What is wrong with Canada?
Why is everything so fucked up here?
Why the fuck was i born a canadian?
What is wrong with Canada?
Why is everything so fucked up here?
Why the fuck was i born a canadian?
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They give you heroin if you break your bones.
They have to have a way to dull those muslim cock pains in their ass
I hate Canadians so much
Holy shit, that's amazing. Is Canada libertarian? I might move over there someday.
You post all day, huh?
I wouldn't be surprised if a compscifag just wrote a turkroach bot for the luls
I'm so sorry Canada, western society really is falling
same please invade and annex already
It's called harm reduction.
If an addict doesn't respond to methadone and can't kick the habit then this just means they'll be taking clean unadulterated drugs at prescribed levels under supervision from a professional medical practitioner.
Means they're less likely to kill themselves and more likely to get their life back on track
We have a huge fentanyl and that new one, W118 or whatever the fuck it is, problem.
It's pretty much necessary. You get junkies licking used up fentanyl patches from surgery patients for like $20/patch it's ridiculous
you tracked my posting activity all day? can't say I'm surprised, canadian men are known to be massive feminine fags ;3
Expect that next year, they'll legalize suicide, child porn, pedophilia, necrophilia, and then after that, they'll finally allow you to penetrate your dog instead of just sucking it off.
Keep leading from behind, Canada, you give us many keks.
This regulation is the heroine we need
Heroine is morphine with a sugar coating as to act faster. Thank the nazis for it.
That said, it has medicinal uses. Heroine is only a problem with its not from a legitimate medical company and when people share needles.
If you were in extreme pain in the emergency room and they gave you a choice or morphine or diamorphine, you would take the heroine every time.
trudeau is my best ally
it's not gonna be like "hey doc i'm itchin' gimme dat sheeeeit"
It'll probably be used more of a means of easing them off it, so they don't get hooked on oxy.
Still questionable, but it's not gonna be like getting weed, though it could end up that way.
Another nail in the wooden box this country now lays in
>crime rates drop
>addicts OD
>no fucks given
Good work Canada.
You're some clever cunts.
Do you even know how much money of our taxes go to pay for addicts to get Methadone?
Junkies sit on methadone for years, and get high for free on tax money. It's a big problem in my city, since people from smaller towns get denied it, they move here because of the higher population so they get approved.
>go see a shady criminal to get low quality heroin
>go see a MD who prescribes high quality heroin covered under insurance
hmm, i wonder which one is better
kill yourself
what ever happened to smoking heroin in some chinese parlor while getting a bj from a female chinese/canadian (same thing) while laying on that comfy couch?
I guess now the little kids can just freeze to death in the car seats after their parents have passed out.
>Idiots get into heavy drugs and become addicted
>It's not fair they have to pay so much for recovery, it's not their fault!
This is you.
Legal PCP when?
theyre making w18 illegal in november for you guys
id be worried about using any kind of opiates and benzo presses because of that carfentanil shit
No computer could ever keep up with all the retarded shit weed man does.
I'd suggest you go visit Moose Jaw for the Tunnels of Oppression(tm) experience.
>legal heroin
>still no legal weed
you fucking cucks
opiate pharmaceutical dispenseries when
So now we can build the wall and offload our worst addicts north, suck it Canada.
Canada is libertarian in the same way Gary Johnson is libertarian.
>America invades Canada
>China declares war
>grown people doing things to their bodies
Oh no :( make it stop
When will cuckservatives learn.
Lets make alcohol illegal while we are at it too.
you'd take hydromorphone over either in reality
why the fuck did your cuck PM make a hard drug like heroin legal but still keeps weed illegal. jesus christ.
>legal heroin in canucstan
will be weird to see how our midwest culture gets adopted by the leafs.
>Means they're less likely to kill themselves
It would be a damn shame if they did that
Justin "the Duerte of the North" Trudeau
2016: the year Canada legally shot up heroin and blew dogs.
