when did you realize this is all that matters
When did you realize this is all that matters
>carrying more than $20
Your health is what really matters.
Just the other week I was the savior because I had a mere $300 cash with me and had the means to get another $800 from ATMs as needed.
I spent over $20 in cash just tonight. What form of brain damage do you have?
Carry plenty of money and a knife for a chance to gut me a nigger
why does money matter?
its just a tool to help you survive
survival and procreation is what matters, its what motivates every action ever taken, whether its conceous or not
it's not
your happiness being dependent on how much money you have( or any other material goods) is a terrible idea and will only lead to suffering
I live in a city with 6% nonwhite, I never carry more than $80 at a time
>money doesn't matter
.t broke faggots
money runs the world. try to live without money, see if anyone gives a shit about you without money.
What are you buying that requires $1100 in cash? Any reputable institution accepts credit. You must be a nigger or something.
>procreation matters
When I found pol.
maybe not to you goyim
I was 4 and realized if I buy bitches Barbies they'd just shut the fuck up and get back in the kitchen when we played house. Bitches love Barbie
>not carrying a pistol
>thinking you can fight off anyone with a knife
>see if anyone gives a shit about you without money
You mean like when your cuckountry were scared shitless of our soviet nukes?
A variety of things. It was mainly to fund surprise operations for family.
They just don't plan ahead. Some are getting old and still live week to week or month to month.
It really depends on what you do with the money.
Otherwise, money really is all that matters. The society has been headed in the direction where every single thing you do short of breathing is behind a paywall. All land and resources have been consolidated.
Short of owning a ship/boat and living at sea where the pretty much is no law on international waters, money absolutely is all that matters.
>be cucknadian
>can't get CCW
I wish there was one white nation left on earth so I could be free of crime.
Money Rules the World
The Club Rules the Masses
>having any kind of a card
Good goy
but it isn't
it's just nice to have
how can you even say if something matters or not, if you dont tell us the goal you want to achieve with the thing
>money absolutely is all that matters
for what? humans have been arround for longer than currency
if the goal is survival of your family, then money is not the only thing that influences the success of this, your kids can get hit by a truck and die, and money wont help in this case
money is not ALL that matters, obviously
Money all that matters?? GOOD GOOOOYYYYYYYY
about a week ago the reality set in
student loans
you're gonna be paying that shit forever
It isn't, but I wish I realized sooner how important it really is.
When I got a gf