The age of consent is 18 years old, wich means a child can't make decision about his sexual life wich would scar him for life.
Hormone therapy before 18 should be regulated as pedophilia. If you disagree you are promoting the pedos narrative.
The age of consent is 18 years old, wich means a child can't make decision about his sexual life wich would scar him for life.
Hormone therapy before 18 should be regulated as pedophilia. If you disagree you are promoting the pedos narrative.
Other urls found in this thread:
>The age of consent is 18 years old, wich means a child can't make decision about his sexual life wich would scar him for life.
only legally speaking
remove the law and your argument is not an argument
do you have any other reason to have the stance you do on the issue aside from 'muh law book'?
If the boy really wants to be a girl there's no chance he will change his mind later.
I never once wanted to be a girl.
See? the first person to disagree is a pedophiles apologist. Fucking knew it.
Law is based in morality
The morality is that children are vulnerable and are unable to make well informed decisions the way adults are able to.
Therefore decisions based on their the changing of their physiological and sexual characteristics should be regulated until they are of age.
yes, but the age of consent should be 13, not 18.
Degenerate scum, fuck off and take this image with you to /s/ where it belongs.
>has no argument so he just throws out labels
you're just as bad as leftists who scream 'racist' at every given opportunity
>Law is based in morality
other way around
>you make this
and US psychiatrists are now afraid to see these mental cases, in case they get persecuted by SJWs
>there is no chance of changing mind during puberty
What the fuck am i reading.
>What is a phase
>kid says he wants to be a girl
>ask him what the fuck that's supposed to mean
>he's never even read Butler
>ramp up surveillance
>he normalizes within the month
>I never even have to hit him
This is no a thread about pedophilia, I take for granted that it is a bad thing. If you promote pedophilia of course you can't speak in defence of what's best for children.
>If the boy really wants to be a girl there's no chance he will change his mind later.
>The hypothesis that gender identity is an innate, fixed property of human beings that is independent of biological sex - that a person might be “a man trapped in a woman’s body” or “a woman trapped in a man’s body” - is not supported by scientific evidence
>Children are a special case when addressing transgender issues. Only a minority of children who experience cross-gender identification will continue to do so into adolescence or adulthood.
>There is no evidence that all children who express gender-atypical thoughts or behavior should be encouraged to become transgender.
How so?
I realise rulers would make laws that suit them and that influences culture, but I'm willing to wager that religious doctrine is what instils people with morality which is reflected in our earlier laws.
>implying there's anything wrong with feminizing and using little white boys
it's what they'll do when they grow up anyways
100% agreed.
When you're considered an adult, you can go ahead and fuck your body up all you want.
Prior to that time, neither the individual nor their parents/guardians should have any ability to make decisions that try to alter the course of normal physiology.
For fuck's sake, there are still states in the USA where you can't even get a tattoo before you're 18 even if your parents take you in to get it and give the OK. Yet, here we are, at a time of complete moral degeneracy where in many states, you can now start growing tits and feeling moody due to getting estrogen shots at age 14 if you want.
I live in New Jersey, I can't fucking buy fireworks, but a 9 year old says he looks pretty and suddenly hormone therapy
Fucking this.
Children naturally are inquisitive about sexuality and gender, seeing as it's plastered everywhere from ads to commercials. It's a parent's duty to explain why a boy can't be a girl or vice versa. XXY and other genetic malfunctions do occur but are quite rare, this shit is a none issue.
>a fucking roach
>a fucking building rubble
Good goy, good goy, keep stirring up a massive furore about something that only affects a fraction of a thousandth of the population! BTW, did my Thai buddy ever tell you that reshaping a scrotum is seriously, absolutely honestly way more satisfying than giving a normal woman the face of a blow up doll or infesting one with breast implants that keep growing and growing and growing? Yeah, we do so many breast implants it's fucking boring, while just the thought of that super special almost one of a kind moment of cutting a eunuch's loose skin apart is just an instant hardon itching to cum gushing out six million shekels...
