Canada is the best place on earth

>high standards of living
>very safe
>multitudes of high-profile universities
>democratic and progressive government
>multicultural, diverse and tolerant
What's there to hate, really?

Other urls found in this thread:

OP is a massive faggot, even Turdeau is jealous of how much of a queer OP is

DUDEWEED sits like a fag

>>high standard of living
>>very safe
>>multitudes of high-profile universities
>>democratic and progressive government
>>mutlicultural, diverse and tolerant

all of the above are either not true, or not desirable

If you can ignore the rampant corruption, sure...

Pic related, Justin hanging with convicted jewish pedophile Benjamin Levin, at a gay pride parade just 1 week before the child porn producer and distributor was arrested and charged

This man oversaw the making of sex ed. curriculum for school kids - The same one that teaches kids there are 6 genders, about anal, fisting, etc

>Mr. Levin only got 3 years

>His main advisor Gerry Butts, was the Principal Secretary for Wynne/McGuinty in Ontario, helping them pilfer that province with debt scandals - These people now control the entire federal and provincial government

Pic related is Gerald 'Gerry' Butts - Google him, he is basically the Prime Minister - He is Trudeaus main adviser / handler. (hill talk: also lover)

Why is Mr. Trudeaus top advisor Gerald Butts worth mentioning? Well...

>He is/was a Bilderberg attendee

>Reisman is listed as a member of the steering committee of the Bilderberg Group, a controversial group of influential business and government leaders who meet annually behind closed doors under a media blackout to discuss world issues

Reisman has been a delegate for several years at the annual conference of the Bilderbergs. In Istanbul, Turkey, 31 May - 3 June 2007 she was in the company of other notable Canadians: Jason Kenney, Member of Parliament; and Gerald Butts, Principal Secretary in the Office of the Premier of Ontario."
>Gerald Butts, Principal Secretary in the Office of the Premier of Ontario

He also helped McGuinty & Wynne destroy Ontario, when in power as the Principle Secretary in the Office. Now he is the main handler of Trudeau.

He was President of WWF (World Wildlife Fund) so he is trying to get Canada completely off all carbon emissions by 2050. He played a roll in:

>"Ontario’s consumers are being zapped for tens of billions of dollars due to overpriced green energy, poor government planning, and shoddy service.

In her annual report, she concluded ratepayers forked out $37 billion more than necessary from 2006 to 2014 and will spend an additional $133 billion by 2032 due to global adjustment electricity fees on hydro bills.

it's a fuck load safer than the US unless your in an area with lots of natives.

no city will ever be as clean as vancouver that's a fucking fact.

get king nigger to tell his disciples to stop stabbing each other and littering, also enjoy drumpf, the last bit of smart Americans will be gone by December.

The last two things, because both of those are loaded, fuzzy terms that mean nothing good and completely negate the first four.

>no city will ever be as clean as vancouver that's a fucking fact
Yeah if you want spitting Chinese, normally you gotta go to mainland China for that

Oh yeah, how those junkie injection sites there working out?

Natives are our heritage, and we must secure their future.

We must discover the racists behind the abductions and murders of aboriginal women.

>How to trigger Sup Forums

POUTINE ... friggnin hate POUTINE

how do you even sit like that without crushing your cock and balls?

Wew, interdasting. Once upon a time only Quebec was corrupt, I think about half the provinces now have serious corruption issues but politicians from Quebec seem to be the worst, the spooky part is how cute and cuddly they make them now.


My sides

Lots of implications in that question

Importing niggers and sand niggers, and chinks by the tens of thousands. All cities will be pure garbage in the next decade.

Buy guns now, move to insulated rural communities.

Canada is objectively a better place to live than the US, but that's like winning the special Olympics

>Canada is objectively a better place to live than the US
Only if you're poor.

If you have any means, USA is your place. Canada is like a wannabe-USA culture, that hates itself because it thinks it's better than them, despite 90% of population living with 100miles of the US border

how the fuck does any man sit like that? does he actually have no testicles?

It's so he doesn't manspread. I know, there's no one beside him, but it's good practice.

do you not get that it's physically impossible to do what he's doing? and no, it's not a good practice unless you want to cut off circulation to your testes.