>invading Mexico while in civil war.
>sign it with a gun pointing at the president head
>claiming: "we won the war. fair and square"
Really makes ya thank
>invading Mexico while in civil war.
>sign it with a gun pointing at the president head
>claiming: "we won the war. fair and square"
Really makes ya thank
Other urls found in this thread:
Don't be a pussy and take the bullet next time.
You guys were our equals before 1890. Sorry things got so bad for you :(
I've been on 2 mission trips as a teen and I thought the villages were pretty cool
RIP in peace Mexico someday you will be tolerable again
Really makes me think that you guys lost
>invading Mexico while in civil war.
If only America had a civil war where you could repay the favor
Stop bitching you faggot.
At least we won't be a country of niggers and kebabs in 2 generations.
>take Mexico City
>don't completely annex the entire country
You got off easy.
Obvious Mexican-American shitlord on a proxy.
Real Mexicans don't even give a shit.
t. Real (Spaniard) Mexican at university.
Yeah, I'm sure the formidable Mexican military machine would have totally crushed the minuscule US otherwise
They tried invading Canada in 1812 while the UK was fighting the French, they still didn't win.
You Mexicans can't fight unless drugs are involved it seems.
Don't like it you can try and take it back taco goblin.
I give a shit, I am Mexican/Colombian actually
>tfw you guys also fucked with colombia
>didn't fight back worth shit
>let America take your land
>winning battle after battle
>Treaty signed
>US still paid for the lands
>"B-but muh lands!"
You just want hand outs
>boasting about defeating France
This is why no one takes you leaves seriously.
During the American civil war Mexico was being invaded by the French.
Nice one, however the Indian Nations have something to say about "your land"
>beat France
>couldn't beat America
really makes me think
They're all half-Indian rape babies anyway so they deserve the land.
Didn't America beat Mexico because they were taking a Siesta? That's why you lost you idiots.
It's another 'Mexican talking about Aztlán/reconquista' episode.
>For not paying their substantial debts to France
but not a drop of nigger blood like you.
We should have annexed your shit after the war, we would not even be having to talk about had we done so.
EVERY single time we have been reasonable it has come back to bite us in the ass.
>couldn't comprehend my post
I guess being headless would make that more difficult.
>You mexicans can't fight
We have been fighting pretty much since our conception as a new country and we usually have good performances in combat sports
You can say what you want, but if there's one thing we specialize is in killing, it doesn't matter if it's our brother or some Austrian noble man
Fuck Mexico.
There. That's it. What are you gonna do about it?
Mostly Texas won because Santa Ana was a dumb little bitch who couldn't get over being called a wetbacklet.
now we are annexing your nigger country hahahahahaha
Mexicans are lazy Michael
Actually no one knows what the fuck exactly happenend.
Mexican history books tell a completely different story than yours.
Some say our then president was betrayed by his own men. Some say he was forced to sign the land away and then killed. Some others say he was captured during his transfer to a safe site.
Who knows what actually happened.
Idiocy is the entire reason they lost every battle.
In most cases they had the numeric advantage but could not secure a victory.
The US generals put on war game clinics.
mestizos == niggers
Texas and California were in constant revolt against Mexico, since it stopped being New Spain.
It was never Mexico.
>only a country with spics
>take back arizona
I'd love to see you fucking try
But that's like war 101, attack while the enemy is weak, seize the head of government and be done with it. Fair and square.
If a genie decided to grant me three wishes, I would wish that every person fluent in Spanish would die horribly three times.
mestizos = white
A 2012 study published by the Journal of Human Genetics Y chromosomes found the deep paternal ancestry of the Mexican mestizo population to be predominately European (64.9%)
There won't be a single white country left you retard.
Your limp wristed faggy attitude ended up being your demise.
Idk man
At least we aren't responsible for the worst crimes against humanity in the last two centuries
ya lost
just move on
Before retaking those land need to improve efficiently our current land, so gtfo, anyway burgers will be again in another civil war when god lord trump loses
>still better than a country full of anglos
>but if there's one thing we specialize in it's killing civilians
Living there ≠ "annexing"
Most of the Mexicans there like the U.S. more than Mexico, wouldn't want to leave the U.S. for that shithole they escaped. Furthermore, even if the population was 100% Latino and all supported Mexico "annexing" the land, the full weight of the U.S. military would say otherwise, and somehow I don't see the Mexican government/military riding to their rescue.
remember that we let live in our Tejas 400 white trash families, then they brainwashed the society.
Let me guess, the "Worst Crimes Against Humanity" is some shit involving slaughtering a bunch of people that would otherwise be encouraged by Sup Forums till Mr. Murica does it and den it's bayed
Considering China and the Soviet Union existed neither are we.
Mariano Paredes was a traitor that is why we lost the whole war and lack of parque(ammo) you stupid chairo
>b-b-but santa ana was a bad man
Fuck off pendejo
how else do you win wars, lol?
sounds like a perfect victory.
>Fuck off pendejo
Not an argument
You sit down with your sworn enemy and share a sniff of Mexican cocaine before treating the enemy general to a movie and making it to 2nd base upon returning home
I live in Central California, in the San Juaquin Valley.
It's ranch and farm country, here. Lots of orchards and nut groves, too.
I know Mexican families in the area where I live who have been settled in this region for over 400 years.
Yes, you read that right, FOUR HUNDRED YEARS.
