I was the white knight to this event. Do you remember the thread?
Want to know what moot gives the fbi when they inquire?
Want to know how much is truly anonymous?
I was the white knight to this event. Do you remember the thread?
Want to know what moot gives the fbi when they inquire?
Want to know how much is truly anonymous?
This was a screen shot I took when i sent palins aide an email. I posted it into the thread and was dubbed a white knight. Can you spot my mistake?
Also you can ask questions about what the FBI had me do, how much I got paid to testify, etc.
Best go to 8ch then, only redditfags and /r/thedonald fags are on here nowadays
This was only 8 years ago, really?
I remember this. This was when Moot got his first real threatening by the FBI. He could feel Tyrone's delicious, giant, uncut, black dong opening his balloon knot and decided he wasn't cut out for prison life. It was at this point I realized that this place wasn't truly anonymous and no threads ever truly disappear. This whole place is founded on a lie. That being said, who cares? There's nothing posted worth making most of us famous over.
My friend, 90% of the people on here came to Sup Forums after the paris attacks.
Not even worth talking about 8 years ago.
The place to find oldfags is 8ch
Youre basically right. When i saw the evidence book to prepare my testimony it had the entire thread plus the other related threads. Every single posters IP and ISP and location down to fucking coordinates.
lol I was in that thread. Was one of the craziest things I've ever seen on Sup Forums
Right on, i just wanted to relive the past briefly. It was a hell of a night for a fucking junior in HS
explain what happened
>tfw wasnt on Sup Forums this long ago
I'll take the bait
Did you use a vpn?
If you did use a vpn were you able to get traced?
>what did I do wrong?
No tor?
Wasn't the kid who did it the son of a state Senator in Tennessee? If I remember correctly he was kind of a qt.
Then the fbi knew or still knows your info.
Remember the original password that guy changed it to?
Fun fact
They even subpoenad my father because I told him the night it happened.
Free flight to knoxville TN
your youtube username?
Im on a mobile ill post the full story in a moment
No I didnt use a vpn or a proxy, so the fbi had yahoo track the url in the screenshot i posted of the email i sent. They found me pretty fuckin quick.
David kernell, son of a Tenn senator i think. He went to UofT
Never even met him, my testimony was basically written and given to the judge.
Holy shit. That was 8 years ago. FUCK. That's back when I was still idealistic. When light still shined in my eyes.
If memory serves correct.
It was about sept 17 2008.
I was on Sup Forums doing my thing and I see a post about this guy jacking sarah Palins email. Bs i thought.
I followed the thread and he got scared and was gonna unplug his router or some shit, but before he did he posted the password to her email.
Popcorn1 iirc.
I was the first to login and quickly changed it to samsonite1 after one of my fav cats, sammy.
Well i screenshotted it, posted her email contacts and some other shit, then I sent an email to ivy frye, it was her aide. I informed her of the attack and the mew password so palin could get her email back.
When i posted that screenie i forgot to blank the new PW.
Several users flooded the account and locked it down due to security.
And tbat was essentially the end until the fbi showed up at my fucking school.
Lol wtf I was 23
You put the new password in the email you fucking retard
Back then idk, YouTube didnt play a part. However im a big buckethead fan. Seen him 8 Times
Yeah without blacking it lmao. Woops
I was 21.
>another FUCK!!!
...because that's what I feel.
Im 23 now so yeah i think i was underage b&
But holy fuck did I party that summer after the fbi sent me 400$
Goodnight pol, good luck with the elections.
>And tbat was essentially the end until the fbi showed up at my fucking school.
Did the FBI get pictures of your penis for "evidence?"
No lmao, They checked me out so i could go home and get questioned by them. Then a couple months after that i got a subpoena in the mail. Then i flew to knoxville tn with my pops around april 20th. I remember because i wanted a mcgangbang from the mcdonalds down the way from the Hilton in downtown knoxville
I came in July 2015 after I saw so many shitposters posting Trump memes and linking to Sup Forums from Sup Forums.
Fuckin Sup Forums is a bunch of oussies now days. We used to have balls
I came in 08 after browsing encyclopedia dramatic for 2 years or so. ED got shittier so I came to the source of the memes.
>mentioning the crippled tiny Tim tambourine tabernacle on this Burmese backroom casting couch
'08 isn't oldfag
It is these days
btw I also got v& once. They showed up to my place of work.
