ago.

Yes it did.
It can't refuse to insure anyone, and it can't charge unhealthy people more.
So a 5'10" who weighs 170 and one who weighs 600 get charged the same, even though one is obviously a bigger risk.

nationalizing an institution rarely makes it better. also I don't want to pay more money so people who live less healthily and responsibly than me can get treatment for preventable illness

Dude, get a job at a call center or something. Get a headset and teach esl. Apply online at a search engine evaluation website. None of this is easy, sure, but there is no reason for someone with a normal IQ and drive not to at least make 22k. Ideally, no one should have to take on the role of the underpaid working untouchables, but the people who employ you probably don't care. They look down on uneducated workers, even though there is nothing shameful about unskilled labor. Anyway, just find something that pays better than nig tier subhuman wages.


Can't they charge up the ass to compensate? On second thought, why didn't they do that before?

This. I am able to get better and cheaper insurance through my mother's company plan. I pay for it too. $130 versus the $300 I'd have to pay for obamacare.

I don't think a fat autist like Boogie deserves to have all his health problems financed by my tax dollars.

He and the people like him are the reason why Obamacare is failing.

>americans will defend this

Yeah, because you're both fat pieces of shit who have an incredible risk of illness.

Now you get to have your fatness shorted by the American people!

sys Admin/hardware repair

>using that to claim "Trippled the cost for 90% of americans"
come on convince me Obama's wrong

to be honest, fully socialized medicine would be 20x better than obamacare. of course the best thing is free market approach