Women in the military; unisex dorms, soldiers fucking each other

>SETERMOEN MILITARY BASE (NORWAY) — They sweat together, they sleep together: In the name of gender equality, Norway has introduced compulsory military service for women, even bunking them in mixed dorms with their brothers-in-arms.

>At the Setermoen army base just above the Arctic Circle, new recruits in an armoured battalion are learning to handle assault rifles for use on combat missions. Here and there, long ponytails stick out behind the recruits’ caps.

>in 2013, at a time when the prime minister was none other than current NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, a virtually unanimous parliament passed a law applying military conscription to both sexes.

Does this fucking disgust anyone else? Have they no concept of the differences between sexes? Women are not made for fighting. They did not evolve to hunt. They compromise comradery in military units and massively reduce the fighting effectiveness of them. They are also vulnerable to capture and rape by foreign armies.

However, this just takes it a step even further. Having girls in the army literally fucking sleeping with the male soldiers, bunking together, showering together. I have heard many times that a huge amount of sex goes on in the Norwegian and Swedish militaries because of this policy; a fact that is obvious, and compromises the nature of a disciplined military force. Fuck's sake.

This sickening shit will eventually be applied to Australia, I fucking know it. What do you guys reckon?

Shut the fuck up. If they want to serve let them bitch!

White knight ass rage is hilarious.

I hope tons of women get tortured and have their brain blown out. Inb4 some fucking loser gets mad at this. Happens all the time to men so who cares


Women are only allowed in the military to stop soldiers from raping the locals.

Can we make this a hot military sluts thread?

They'll still do it anyways

About time we export Healsluts to real life famiglia

Sounds like a great time.
>You will never get to participate in a squad orgy to boost morale

>everyone asleep
>feel someone grabbing your dick and rubbing it
>then feel wetness

>suddenly you hear gagging sounds
>she woke up all the other guys
>turns into an orgy

you wake up with cum all over your bunk bed

>fucking whores!!!

The only wars white countries are going to fight these days will be against nonwhite countries. Who would want to fuck some ugly Asian or Arab woman?

Use the memory of your faithful, wholesome wife waiting for you at home to push you to fight harder.

God you anime fags are such losers hahaha i can just imagine your tiny little dicks being beaten furiously ten times a day living in filth and trash 30 pounds over weight hahahah

>Women are not made for fighting. They did not evolve to hunt.

Who gives a shit.

>They are also vulnerable to capture and rape by foreign armies.

Seriously, who gives a single shit.

>They compromise comradery in military units and massively reduce the fighting effectiveness of them.

This is the only argument against this. However, since we're talking about military service and not necessarily a field army, I don't have a problem. Training women how to fire a rifle alongside men does not necessarily mean they'll be deployed in the same units, or in the front lines at all.

And every citizen has a duty to defend the motherland. Male or female, old or young.

Wow, Australia, that, was, really, poor. Like, super, funny, and creative, you, like, really are, bant, masterz

First regiment of women that gets killed in combat will reverse this shit like yesterday

So you've never watched this movie then?

I am disappoint.

>implying they will ever have units that aren't at least 50% male to provide some measure of leadership and effectiveness

Having all-women units would expose the sham that is women in the military too easily.

>Use the memory of your faithful, wholesome wife waiting for you at home to push you to fight harder

lolololololololo oh god

Witnessed! Praise Kek and his prophet

>Who gives a shit

White knights like op

>Implying women would ever fight

user, most Euros would never do that


>wow your online stats just totally convinced me

Look love, our army has different standards of entry for men and women. I'm pretty sure women have to do half as much as men do to get in. They are allowed to serve on the front lines too.

The loss of discipline and lowered standards are the main issues here, but they're bad enough to really threaten military strength.

>Look love

Jesus you ASSFAILIANS are so fucking stupid. I'm amazed how much newfag Americans suck your cocks

>being this desperate for (you)'s

Can't argue with those digits

We're not talking about the Australian standing army, but the Norwegian military service. The standard for entry, as you put, is presumably something along the lines of:
1. Be Norwegian.
2. Not be disabled.
Women should be liable for service like everyone else.