Fortunately they didn't care to prosecute because I had just done something stupid rather compared to what they were looking for. They apparently didn't look at the evidence seized or maybe just didn't database it properly. I can tell that from how long it took certain people to get found out.
for what?
Alright I figure most of this shit is recorded or something. I don't care, most of it is meaningless noise. In one thread I'm a holocaust denier then in the next I want to summon gnomes.
What I want to know is moot. What is his end of the deal for keeping this site up with the data logging. Moot could have easily shut the site down or sell it off. In 2008 besides 2014 was the highest level of done moot seemed with Sup Forums. If he wanted a complete out he would have Fed'd up and gave up the site.
How did he benefit
He got paid money to exchange info
>weak tabs
I'm a good boy. I din du nuffin.
Really obviously stupid. Everybody I spoke to involved with the matter was surprised I got away with it. But it just goes to show that people are watching and when you break opsec you can get nailed for it.
Shekels seems to be the go to reasoning fo website conspiracies. However I do not thing that at ehy time Sup Forums would have not been a squeeze deal. Where in the government pays off snitch or a pasty. That and moot was 18 Or 19 at the time, old enough to shit his pants and go along with pressure.
But if that was the case then as soon as shit cooled down he would have got the fuck out of this site ASAP.
But he didn't. So he must have benefited in some way besides either money and fear.
Pretty cool OP. I remember when this happened.
I wasn't aware anyone besides moot had been called to questioning.
What was the FBI interrogation like?
What was it like when the FBI showed up at your school?
People wanted dirt on Palin but the leak only showed that she was a genuinely nice person.
Also moot explaining maymays was hilarious.
moot's not the only chan owner that got a visit but was then allowed to continue basically unchanged and without highly obvious signs of being used as a snitch.
For instance when I got the visit not too far away from when OP got the visit, which was well after, say, messing with football, they'd still not even heard of Sup Forums, even though it had already become a haven of the kind of thing they were looking for. They were interested in whether or not I could help them use my Second Life connections to make a deal.
One gets the sense that, just like in any other vast organization, it's a bit discombobulated and forced to be choosy in what it spends its time on. For instance, you'll notice that shit got real pretty fast when HBgary and Stratfor started getting messed with.
holy shit im in k town right now
Again this was 2008. The Fed's and NSA never really ventured deep into the net until 2010. Shady shit mostly drugs and cp was the only thing the Fed has interest in online. That and you take into account the fact that the economy was in a major fucking slump then you will discover that the government really didn't have resources to spend on losers on imageboards.
Especially money to pay of some kid barley through college. Even with intimidation moot wouldn't have stayed on and when was launched he would have old the site.
Yet he stayed and what done him in was not the FBI threatening him but a bunch of celebrities trying to use him. If that's what made him leave then the fucking Fed's threatening him definitely should have made him leave.
We've literally got a presidential candidate talking about us, and might have given her a 47% comment that could kill her campaign. You're right we don't risk as much anymore, probably because most of us are older and actually have shit to lose, but we're more effective now.
Nice, huh? Use your Google and you'll find many embarrassingly scantily clad pictures that she's probably not too proud of...
What happened exactly?
Well the celebrities apparently threw a million jew lawsuits at him. That's not just intimidating, but it literally shuts people down financially without even getting into court.
Lawyers are fucking expensive. Fortunately, I had enough spare money to pay the retainer fees, but I had to switch my whole life around to try to beat the clock on what it might have cost me to face charges.
That's what finally ended ED. And moot himself said that's why it was time to turn Sup Forums over to somebody else.
You'd need geolocation for real coords. You can get approximate coords from an IP, maybe more if you can get the ISP to release the address
You don't belong here
So trick the newbies
War is persuasion
I was in that thread all those years ago.
I thought it was just some fag having a giggle, then on the news a few days later, 'sarah palin's emails hacked'.
OP, honestly this shit is pretty interesting. Contact a journalist - a good one - and see if they can't write a good story out of it.
Newsflash: they already wrote about it bigly.
more fun to read it here. don't sell it to the jew york times
>what moot gives the fbi
you're pretty fucking late on the ball there pal
Spot your mistake?
You listen to Buckethead?
where? you mean at the time? No, it's the retrospective part of it that's interesting.
>mfw it's 2018 and bigly is now a word in the dictionary
its funny moot has gone through all this and we still don't even know his real name. I thought Robert Goins was a likely candidate but only the courts know.
Yeah, at the time. A retrospective requires a broader view of things, such as I have written here before and is in the archives somewhere.
