What did you guys think of the latest episode...

What did you guys think of the latest episode? I found the episode too gross and I think it went wayyyyy too far and too fucked up. also obvious chalkzone rip off.

I only watch cartoon kino, pic related.

wtf is that

i agree, i feel like their trying way to hard to make this season "darker", also almost all of the jokes just wernt funny, too many pop culture references

They were all "dark" though, episodes are often fucked up but this one felt disgusting, I really was grossed out by it.

>Am I evil..?
>Even worse, you're smart

new cartoon network show
any opinions?

I fucking HATED Chalkzone.

The lines and artwork give me a Bojack Horseman vibe but I'll have to check it out

why senpai? I loved it

new ep was maybe worst one of the show ever for me. just not funny or anythin

I didn't find it funny at all either, the Jerry scenes were fine but the Beth shit was just fucked


I didn't like the animation or characters. Same with Wild Thornberries.

I thought it was fucking awful and I'm a stalwart Re*dit and Maymay guy

>sideplot with Jerry had no point except to shit on Jerry even more, and just seemed kind of brutal to me
>no punch line at the end
>Morty knowing alien and giving Jerry alien relationship advice seemed kind of out of place, since he's a usually a clueless kid instead of a worldly teenager
>Summer has reverted back to being a shitty daughter again I guess. So much for growing in that Mad Max-style episode
>Rick not being an arrogant asshole, actually seemed humble at times (WTF). This was the biggest one, seems like (maybe) a female writer wanted to take him down a peg?
>Beth not being a self-absorbed fuckhead
>main plot about Tommy fucking things went way, way too long
>Rick and Beth's convo at the end seemed poorly-written and way too long
>also seemed out of character for both of them
>very few actual jokes in the entire thing
>few jokes there got stretched way too long

Seems like the writing was written by someone who didn't understand any of the previous dynamics and character development. Like they fired all the writers and replaced them midseason with people who didn't know shit about the show except synopses

The animation was cute. No waaaay the Wild Thornberries is so great! I loved that kind of style back when I was a kid, obviously not the best kind of animation or whatever but it suited WT perfectly.

To each their own, but I dislike both shows.

Fair enough.

Why does everyone hate this line so much? There is nothing wrong with what he said. An intelligent evil person is way worse than a normal evil person.

its a shame because it had a great premise but shit execution

bc he said she is smart, not evil and smart.
so its different. I am not sure myself what he meant

If English isn't your first language then you shouldn't be trying to explain how a sentence is structured. He would only be excluding her evil tendencies if he said "No, even worse, you're smart." The way he said it in the show implies both and would be superfluous of him to outright say "Even worse, you're both evil and smart."

If he meant that he would have said both in the sentence then. a flub on the writers part.

>tfw too smart for the world to understand my vision so they go against me, thinking I want to murder everyone and they're the good guys
>feels bad man

No he would not, simply saying "even worse" does not imply that it's a replacement of what she said, just an addition. If you asked your doctor if your cancer is growing and he says, "Even worse, it's become terminal", that is not him saying that it stopped growing.

No you say "do I have cancer" and he says "even worse, you have aids and have 1 week to live"

Chalkzone was a rip off of Simon in the Land of Chalk Drawings anyway

I liked
Moville Mysteries
Growing Up Creepie
The Buzz on Maggie
Oggy and the Cockroaches
My Gym Partner is a Monkey

That sentence implies you have both, Pajeet.

absolute PLEB detected

It implies you have both with your logic

Yes, my English logic implies that. Thank you for understanding.

Netflix called, they want their pretentious art style back.

ok cocksucker

English is not always that literal so it could mean either or, rick doesn't believe in good or evil though because morality is subjective

Being lazy is pretentious now?

She didn't say
>Worse, you're smart and evil
she said
>Worse, you're smart

u saying wat u son of basterd bich?

This episode was SHIT and a woman wrote it again right
Fuck you Dan Harmon you alcoholic lonely pseudo progressive shit. Women writers are shit and you know it

Also FUCK this show for posting thr synopsis as "rick meets the president" and hyping everyone up for evil morty and rick at least like a teaser. but its the nigger scwifthy president instead.
show is not handling the hype so well it seems

Seeing how SU managed to get as far as it did, yes.

that you sound like a fucking sarcastic faggot that takes it up the ass


crossover when