It is a bad idea. It will degrade the effectiveness of units.

>This sickening shit will eventually be applied to Australia

DESU it hasnt been a great success in the Army. Not many girls wanted to be combat arms and very few passed. The ones that did are actually career focused hard workers. They handle the banter quite well and they put in at PT with the boys.

However I cant say the same about the Navy which is almost 50% female. Some of the ships I served on were floating brothels and the level of sexual misconduct on all ranks was disgraceful. There wasnt one girl who didnt WRAN on, they took pride in it. Instead of going to uni they joined the Navy because it was more money and less thinking and more cocks. I had one girl admit to me in confidence she joined just to get dick and didnt care about actually doing any real operational service or defending the country. She literally gave me the whole 'its the current year, the navy doesnt go to war anymore'.

Wow much yous much upvotes much mays to be haved may I have another may

>china invades and you are murdered by qt communist asian grills

feels okay man

>implying women will be put in dangerous positions ever
>implying womens units will be put in difficult deployments
>implying women won't take all the easy desk work
>implying women won't make bad strategic decisions to get put the actual soldiers in worse positions

>Wait for all the (((women of the IDF))) to start popping up in this thread
>Realize they're actually paid models


those tits are sickening

>complains about whores
>posts a picture of a whore which he will masterbate to later
>thus continuing the whore cycle

Complain all you want but you validate these whores everyday

You do know that apart showing together our military is almost completely coed right?

During basic you're to busy, tired or worried about being caught to normally do stuff. Yes afterwards a lot of sex happens no it really isn't a problem everyone gets checked for std's before joining and everyone gets free birth control.

IMPLYING I care reddit

Fuck off and die, faggot.

I posted the pic as a example of the kind of behavior women display in uniform you moron.

I knew of a chick in the RAN who posed in people magazine a few years back. She got away with it too. Her chief wanted to have her notice to show cause the female OC had it dropped.

Women are meant to be fucked. There is literally nothing wrong with "validating" whores.

>10 posts by this id
you seem to care


>I posted the pic as a example of the kind of behavior women display in uniform you moron

Haha sure thing bud

That's sinful behavior, user.

>Im finally popular


>There is literally nothing wrong with "validating" whores.

Another 'brave' women

Are you disputing this?

i had this chick in my platoon.. dude she could run more than anyone else and was a c9 carrier. some chick are really hardcore and are not inside to get cock

what the fuck is this shit. they're supposed to be miserable not fucking having a sex party. my tax dollars pay for this shit?

You bet I do babycake

>join the Navy and we'll get you in shape, put you on a ship full of horny sluts, and all you have to do is pretend to work some of the time

sounds like a pretty good deal to me senpai

mate, sorry to break it to you, but plenty of fucking goes on in any military where both genders work together

I'm disputing that it's acceptable in any way.

It doesn't get better because of STD checks and birth control. If anything, that makes it worse.

Yes Im afraid so.
I bet she was a bull maori.


>join the Navy and we'll get you in shape

>Who would want to fuck some ugly Asian or Arab woman?
Bongs for sure
You would would be surprised user
The Anglo jungle fever defect is very strong

Pretty undemocratic tbqh. Don't think the people except for dykes, whores and white knights want women in the military.

>look love

europe is dead

M8 Aussies have the best fucking military culture in the world. Not a chance of this happening.

In Eurolands it's just a gap year scout camp thing and most cucks choose 'community service' instead.

>The Anglo jungle fever defect is very strong

The average American is a walking talking cess pit of pseudo science and reddit tier memes

My buddy served on the USS Hawaii submarine and had an interesting opinion on mixed gender units.

I always thought mixed-gender subs wouldn't work because there wasn't enough space for mixed facilities.

He claimed that the biggest problem wasn't space but nerves. Apparently men in subs are on the brink of insanity most of the time since they work 48 hour shifts with poor hygiene and limited entertainment. He said adding women into the equation would stress everyone out even more and cause chaos.