>Wake up
>Man it's bright outside
>No, it's just the Diversity Fire
>Smile at its warm glow and kiss my wife and her boyfriend on the head
>Go downstairs to make them a breakfast of syrup and more syrup with a big bag of malk
>Barkly our dog is feeling a bit frisky
>Oh lala he is putting the moves on as I cook
>I give him what he needs then get a bit old dose of H right as my wife and Abu come downstairs
>I fade out wondering when our handsom leader will finally legalize pot
>God it feels good to be Canadian
I just bought weed legally today? The fuck are you on about m8
there's absolutely ZERO reason for them to "not respond" to methadone
these are fucking scum, they will never "get their life back on track" because they don't want to
Half of burger land is popping prescribed Oxy like it's going out of fashion.
There's no difference really.
Isn't one of the worst things about heroin that it being illegal makes its production unregulated, so every now and then the product is shit and kills the user?
If it's legal, they can regulate the quality and save lives. It still sucks, but it's better than death.
no you didnt mate, you bought it illegally. the homeless man behind the dumpster isnt a reputable seller.
At what point does harm reduction become enabling bad behavior? At what point does harm reduction create more problems than it solves?
This is the question liberal minded people never ask.
man canadians would name their life partners that.
"If the enemy kills himself, we win"
You asked for this.
Fucking degenerates
>usa takes afghani
>usa harvests the poppy
>usa gets the world hooked
>canada makes it a soda pop
>usa still owns the factory
suck it brits.
we won.
Actually the more stupid shit they do the more sense it makes.
They are half chinese right?
Chinks eat dogs, Canucks stuff down dog dicks in their mouths
Chicks had opiate dens, Canucks do heroine legally.
Its just family shit.
Funny. But really I saw a doctor to get a perscription, and then went to a medical dispensery and legally purchased some of the bombest shit possible. stay mad
it's not "legal"
they think if give dope heads heroin that they will suddenly stop being dope heads
it's a terrible plan and there are better drugs(methadone) that work much better
he told me he was licenced though
>Heroin is now legal.
>But not weed.
here's what Saskatchewan is really like
>Wake up
>it's the middle of November and the Sun only comes up for 4 hours a day
>fight off the suicide by SKS for one more day
>roll over and find no one sharing your bed
>shuffle downstairs wearing a complete parka
>put on another parka, go outside and chip off some ice to warm up for coffee
>your dog, momo the eskimo, died last night in the cold
>such is life in the GREAT WHITE NORTH
marijuana is legal for prescription here. There's huge medical plantations in every province
The moment Trump gets elected and Trudeau fucks up on Trade deals we can probably give him the boot and force an early election cycle to push someone fiscally competent in.
Lives not worth saving
kek, just because "your back hurts" and you get weed doesn't mean its legal. you shouldn't have to beg big daddy government for weed it should be free for all.
Methadone doesn't work. It's even harder to withdraw from. Frankly, it's criminal that addicts are ever put on a methadone program.
>Means they're less likely to kill themselves
Opinion discarded
Why not just shoot them?
Decriminalize weed and have minimum 30 day detox sentences for anyone who is unemployed and in position of hard drugs.
>average canadian gangster
Canada are right though and this is a really great decision, they are doing what Switzerland did a few years ago and giving out heroin to heroin addicts so that they don't have to steal or whore to get the money to buy heroin. Also if you are taking prescribed pure heroin then the risk of overdosing is much much lower as it won't be cut with fentanyl which is the leading cause of heroin overdoses.
In Switzerland when they started prescribing heroin the annual number of deaths from overdoses dropped from about 700 a year to 250 a year because they were getting pure heroin instead of dodgy street stuff. Also for those of you saying that this will create heroin addicts or discourage people from coming of the drug then you are wrong again, they are only going to prescribe it to people who haven't responded to methadone or suboxone treatment just read the article and in Switzerland when they started giving heroin out to addicts the number of people addicted dropped from around 29000 in 1994 to 23000 not to mention crime dropped because heroin addicts didn't need to steal stuff. This is the best way to treat people who don't respond to methadone or suboxone.