>a tiny president in the hand of a giantess
Anime makes me want to be the teenage girl.
it's never too live your purpose as a pretty feminine sissy slut user
>a fucking boot
yeah because the brain maturing has nothing to do with decisions making
why not let 9 year olds drive cars?
why dont we take all those kindergarteners who like to dress up as army and have them enlist and go to war?
kill yourself
Based wop. However, there are things like pic related that make me lose hope. There's no point of giving the choice to the parents if they are as insane as the kid, the only difference being their mental illness is permanent, whereas the kid's is just a phase.
Marrying and having a daughter is as close a you can get to see yourself as a teenage girl. Surely better than poisoning yourself and cutting your genitals.
children need to be able TO FUCK
Wrong. My genitals were mutilated without my consent when I was an infant, which destroyed my sexual life.
Some1 don't know how to wank
They are already able to discover sexuality with their peers. Fuck off pedo scum.
The logic is that you have to start early for the best results. It's terrible though because medicine and surgery has come to a point where trannies are almost indistinguishable from real women. To think that soon every women could actually be a man is scary. You have to start questioning if every girl you meet is real, they are like synths.
the younger they marry the lower is the divorce rate.
earlier generations had it right and fugging lolitas is the key to a stable society.
How does that contradict the OP?
Good taste.
>The age of consent is 18 years old
age of consent is different everywhere
>Hormone therapy before 18 should be regulated as pedophilia
you clearly have no idea what pedophilia is, but I do agree that things like hormone therapy should be illegal until you're at least 16. Not like that would really do anything anyway.
I effectively made a decision about my sexual life before the age of 18. This is legally and morally acceptable.
^ is a counterexample to the claim
Divorce didn't exist when marrying young girls was permitted. There were no laws to defend girls from marital abuse. So you are a pedo and a wife-beater, what a great example of humanity.
>wife beater
I would let a lil wife hit me. I would surrender my body to her whims as long as I could at the end of the day still kiss her tummy a hundred times.
also no, I mean the younger they marry in today's age. the trend is to the younger they marry the rarer is the divorce.
Thanks. and YOU have a good taste for noticing it.
I'm not saying that hormone therapy is pedophilia, i'm saying that it should be legislated on the same premises before age of consent.
Your decision doesn't matter, your parents should have NOT be allowed to mutilate your genitals in any case.
consider the following:
Gays are bad.
Pedophilia is good.
anuses are bad.
cunnys are good.
You are making that up, where are the data on this "trend"?
I'm saying pedophilia is a psychological disorder, not a crime.
That's bullshit, nothing wrong with a good anus.
Adult homosexuality doesn't hurt anybody involved, fuck off pedo scum.
then why do anuses excrete the most foul rotten things?
anuses are bad. they smell bad, they will break eventually and they can kill you.
It's both.
it's not tho
homoes are diseased and not only physically but mentally ill.
they are a product of single motherhood , which by itself is a product of a divorce caused by late age marriage. /young love/ would cure homosexuality from the western world in 2 generations
Unused cunnies are the only thing that can get a golden ring from me.
You literally go to jail for it, how it is not a crime?
Come on, i wanna hear wich mental gymnastic you pedo apologists come up with.
how does anal feel user?
asking since u brazilian boys tend to be girls for rich white men
you don't go to jail for having thoughts, child molestation is a crime, not pedophilia. Hence why I said you didn't know anything about it.
lol I wouldn't know, even I am white.
how did you roaches fuck up so badly to end up being mongrels on europe?
>homoes are diseased caused by late age marriage.
>/young love/ would cure homosexuality from the western world in 2 generations
You are ranting nonsense.
No data on ages of the partners. You should also add your own number of sexual partners, so an old man will have had many sexual partners and is more likely to divorce.
Oh so it's a semantic problem, thanks for nothing grammar-nazi.
having such thoughts can make for an embarrassing picture though.
even THE GOLDEN MAN, Arnie went through it.
How did you end up as the worlds leader producer of CP and tranny porn?
Now come suck my dick for 5 reas
the vast majority of pedophiles never act on their impulses, whereas a good portion of child molesters aren't even pedophiles, they just abuse them because they have no other options. Not to mention child molestation also applies to pubescent minors as well as prepubescent, while pedophilia only means attraction to prepubescent children.
It's a big difference, not that you care.
is a typo, I just added "e" to "homos*" you silly goose.
