What did she mean by this?
Y and V are nowhere near each other on the keyboard so, unlikely a mistake
She's hideous.
its amazing that someone so close to power was so retarded as to marry anthony weiner
what terrible judgment. no wonder she is a feminist
>tfw you will never watch Hilloli suckle her future staffer's pregnant breasts to quinch a mighty good thirst
That cute belly needs a load of cum on it
>Be me
>Watch webm all the way to the end
damn that was some real life
i wanna titfuck Huma while Hilloli and her son breastfeed the nipples
does this make me a bad guy?
they're both gay, retard
just a lil error goy, don't worry greatest ally
The quality of this animation is astounding. It's so fluid and easy to follow. It moves slowly so you can see every action, but the way they move still makes it feel fast paced and chaotic like a real life battle to the death.
>ywn sit Hilloli on your lap as she tells you her tales of torturing neighborhood pets as she strokes your cock & stares intensely into your eyes...
Fuck, man. It hurts to think about.
Look! A picture on the internet! I think Ill believe that its whatever people tell me it is
If you fuck the opposite sex, you aren't gay, user.
it's true
old irrelevant shit, sage
Probably shopped nigga
Damn, that is an incredible webm.
>that end
Sure it is
and yet, the girl was the one most oppressed, most grievously affected. Typical patriarchy.
what is that webm from!?
>no one left to fug the loli
This webm is clear proof that women are the real victims of war
really makes you think
That webm was reddit tier stupid. Kill yourself now
>fake and gay
1 post by this ID
how did the guy with the bow had time to fire the arrow while he was fighting the wounded guy?