I can't believe the media is so biased against Hillary and has been so easy on Trump

I can't believe the media is so biased against Hillary and has been so easy on Trump

OP is straight.

Believe it. Trump is a piece of shit.

I like the West!

I love our Prime Minister. He's working so hard to make our country the best for everyone!

I know right, like they are so offensive, they shouldn't be allowed to say hurtful things about the onez i luv yolo xxxx

Really wish they'd stop hiding all the evidence that Trump is Russia's puppet. It completely BTFOs his campaign, why are they waiting?!?

>Trump's an insane idiot
>it's bias

The political elite is against Hillary because she's a woman and they don't want her to remove the oppressive patriarchy found in America.

i thought the elite supported her, and are now turn coats


this is supposed to be a bizarro thread m8

It's truly amazing that they're letting him get away with this. I saw a based journalist explain if they would ask him real detailed questions he would fold like a cheap tent but since they are all in the tank for Donald they won't do it.

The elite (AKA right old white men) are found in the Republican party. The Democratic party has always been against the establishment.

Hillary DOESN'T hate minorities

Hillery is easily the most honest politician there has ever been.

The Clinton Foundation passes the highest percentage of donations to those in need than any other 503c organization.

I can't believe McAfee is going to be in the debates

>meta meta bizzaro posting
this is a new level. i'm not ready for it


Hi Joe

Wow, these anons right here are truly not new and don't need to lurk more

Jesus Christ, what the fuck is up with Britain, France, Germany and Sweden raping the Middle East? They literally shack up with peaceful Muslims in their homes and just fucking rape them and claim the Bible allows them this religious right

Fucking European savages