It made me shake my head for my family at first, but I've come around to thinking it's one of his best inventions yet.
Nothing you post here is anonymous, you dolt.
This. Trump and Muslims exploded this board post-exodus.
fucking hell, has it really been 8 years since then....
jesus christ what the fuck am i still doing in this cesspool
I miss Lisa Ann
Idk who got called in, but seeing as how I accessed the email i may be the only one.
When i first got word the fbi heard about me i got home from school and took my hdd out. They didnt search any of it.
I destinctly remember the sign out sheet they had at school the day they came, i put under reason "fbi interview" they sure didnt like that and scratched it out lol.
As far as in knoxville, i had a couple meetings at the courthouse a block away from my hotel, basically they had a big book of posts and ip addresses. Pointed out my posts, asked me my story, and then had me write down a testimony.
There was dirt in there. Trust me.
Also bristols old number haha
I was 16, fuck you. Still have those steam friends who know about it.
If Sup Forums got hillarys email it would me natl news.
It was a hyperbole, they just had city and state
Yep, it was an interestinf night, survived two or three threads iirc.
I used thile story as an anecdote to get a computer maint job.
I could do that, maybe they would have interest due to parallel cases. But I don't know how to go about it, nor am I about the exposure.
Whats wrong with an autist who shreds?
You enjoy it like I know you do.
Also i was looking for the federal check stub incase i had doubters, but I couldnt find it. This upsets me because I had it stored with my concert stubs and other memorabilia
Bumping one more time, if anyones interested in helping ghost write a journalistic report on this bs. Lemme know now.
What you should probably do is get it written about how you got taken in for some small time stuff to pass dirt on a politician nobody cared about in the first place.
Contrast this to how the FBI is treating Hillary.
Maybe bring in a Snowden angle or whatever gets their cunts juicy, but making sure to point out that even a simple kid can do this and that it doesn't take unproven Russian hackers.
boxers or briefs?
If i did write somethinf what are my likely pubs?
Boxer briefs. Highlights my ass
nah, i stuck around to see the aussies salt the earth
>If i did write somethinf what are my likely pubs?
I don't know, really. There have been a number of outlets being used in recent years, and my guess is that it's hit or miss the same way with getting a book published.
If you can write your own story, which isn't easy, then maybe inforwars would be the place to start at. The main thing is to create enough of a shake to score an interview, but you have to get your story together in order to drive how to leverage it.
Infowars, good idea. Ill try to come up with something.
Ill start with a comparison of elections, move into a comparison of hillary and palin and then the use of personal email and ease of access for non account holders.
Beyond that im clueless.
pix of said ass?
theres plenty data there to try to trace you back with gov access, what path they used who cares
Right, so if that's the case, then one of your main points is to illustrate that Hillary was literally giving away classified information by putting it on a system that anybody could have access to without it being officially known.
Trust your gut. If you're clueless and pulled it off then surely anybody could have done it. Always trust your gut.
Nah not tonight, last time i posted pics of myself I wore a green suit and jizzed on a sleeping girl
i just want to see tight little ass...dont be a tease user
I wasnt here, but is this all thing about someone changing the password to an email? and being stupid to put it on the screenshot? fucking stuck up bitches making so much shit and spending money for a non issue, a warning visit by some agent or just cops would have been enough.
Nah they told me it was the session info in the url of the email tab that gave me away. Wasnt behind 7 proxies.
I appreciate the ideas, ill brainstorm, maybe ill contact some writers from my local newspaper to see if any of em want to be the journalist.
Also, if you go through with this, hit on the talking points of the recent Trump events, or at least let them inform how to present your information.
The entire idea here is to bury them by keeping them under fire.
Idk if youre referring to me, but I did change the password and for got to 1000 hour ms paint it.
It's about how if you if you break the non-security of a presidential candidate and brag about it on the internet, then you get whacked.
I have hundreds of thousands of logins and nobody cares because it wasn't important enough to make a fuss about.
I really dont give a shit about the elections, but id like a meme prez over a fem prez.
So how do I come at this with an unbias story
Peace out yall, ill come back with a rough draft next friday of my story
you have to go back.
>unbiased story
They're going to spin it however they want regardless of your bias. So you have to take the upper hand and drive what they say.
How you want to drive it is up to you. Don't even trust my advice. You have to know it for yourself and in your heart.
Why white knight Sarah Palin though? What a faggot.
Did you know the voltage in the monitor cord changes depending on where your eyes are pointing?