Did you even read the article? They are only prescribing it to people who don't respond to methadone.
Methodone is what they're giving people coming off heroin addiction now. It's also an opiate, it's even more addictive than heroin, but it's longer acting. Heroin is probably better for weening people off heroin than methodone.
In groups of patients that have not benefited from the other drugs available in opiate replacement therapy, heroin appears to be more effective than every other choice.
Heroin itself has a retarded amount of fearmongering around it, it's chemically extremely similar to morphine, but enters the brain more rapidly. BC now has fentanyl, which is 100x stronger than heroin. There is also another drug, W-18, which in itself is about 100x stronger than fentanyl. I think the UK has continuously allowed it for medical use, and King George V was euthanized with heroin. Being scared of heroin is a bit of an old man thing given there is shit on the street that is much worse. This is not to say that heroin is really not all that bad and you can use it on the weekends and be fine, the point is that it's really not all that differant from other opiates.
Giving heroin to heroin addicts to ween them off sounds wrong but I can't see any intellectual reason why it's wrong. Just memes about degeneracy.
Thank you. I've always wanted to visit Wyoming. There and Montana. I've been to Texas and all the states in the straight line north of there, so I got a pretty good feel for the central states. Pretty comfy tb.h
At least our gangsters are white and donate to charity
haha! time to troll Sup Forums!
I don't really get why we shouldn't do this. It takes money away from the cartels because govt subsidies can undercut them, it makes junkies lazy and complacent so they don't have to fucking rob you, and it lets the govt keep track of them (where they live, where they "work", etc).
Legalizing smack would let the government control it, and fuck those people as hard as the fuck cigarette smokers and gun owners.
This is bad why?
Actually I talked to a doctor over a skype call from the dispensery for less then 30 seconds and said I have anxiety, and that was it. No one is begging anyone for weed around here, its literally everywhere. Theres places selling ounces for less then 100$ canadian, which is like 60 american.
its like in the netherlands there is a stigma against weed smokers even though it is tolerated
complete bullshit
methadone maintenance allows addicts that can't kick to be functional members of society
these people aren't trying to "quit" drugs,they are trying to make them normal,which will never fucking happen if they have to go to a clinic and shoot up 3 times a day
>legal for prescription
Please, tell us more about your acccident.
Can't hardcore addicts like, die without their fix?
>Please, tell us more about your acccident.
his dada came in his mummums bum, and wallywoo he was borned :^)
>who don't respond to methadone.
i got a weed license for my asthma
no doctor needed either, just had to show the shopkeeper my puffer
you can't just swap one opiate for another
the body is dependant on it, the chemical change in your body from withdrawal can kill you
or at the very least, make you wish you were dead
boot licking shitty prohibition laws in my Sup Forums? most of them only even exist because shit propaganda and racism. Hell illegal drugs make more untaxed profit than the ones sold over the counter.
If you're fine with alcohol but not with the others you are dumbass easily skewed by virtue signalling
Opioid replacement therapy works and has a large amount of data showing it's cost-effective for governments and effective for patients.
The choice of methodone/suboxone above heroin itself for opioid replacement therapy is questionable.
I don't believe there is any data comparing the efficiency of heroin for opiod replacement therapy vs suboxone/methodone as a first line treatment. However I would not be surprised is Heroin is actually the most effective despite the stigma.
>you can't just swap one opiate for another
yes,yes can
Nah it's the truth. The doctor will try to wean you off methadone, and anything with a longer halflife is worse to get off of. While the peak WD effects of heroin are worse, methadone's go on for at least twice as long. It's easier to get off of short acting opioids.
>smoking weed
>for asthma
Wow leaf let me know how that one works out for ya
"effective" based on what?