I'm guessing the same applies on land but with lesser effect.

>we're talking about military service and not necessarily a field army
Women fuck up literally every single position no matter where they are posted
They aren't suited for military service anywhere in the world regardless if it's a combat or non-combat role since they are incapable of doing any of it properly(even as hospital nurses they are inferior)

It's the reality of what happens when you have a bunch of young athletic people live and work together. It's no different any modern uni, in fact ADFA and Duntroon are well know as being some of the worst for it.

A agree with you completely user. This bullshit will cost lives. Women do not belong in ground combat roles, and allowing romantic relationships between squad mates is beyond irresponsible.

nice, moar.

>M8 Aussies have the best fucking military culture in the world. Not a chance of this happening

Literally what?

>i'm an r-selected filth
Society will collapse, K-selected group will dominate again and bring prosperity back, enabling the r-selected filth to breed again, and so the eternal cycle continues.

We really a machinegod if we hope to ever become something more.

>spread propaganda to get every "grrrrl power" feminist and pussy starved white knight into the military.

>orchestrate a war which puts EVERY one of those military people in fucking Iran or something at the same time

>drop every nuke on the region

>no more SJWs

Women should be given compulsory military service if men are.
Perhaps that'll instill a bit of nationalism in them so they don't want to flood the country with browns.
They should definitely be kept at different bases though, how the fuck can they allow sex in the military?

>female military pigs
>"young and athletic"

that's a nice way to put it m8

This man speaks truth. Every single woman in my army that I have met has been mentally ill in some way. They bring their petty bureaucrat attitude with them into a place where everyone needs to work together.

im tired of women's bitching

they dont understand how enraging they can be

they want to fit females with males in confined spaces? are they crazy?

Apparently 37% would

>>i'm an r-selected filth


I'm tired of roaches to be honest. This is a white man's thread. Now fuck off and out.

Sorry for offending you, Le-a.

Compered to general pop most are average or slightly above average with a few stunners. Atlest until they get to their units and don't have to do pt anymore.

Wow ASSNIGGERAILIA you sure showed him!

The Reddit tier varies depending on the level of communism they are comfortable with. The more comfortable they are the most Reddit they are.
And like I said the Bongs have jungle fever, you keep Americans pent up, constantly stressed out, and bored and they will eventually fuck anything(and they do)

They already do it on ships.

I work in the oil industry and we do it for offshore rigs. Female engineers tend to be fine since they're mostly Asian or European. I've seen 4 female roughnecks and roustabouts in my 5 years of working in the industry. I can't imagine productivity if they made up a greater number.

He's an autist fishing for (you)'s, just ignore him.

>memories of giapolli rushes back into his mind

Sorry you believe everything you hear on the internet you French faggot

There's nothing wrong with serving in a support role. To have them in combat fighting positions though, is simply idiotic.

>in the military


fuck m8 you neo-cultural-marxists crack me up a lot

we need to execute people like you.

this equals rape

and or losing a war

I don't give a fuck about any military anymore. If you're a young guy who recently joined, da fuqs wrong with you?

The military has been pushing SJW shit for YEARS now. There's literally no reason for men to still join up.

As for those women? Fuck them. Military women are human refuse. Wombs have no inherent value anymore. They can die from IEDs for all I care.

You try so desperately to turn this place into reddit

I'm just bored, can't fall asleep

Literally fighting against biology in the name of feminism. This shit is a religion, and a particularly fanatic one.

Those who are pandered to the most, will probably fight to keep such things going.

That's because they are incapable of empathy and therefore incapable of patriotism, honor, and comradeship all of which are essential to being in a military of any sort.

If women are going to vote, the law needs needs to apply equally, including the draft.

Men can be raped too. There is no actual evidence of "unit cohesion." The only people who actually care about this are grunts and grunts are fucking stupid people.

You say fighting against biology as if it's a bad thing.

I agree with what you say, but your argument against the topic is flawed


What ever helps you sleep at night m8.