>this is Trumps best case scenario
>Drumpsters STILL think he can win
lmao, Trump is finished.
This is Trumps best case scenario
Why won't Hillary Clinton release her medical records? This is standard procedure for anyone running for office.
This is why. A doctor and medical professor proves that Hillary Clinton has been diagnosed with vascular dementia, and is literally dying as we speak, and only one year to live.
This is the most comprehensive, fact filled, well documented video ever made on the subject of Clinton's health.
This is the most explosive, eye opening, earth shattering thing you will ever see.
Oh no I guess I need to give my vote to a racist cheeto since Hillary had a cold.
wikileaks revelations and live debates still haven't happened yet
The public does not give a hoot about wikileaks and the MSM won't cover it anyway.
Trump will be evaporated in the debate.
>public doesnt give a hoot about wikileaks
the snowden leak was historical. oliver stone movie about it comes out this year. julian assange is interviewed on all MSM outlets so yeah, i think the public cares
>the snowden leak was historical
But nothing came of them. Years late the NSA is still around. Hillary could rig the election, get caught and get away with it.
People don't care.
guess we'll see won't we? i'm not worried. but i think you are ;^)
>implying that is furshit
She's gonna win Texas.
it has fur and is gay as hell
I don't see a difference
Why would I be worried? Trump is most unpopular candidate since goldwater lmao. Once whites are a minority, we'll have a liberal government for a hundred years.
She is more likely to win texas than Trump is to win at all lol.
what noise does a rabbit make when she is penetrated?
>Once whites are a minority, we'll have a liberal government for a hundred years.
once your mom turns her basement into an S&M dungeon you'll have to find a new place to shitpost on Sup Forums from
rlly makes u think
Doesn't change the fact that whites will be a minority in 5 years or less.
Romney won by like 20 points Trump is a fucking mess.
Texas is a very good sign of what will happen to America when whites are a minority.
uhh no? whites are by far the demographic majority in the united states of america. we're not going anywhere in the next five years
i hope you're gonna refund CTR's money to them because your shilling is horrible
This doesn't include the 30 million illegals that will be granted amnesty when Hillary wins.
I'm sure an America where whites are a minority will be just fine senpai
Just look at all the great Hispanic countries
Not like they're all hell scapes overrun by crime and drug cartels or anything.
I'm sure America will be fine, stop fear mongering.
Not fear mongering lad, just stating facts.
lmfao nice fake graph
>(((analysis))) of US Census data
"analysis" done by who? this kind of demographic shift assumes minority birthrates of 100% and white birth rates of 0%...accompanied by some kind of mass-die-off or ethnic cleansing
you don't even need proofs this is fake. just look at it lel
White birthrate is near zero lmao. That graph even counts some latinos as white.
>literally NO citation of any kind on graph
nigger you're funny. you made that with excel
youll laugh less when america crash. me ill be comfy in the far north of canada seeing only whites and native while i watch the multicult burn
this guy is just a shitty version of the canadian obama shill
>this guy is just a shitty version of the canadian obama shill
nice goalpost move, faggot. death rate outstripping birth rate =/= low birth rate, just means the boomers are getting old
are you even trying?
Hillary is bellwether
When the boomers die out whites will be a minority, white birth rate is declining while minority birth rates are not.
Oh noes white liberals are dying out.
And being replaced by minority liberals.
Demographics are destiny i wouldn't want to be shitskinned living in the U.S.A when every white is right wing with a bone to pick.
>unironically believing whites will be a minority in america in five years
OP is a faggot. why am i even posting in this shit tier bait thread?
Doesn't mean anything, whites are going to be a minority by 2050 at the latest. Than what, the previous minorities will suddenly vote conservative?
>romney won by like 20 points
Maoris use to be 3% of the population here now they are 15% it happened within a fifty year period. Have fun playing at king.
What happened when amnesty for the children happened in 2013? Immigrants flooded into the country. Millions flooded in for the hopes of amnesty.
What will happen when Hillary approves amnesty for 30million "In the first 100 days of office." Well I'll let Kaine tell you...
>texas is a swing state
Im so sick of Shillbot's first election.
Sorry, close to it though.