There are other Mexican families here who have lived here since after the Spaniards were driven out of Mexico.
Those families fled here all those years ago to
>Escape the oppressive Mexican government which sought to steal their land from them.
I can guarantee you that if Mexico tried to take back this country they would find themselves facing literally millions of very angry Mexican Americans ready to stand, defend and die for land that their families have held for hundreds of years.
>And I would be right beside them, gun in hand, ready to fight by their sides.
I sign this
>-- A White Resident Of The San Juaquin.
There isn't an official recount of the events you retarded faggot. Because the entire country was in flames nothing was documented properly.
I never stated Santa was bad or otherwise you subhuman asswipe, learn to fucking read.
I think Mexico is pretty based desu. We should make them the 51 state for the food and ladies and drugs. Fuck it, NA empire
>i dont want to read
> i wont believe it
> santa anna was a monster
Still, next to those there's america every time you get involved we know everything just went to shit
Zaragoza ∞> Santa Ana.
>your country is being destroyed by kikes
>your race wiped out if existence
>you post frogs in the meantime
Fanny fractured frijole fiend
i would think if you lived here you would spell san joaquin correct.
>that pic
fucking cuck die
>there are records about the coup of Mariano Paredes
> i cant read
>you are retard not me
Yeah, we had to pull just about every 1st world country's ass out of the fire multiple times. What monsters we are. We kill Arabians. Boohoo
You didn't read any of it did you, maricon?
you forgot Syria, Vietnam, and Iraq.
the problem is, he went to school there too
t. orange county white
You snooze you lose, Pedro.
Do Mexican s hate Guatamala n's? I had a Mexican roommate in college and he would rave about what shitbag regards Guatamala n's were
>getting assblasted over smug toad
OP es un maricon
See? OPs always a faggot in any language!
It's not about the coup you imbecile, no one knows the true story of how the clay was originally lost. All text books tell a different story about Santa`s actions.
Jesus how can you be this retarded? Chilango?
>people move onto land no one wants, Mexico begging people to do this
>government gets all pissy and acts like douches
>pls help USA
>kick your ass and then pay a fair price for the land as well instead of just taking the land, razing your capital, and raping your unibrowed women.
Pedro doesn't like us. Quick burn the constitution
Inaccurate map.
Mexico go the shit kicked out of them.
America would've won fair and square.
>Countries get involved in some wars they shouldn't have been involved in
>automatically bad
Also America is mostly German, English, and Irish in ancestry, so whites and potato niggers. You of course then have in second place people who come from your little desert, and then you have the niggers.
It's not totally white, but it's not that...monstrocity
>not understanding why we lost lands
>not understanding why we lost the wars
> hey guys what happened to our lands, oh goddam gringos what happened i dont understand that if i lost a lands war i would lose them
Estoy viendo un gran dolor posterior
Translation: Op is experiencing major butt hurt.
>ignoring the point because you already got btfo
Done educating your retarded ass, I though all of you dumb fucks jumped the border year's ago.
You are wrong, you don't kill arabs, you make them kill each other, also
>Putting every 1st world country's ass out of fire
You use them as cannon meat so yeah
>pic related
>Does not speak more than one language
literally sub-human
So let me get this straight, you want california, texas, and colorado (some of the greatest places on the planet to live) to be just another beaner shithole like mexico and all of latin America?
You want a rematch? Come and force us to sign a treaty at gunpoint. In the meantime shut the fuck up.
>Done educating your retarded ass, I though all of you dumb fucks jumped the border year's ago.
Ignoring that you still understand that there is a clear proof that the war was lost due lack of ammo and the coup, you still here you dumbfuck, you should jump the wall that lawn is not gonna cut only by tu mama
Wasn't that retard Santa Anna the fucked himself over and sold the territory?
Dont worry white trash. Karma exists. Soon yellowstone and San Andres fail will do justice.
He also betrayed Iturbide
>being this much of a butthurt fag
Fun Fact: Santa Anna's prosthetic leg was captured by the 4th Illinois Infantry. The cork leg is displayed at the Illinois State Military Museum in Springfield. A second leg, a peg, was also captured by the 4th Illinois, and was reportedly used by the soldiers as a baseball bat; it is displayed at the home of Illinois Governor Richard J. Oglesby (who served in the regiment) in Decatur.
>pic related
My neighbors are mexicans. They can never visit the homeland as a family unit cause dad is illegal. Wouldn't be allowed back. kek.
califag btw so its not a fluke
>we lost because we didn't have good leaders or ammo
Ok then shut the fuck up, you're inferior. Btw aztec women are ugly as fuck.
Another fun fact: When he lost his leg he made a formal burial, with a priest and everything and even made the people attend to it, eventually, after some time, the same people unearthed the leg and dragged it trough the Mexico city
>During his time living in New York City, Santa Anna is credited with bringing in the first shipments of chicle, the base of chewing gum. He failed to profit from this, since his plan was to use the chicle to replace rubber in carriage tires, which was tried without success.
>Thomas Adams, the American assigned to aid Santa Anna while he was in the U.S., experimented with chicle in an attempt to use it as a substitute for rubber. He bought one ton of the substance from Santa Anna, but his experiments proved unsuccessful. Instead, Adams helped to found the chewing gum industry with a product that he called "chiclets"
Santa Anna is the reason modern chewing gum exists.
What, do you need more territory to fuck up?
Come and take it. Third world trash. We'll beat your asses again.
- Texan