>No data on ages of the partners. You should also add your own number of sexual partners, so an old man will have had many sexual partners and is more likely to divorce.
Old men fucking children is not right either.
consider the following:
Exactly i don't care. I don't see the big difference.
the moment I saw that a literal piece of shit colored guy like your father could get a whore to breed his roaches I knew that I, a white man father of civilization, deserved more.
and I came to realize there is nothing superior to a little girl with a white wedding dress.
lmao why u mad?
Stop imagining yourself as a handsome young man. You are already too old to fuck a child.
why are two niggers becoming friends all of the sudden.
you were arguing like 2 seconds ago.
>The hypothesis that gender identity is an innate, fixed property of human beings that is independent of biological sex - that a person might be “a man trapped in a woman’s body” or “a woman trapped in a man’s body” - is not supported by scientific evidence
fuckin' lel
>Yokota, Y. et al “Callosal Shapes at the Midsagittal Plane: MRI Differences of Normal Males, Normal Females, and GID”. An MRI study of 22 transwomen and 28 transmen examined the shape of the corpus callosum in the brain at a specific cross-sectional plane, and compared this shape with that observed in 211 XY karyotype males and 211 XX karyotype females. Their results demonstrated that not only could the sex of the patient be determined with 74% accuracy from the MRI picture, but the shapes of the brains in the transsexuals strongly reflected their gender, and not their biological sex.
>Gooren "The biology of human psychosexual differentiation." Meta-analysis of sex-steroid production and prenatal androgen exposure in transgender people.
>Swaab "Sexual differentiation of the human brain: relevance for gender identity, transsexualism, and sexual orientation." Analysis of prenatal androgen exposure similar to Gooren, but notes that neurological testosterone availability in MtF trans people is deficient, causing transgenderism or non-heterosexualism.
>Garcia-Falgueras "A sex difference in the hypothalamic uncinate nucleus: relationship to gender identity." The structure of the anterior hypothalamus plays a strong role in the development of transgenderism; INAH3 volume in transwomen resembles ciswomen, and INAH3 volume in transmen resembles cismen.
>a white man father of civilization
Dude you're a fucking brazilian ahahahahahah
>Zubiaurre “Cortical Thickness in Untreated Transsexuals”. A 2012 study examined cortical thickness in the brain between 29 XY karyotype males, 23 XX karyotype females, 24 transmen, and 18 transwomen. None of the transsexual subjects had received any hormone treatment prior to the study. Using an MRI, the researchers found that the transwomen had more cortical thickness than the XY males in three regions of the brain. The transmen showed evidence of masculinization of their grey matter. In all transsexuals studied, the key differences from their biological sex were found in the right hemisphere. On a graph, transpeople statistically fell in the middle between the XX and XY karyotypes.
>Berglund "Berglund, H. et al. “Male-to-Female Transsexuals Show Sex-Atypical Hypothalamus Activation When Smelling Odorous Steroids". A positron emission tomography (PET) study showed that smelling androgens (male pheromones) caused transwomen to respond in the hypothalamus region of their brain in a manner similar to XX karyotype women. However, smelling estrogen-based pheromones also caused them to respond in the hypothalamus region in a manner similar to XY karyotype men. This combination of results suggests that transwomen occupy an “intermediate position with predominantly female features” in the way the hypothalamus reacted.
>Bao, Hahn, Kranz, Kaufmann "Structural Connectivity Networks of Transgender People". 94 subjects, 23 FtM, 21 MtF, 25 cisFemale, 25 cisMale: average age 26. All patients reported subjective feelings to belong to the other gender before or at puberty. Investigating structural networks in female-to-male and male-to-female transsexuals, we observed differences in hemispheric and lobar connectivity as well as local efficiencies when compared with healthy controls.
it's muslim brotherhood
now put on your makeup and skirt brazzo, if you wanna eat tonight that is
Because literally nobody like pedos except pedos themselves.
>Boston University Medical Center. "Transgender: Evidence on the biological nature of gender identity." The researchers conducted a literature search and reviewed articles that showed positive biologic bases for gender identity. These included disorders of sexual development, such as penile agenesis, neuroanatomical differences, such as grey and white matter studies, and steroid hormone genetics, such as genes associated with sex hormone receptors. They conclude that current data suggests a biological etiology for transgender identity.
