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Once again we see that Donald Trump does not have the temperment or the character to be president of the united states.


friday night shillposting like a shill

I'm not entirely up to date, but that was one of her preprogrammed responses not long ago when Trump said something not in keeping with what she knew to be the case and wrote about in her book.

did you miss the part wher-cough cough cough- he was -cough cough hack- clinton -hack- posting?

Better than seeing the part where I spat green globules in my water glass and then drank the backwash.


Look at this faggot

Jesus fucking kek thats good

And Trump can shoot a supporter without losing his vote.

Holy shit, he's gone too far this time. Expect his polls numbers to nosedive now

I think you're talking about Rigged Hillary. I call her Rigged Hillary.

She walks in rigged up, they rig the vote, and then she dies.

Rigged Hillary.

An inability to detect sarcasm/insincerity is a telltale sign of autism

>Tfw you accidentally go to the wrong rally.

Why won't Hillary Clinton release her medical records? This is standard procedure for anyone running for office.

This is why. A doctor and medical professor proves that Hillary Clinton has been diagnosed with vascular dementia, and is literally dying as we speak, and only one year to live.

This is the most comprehensive, fact filled, well documented video ever made on the subject of Clinton's health.

This is the most explosive, eye opening, earth shattering thing you will ever see. - Hillary Clinton diagnosed with vascular dementia. One year to live.

Yeah and she is going to have his ass shot soon enough.

Dont believe me? Check digits

if she did it in a state with a democrat governor i think its true

Trump confirmed for dying in a 767 plane


This is literally why Hillary Clinton calls Trump supporters racist.
I blame all of that stupid rhetoric wholeheartedly on Sup Forums, given her internet presence. This is a pretty good example kek

you are retarded and you need to go back where you came from

never post

This meme was made somewhere in a musty back alley
Making me uncomfortable

Shut up. I have a really good brain, and I have the best words. I have great words.

remember when it was discovered that donnie had paid people $50 to go to one of his first rallies?

you misunderstand, we're only making an ironic mockery of the fact that this woman has mentally emancipated herself from the democrat plantation schema which brainwashed African Americans.

meanwhile, here's Hillary running for President of Africa.

Kek. Pretty clever bantz. Not too outrageous, but enough to make (((the media))) get butt-hurt from it.

You misspelled mental retardation

Congrats. This is the dumbest shitpost I've seen in a while.

[] not correct
[] hit with a hammer like sleepy doctor
[] pfffff well I just don't know!
[] what difference at this point does it make!
[] it's a vast right-wing conspriacy
[] it's a vast alt-right-wing conspiracy
[x] correct

If Cheney could shoot a man and not only get away with it, but get the guy he shot to apologize I don't see how Trump's statement is unrealistic.

Cheney like to have word with you when he shot some one in the face with bird·shot and all he did was apologize

Oh, is Hillary going to go investigate Cheney now?

If so, sign me up.

Would she have to be on 5th avenue? Do you think it would cost her any voters.

Look, Trump, you have to mix your crazy shit up a bit. You're starting to become stale.