>mexico vows to take back california and texas from the US if Trump is elected
>I don't know how to post archived articles or whatever
>mexico vows to take back california and texas from the US if Trump is elected
>I don't know how to post archived articles or whatever
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They basically own it as it is, what's the point?
>occupy democrats
Kill yourself. sagey
taco truck on every corner, familia
I'd really like to see them try.
Can the fucking stupid Mexicans call themselves "Mestizos" so they don't reputation of the whiter non mexican non indian hispanics?
Why won't Hillary Clinton release her medical records? This is standard procedure for anyone running for office.
This is why. A doctor and medical professor proves that Hillary Clinton has been diagnosed with vascular dementia, and is literally dying as we speak, and only one year to live.
This is the most comprehensive, fact filled, well documented video ever made on the subject of Clinton's health.
This is the most explosive, eye opening, earth shattering thing you will ever see.
Not all of it. Tejanos will fight their own blood. The civil war is coming soon. No Mexican is taking Texas.
Good they can have it
Now I'd say we'd fight for that, but Texas already has it covered.
GIve them san francisco and see how much the liberal millenials really like diversity
>that ID
batman has spoken
>choose all signs
>mexicans invade california
>see that its full of faggots and is always in a drought
>go back home
>mexicans invade texas
>nothing but steers, queers, and a whole lot of nuffins
>go home
Yeah, I'm sure that would end well for Mexico.
Also, it goes without saying this is a garbage story from a garbage source.
>mexico declares war on US
>99% of mexican armed forces are fighting cartels
God will you shut the fuck about this already?
Good lord.
We are hispanic, get the fuck over it.
>Mexico just vowed
If you needed anymore proof that Occupy Democrats is a horseshit factory, consider that wording. ONE SENATOR drafted a bill. No vote, no unofficial decision by the president, no vow.
Its Tejas now amigo
no one even gives a shit about us. not even mexicans
i saw that it was funny as fuck
"ju have no bean to mehico lateli, thee mehico ju are theenkeeng of duz no exeest"
Burro vs an Abrams. They don't have a chance
come and take it
Can we compromise and give them California but keep Texas? I'd be fine with that.
Yeah those abrahms really did a number in iraq ohh wait, afghanistan ohh wait...
They can try, but they won't get very far. Even if they try a surprise attack, Arizona and Texas aren't going down anytime soon.
The best they could do is have their Government-sponsored illegals try and kill all the whities here. If it was a racewar they want, they're probably better off just sticking to California.
Mexicans, come and take it. I'll die before Mexico plants its flag here.
>Mexicans come for commiefornia
Take SoCal and leave NorCal. I'm fine with that
>Mexicans take Arizona
Apario declares open season on Mexicans and fixes the problem
>Mexicans take New Mexico
And nothing of value was lost
>Mexicans try to take Texas
Get shot by Tex and start a new Mexican America war that ends up take more land and the gulf of mexico for America
Fair enough. How about some saturation carpet bombing where we dump a payload on you that's worth more than your entire GDP several times over in under 24 hours?
>not a single 1 was ever destroyed in a battle used by U.S
Fucking Mexican intellectuals
America letting CA aka 6th largest economy in the world go. nice one
Arizona has more guns per (legal) capita than Texas. The Mexicans would get fucking ventilated before Trump woke up.
I like how Trump is exposing all of the scum that have bad intentions, they're all coming out of the shadows now.
it's not like their entire population is localized into one area
>really makes me tactically ponder
Come and take it, tacos.
Nice try Paco, but there's a big difference between invading a countries on the other side of the world and invading a neighbor.
Holy shit Mexico please, FUCKING PLEASE make my day. I may be in Georgia but Texas is only a few hours away. Holy shit would I make the drive.
It's also massively in debt.
op, so wait, hol up, so.. you mean to suggest, if trump elected, white folk in texas, can just start killing brown people?
Texas Air National Guard has more aircraft than the Mexican Air Force. Weak ass country filled with butthurt Mexicans. No reconquista for you.
yea this is what really amazes me
that he has the power to expose the fucking blatant gall that these filth have
they really are sticking their nail heads up, without realizing that we are a growing hammer
I obviously missed something here but how the fuck is Mexico going to take a state in another country? Is that not literally asking for a war?
>Texas already has it covered
Who says they get to have all the fun faggot?
>senator (singular)
he might need a word with his own president
(bmdn (blow my dick, nigger) )
who said that we wont buy toys in the chinese toys r us.
that's pretty much it
not only that, but we finally would have
(justifiable reason to do so)
the white mans wet dream
I sincerely hope they do
the blood of the traitors will drown the urban niggers.
mexico can't do shit
I wish to God on my life they would try.
GIve us a reason to kill you worthless fucking cockroaches.
Ill just leave this here
All we have to really do is turn the border into nomans land and station a fleet or two in the gulf and lob some missiles over every half hour or so if we're going to be serious here.
However there's a 90%+ chance of local tacos illegal and not rising up on those "contested" states to try and throw a wrench in things, which if we lived in a perfect world, would just result in a purge.
That's the only thing that muddies up this hypothetical conflict really.
This isnt a videogame kid, all you need is a few s400s from russia and its over.
You think insurgents are bad in the middle east? Narcos have insurgency in your soil already, with complex under the table routes, resources.
Youll get whats coming.
it is but apparently obama just doesn't give a damn
i'm sure he would give the states away if he could
>implying the old president who is trying to get re-elected wouldn't say this same shit
>implying the current manlet hotheaded president wouldn't say this if the senate agrees on it
although after the current president basically said "say that to my face and not on the internet trump" and then trump did, maybe he wouldn't say this type of shit
thx breh i thought so as well, but like most spix ive encountered this one's obv not many red blooded muricanes
Confirmed. My Mexican family in law will take up arms should any body try to take the america they love.
Who says you'd even have the chance? Or that China would risk its biggest consumer taking hostile trade or armed action against it?
you're fatter than us
you're the fattest nation on the planet
they should die with honor
I would hope that the local tacos would start doing that, so we could murder them without discretion
>implying if tacos started murdering americans trump wouldn't pull a duerte and tell all americans that they can murder tacos who don't report to camps immediately
Come on then you pussy, fucking do it.
I'm fucking begging you to give us an excuse, just don't fucking cry to us about it when your country goes down in like 3 hours and you have drones strafing you for the next decade.
Or do, who cares, I would love the tears.