I am a jew should i cut my wrists
I am a jew
jew here. reform, orthodox, secular?
No, the blood will just coagulate and it'll leave a scar.
and, in the long run your feelings of depression will fade away..
i dont hate all juden.. i judge a group on a group basis and a individual on an individual basis.
Just get baptized, it's easier.
Why should you cut your wrists.
Dude when these faggots go after jews they are simple motherfuckers if they think every benny is conspiring against them.
Fuck them. Know the difference between people calling out jews who do shitty stuff and you just being a normal person.
If you think the attack on this site is bullshit look at the people who control the media narrative, who set the educational agenda etc...
But why should you as a jew cut your wrists over people pointing that out? Are you doing it? Do you really have any say in it?
90% of the jew meme are people blowing off steam (same with the nigger meme) Honestly being honest about ethnic groups is important and you get that shit few places. Thats why this place is great, but don't for 2 seconds ever think you owe someone else anything because they complain at your tribe. Try to be impartial and see the truth no matter where your allegiance may be... Thats the best I can offer.
Please gas yourself. You will bring happiness to everyone.
No, help us.
Do what you do best and subvert.
Subvert the left schlomo.
wew lad
Sup Forums just gets swept up into it's own retarded board culture and wants to have a good laugh at the jooz, don't feel too bad about it m80.
realtalk tho, liberal jews really are the scum of the earth, they fuck over everything good and pure on this earth. pls don't be one.
t. jew
simply castrate yourself and you may be allowed to live out the rest of your natural life, so long as you commit no acts of kikery
>should i cut my wrists
depends. what manner of jew are you
>implying it matters
>implying it doesn't
>being any kind of Jew
>having more than 0.001% of Jew DNA
>procreating with a Jew
any of these are warrants for a death sentence or at bare minimum a forced castration
sup achmed
cut your dick
You should an hero and take out some muzzies with you.
>Sup Forums is one person
>jews are one person
Might as well be, cuck.
go cuck yourself, cuck
>he fell for the Hitler jew
Fuck, I thought summer ended with labor day. Welcome all the same, newfriend.
>i judge a group on a group basis and a individual on an individual basis.
What you said about the Jew meme is mostly true. We all hate globalist, liberal Jews, and we hate the heavy leaning towards such stances by Jews. But the nigger problem is 100% real. These parasites fuck up almost every city they infest with crime, dindu nuffins, and gibsmedats. However, you have to realize that niggers are blacks who adopt thug culture--which too many do. I don't hate blacks. I hate niggers.
are you fucking kidding me? nah son, be the stand up guy I know you are.
As a conservative af jew who loves america, I make it my lifes goal to btfo of all my gay liberal jewish friends every chance I get.
Just find something your good at and pursue it, unless it's some degenrate shit.
Embrace science and history. Embrace being an Arab by blood, DNA, etc. and go suppourt yer true brother's that ya all stole the land from.
Or /wrist
>Chances are you eat, piss, and shit with the goyim if your on this shit board so you must have done something slightly noble to be exocommunicated from the Jewish wealth.
Stream it
>all these faggots saying DONT DO IT
All talk Sup Forums as I thought, you'll make pathetic footsoldiers in the RWDS
Literally one of the most Toi've things anyone can do.
No, your dick is already cut.
I hate niggers. A lot.
I think most black people are niggers.
There are not enough decent black people to make me weigh my position.
Fuck black people collectively. Fuck them all.
>I am a jew should i cut my wrists
No. You should go to Israel and dedicate your life to bringing the peace and prosperity of multiculturalism to jewish people.
Remember:"Walls are racist!".