>Kruijver "Male-to-female transsexuals have female neuron numbers in a limbic nucleus." BSTc somatostatin-expressing neuron counts - twice as high in cismen and transmen as in ciswomen and transwomen. More intense Zhou.
>Zhou "A sex difference in the human brain and its relation to transsexuality." BSTc size in transwomen resembles that of ciswomen and is independent of sexual orientation.
>Bentz "A polymorphism of the CYP17 gene related to sex steroid metabolism is associated with female-to-male but not male-to-female transsexualism." CYP17 -34 T>C SNP allele frequencies were statistically significantly divergent between FtM transgender people and cisfemale controls; genotype distributions were also divergent in a statistically significant manner.
Fucking this. It's better to start them young
post a timestamped picture of yourself, whoever is whiter is the one that is right.
>gotta marry a child if you loose.
It's you again.
good tastes fellow ottoman friend
>literally saying "fight me IRL"
lmao how mad are you?
Transpeople are empirically, by every measure, better off transitioning. You are literally a fucking cuck if you try to stop these physically disordered people improve their life through the only treatment known to do so. What's next, gonna push a guy from his wheel chair?
Research over the last 10 years on quality of life, both mental and physical, throughout the transition process..
confirmed for pedophile.
check mate ageists.
Having a feminine brain doesn't make you a woman. It makes you a man with a more feminine brain than most.
There is nothing backing this leap. Someone suggested it and you people gobbled it up.
yeah, throughout the transition process
then they realize they fucked up 10 years later and 41% shoot themselves in the head
lol you are such a pussy, if I was italian europe would not be in this mess.
pussies like you are the result of a weak nation that represses the men into pussies like you and represses their lolis.
Of course it doesn't make you a woman. Only fucking Tumblr-kin claim garbage like that. No transgender persons thinks they ARE the opposite gender, otherwise they wouldn't be transgender. Fucking idiot.
Continue to conflate SJW arguments with transgender medicine. You can support the reasonable and ethical treatment of gender dysphoria without being a fucking liberal cuck.
confirmed that
pedophilia is good
but as half breed mongrels you are also homossexuals because you cant be perfect like a REAL white man could.
>41% shoot themselves in the head
Great misrepresentation and false interpretation of a statistic. Next your gonna, "le pimozide" me.
Get your facts straight before you try to make any claims.
>4 in 10
kek, hello my mentally ill friend
Dude you are brazilian, you dont' have a culture that goes beyond soccer. Italy had Rome and Renaissence, don't even try to act like the civilized man with me.
And no, i'm not sending my photo to a pedophile.
>never met a tranny
Retard, trans people don't refer to themselves as "trans" unless in the midst of transitioning, they prefer to think of themselves as the opposite gender, period. Bruce Jenner doesn't think of himself as "trans," but as a woman named Caitlin. If you noted, the Olympics did not have a trans or intersex category, because those people don't think of themselves as anything but the gender they prefer.
Ergo, you are wrong and foolish and even with mounds of evidence still manage to say stupid things.
look at this degenerated feces eater.
how your prolapse going? still bleeding? aw shucks, maybe read some more marx to heal it you jew puppet.
We'll never be perfect cock servants indeed, that's your talent ;)
>Olympics did not have a trans or intersex category, because those people don't think of themselves as anything but the gender they prefer
>those people
except they have different bone density and better ability to use their muscles whether they took hormones or not
>making a screencap for no apparent reason
ahahahahahah this nigger is so much butthurt
the age of consent is going to be lowered to 13
Agreed. I'll leave this child abuse case here, 4 year old going thru gender transition with the help of pedo founded safe schools program
>The age of consent is 18 years old, wich means a child can't make decision about his sexual life wich would scar him for life.
No, that is not what that means.
AHAHAHAAH pussy, who you think it was the builder of those monuments.
A BRAVE pure blood white male like me? or some smelly kinky haired immigrant like you?
the brave one. the one who married and protected little girls pure smile. not some rotherdam-allowing freak like you.