They won't do anything other than complain on stormfront.
Trump is winning half of those states you colored blue right now.
you've already shown you are just pulling stuff out of your arse - why should we listen to anything else you say, after blatantly making shit up?
Remove the meme parties and Texas will be 55-40 to Trump on election day.
I told you dumb crackers yall are all fat and dying off. That Texas would be blue. Yall didn't believe me. Don't worry esau you gonna feel the pain when you the minority
Okay then taco bell.
>north carolina
Trump shills still think he has a chance
I said it was like 20 points and it was 17, still far better than trumps lead of 8 currently.
Wait until he spergs out in the debates.
But its her turn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This bread... so many Hill Shills wtf
Hail victory brotha
The pathetic pink race went out like the pathetic neanderthals they are. Like pussy ass whimps. Destined for hell fire they can't even produce one little peckerwood let alone families.
They went out with a whimper. Killed themselves too, how sad.
And Romney lost. So maybe the type of candidate that polls well in the north east and rust belt is better than one with a slightly bigger lead in Texas.
Blatant same fagging.
Let this thread die just like hillary
>Same fagging
>In my own thread
>With the same name and ID
Trump was supposed to win REEEEEE
>sure we lost Arizona, Texas, North Carolina, and Georgia, but hey at least we didn't lose as badly in Ohio and Pennsylvania, guys
Hence the word Blataint.
But he really isn't losing in those states you fucking cuck
No, it's because minorities have rooted themselves in Texas and he pissed them off with his racism.
and britain will vote remain in june
He is winning Florida by 7 points but Nate silverbergerwitzestein keeps correcting the record.
>comparing a popular vote referendum to the electoral college.
Not to mention the leave campaign was well executed and on point. Remain was a mess, they made their flag the EU flag, as opposed to the union jack.
>Texas is a very good sign of what will happen to America when whites are a minority.
A booming economy and paying more in federal taxes than they receive in federal aid is exactly what this country needs
I've broken no rules
Exactly, overall less conservative and less white.
reminder wendy davis got beat by 20 just a couple years ago
Texas Mexicans are different than your Cali Mexicans it's gonna be a long time if ever texas turns blue
It's already bluer than it was 4 years ago. Not to mention all the Cali mexicans and califags in general moving to Texico.
Every Mexican I know is either voting trump or not voting, most of these Mexican that have been here a long time vote conservative, of course the Mexicans that just came will vote dem but once we get that wall it's gonna get redder
You won't get a wall, Trump won't win. You underestimate the power of Clinton's propaganda arms.
Jesus Christ this nigger has made fucking 20 threads so far, shut the fuck up about that stupid bitch already and go the fuck to bed you retarded ass nigga.
>31 posts by this id in a thread with 80 posts
Jesus, are you nervous that you actually can lose this election CTR?
trump will win ohio
Greg abbot a republican win 44 percent of the Hispanic vote, just saying Pedro texas will not go blue, democrats have tried pouring money into Wendy Davis and she got blown outta the water, we hear the same shit
nah, she's probably going to have another stroke and pass away by then
I'm just have a conversation my dude, most "HillShills" are just in it for the (yous)
and britain will vote remain in june
Why won't Hillary Clinton release her medical records? This is standard procedure for anyone running for office.
This is why. A doctor and medical professor proves that Hillary Clinton has been diagnosed with vascular dementia, and is literally dying as we speak, and only one year to live.
This is the most comprehensive, fact filled, well documented video ever made on the subject of Clinton's health.
This is the most explosive, eye opening, earth shattering thing you will ever see.
>be australian
>make absolutely fucking retarded post
>nobody wants to call you on it because everybody assumes it's bait
damn, i should get an australian proxy
Judy Hopps is voting for Trump.
i'm a proud furry.
>West Verginia
Oh shit, if Bulgarians are joining our side it must mean we're on track to lose a world war
>West Verginia
Eh fuck, I've been up too long. It's Virginia that's blue on that map, not WV. Whoops.
yes, yes, well done australia
only a dispora fag would know that joke. how's kangaroo land Hrvoje?
dont mind me, just posting the truth
Why would MI flip but not NH?