/got/ general
i am the magic moon man suck my c-o-c-c
shutvrye fuck up you fuckinhg niggar
>Cersei took it out before they started fighting
I literally don't remember this scene.
Fuck off faggot shills
What is the best normie GoT watching party reaction videos? I want to laugh.
>w w w dot tumblr dot com
>"Jaime,” she sobbed, “don’t you think I want it as much as you do? It makes no matter who they wed me to, I want you at my side, I want you in my bed, I want you inside me. Nothing has changed between us. Let me prove it to you.” She pushed up his tunic and began to fumble with the laces of his breeches.
>Jaime felt himself responding. “No,” he said, “not here.” They had never done it in White Sword Tower, much less in the Lord Commander’s chambers. “Cersei, this is not the place.”
>“You took me in the sept. This is no different.” She drew out his cock and bent her head over it.
>superhot milf
>old hag that ruined everything
Star Breaker!
Thanks man
>other shows get real nice milfs
>we get this
imagine LL in a long auburn wig
>ned's bleak and desperate stare out the window, seeing the stars
>thinking and regretting what could have been
yes but he is stone dornish not only that the daynes look pretty much like valyrians i guess their family were some pre valyrian first men who went to westeros even fucking salt dornish arent that shade
Modern day Isaac Hempstead Wright
But he is saying "my place is here with you" and "how did he get so fat?" in that scene
fucking fags ruined DnD and continue to shill for Jonerys even though it's really the worst fucking ship on the Narrow Sea
Why did they need Cersei's army again?
So Dany would put her conquest on hold in order to think about the bigger picture.
Kill yourself, kike.
They just need westeros to cooperate against a bigger threat. More cannon fodder never hurts.
Ughh it's 2017 you niggerphobe. Dayne can be whatever color he wants.
BTW, I'm allowed to say nigger because I'm a transnigger pithekin
They shill for JB
what the fuck is that
The people who say that 20,000 soldier won't make a difference are retarded. I would rather have 70,000 fighting for me than 50,000 one hundred times out of a hundred. Would they make a difference? Who knows? Would it hurt to have more soldiers? Absolutely not.
It honestly isn't that bad compared to most tumblrshit
conocal ship
Didn't Jorah kill one of the better horsenigger easily in S1. Wouldn't put it past to him kill the nigger leader too if he had tried. Not like those faggots aren't just fighting farmers all day.
i can't believe these are the same people who are disgusted by twincest
So they can put them on the front line and have them all killed, taking the kingdom after that is easy
SJW's are triggered by incest, pedophilia, and heterosexuals. Why do they bother with GoT in the first place?
>SJW's are triggered by incest, pedophilia,
You sure? The far left I'm saying is fighting to normalize them. NYT and WashPo have published propaganda pushing this shit.
There is literally nothing wrong with incest and heabophilia (which is sually lumped into pedoshit by goverments)
you said the word im calling the internet police RIGHT FUCKING NOW
This is disgusting.
>Night king destroys wall
>Cersei and Daenerys are fighting like children
>Massive army of dead flank them both and end in disaster
A united force is a better force.
How the fuck are they going to wrap this up in S8 without it being a disaster?
they wont
It will be an unsatisfying, monumental disaster alright. Best not to get your hopes up for anything good so you won't be disappointed.
Isn't sansa stark like 5 feet and ten inches. Which translates in show heels/boots to be almost 5 feet and close to eleven inches tall. IS john snow 6 feet? Holy shit I never knew this guy was almost as tall as Jamie lanister.
everything she says is true and it's beautiful
Kit is like 5'5" at most. Sansa is a giantess that has to sit when next to midgets.
>6ft is tall
Hello manlet
Why does no one even give a little bit of a shit about rickon? And poor shaggydog. They could have had cool wacky island adventures with osha at least.
How long until horseniggers get BTFO back to eastern essos
t. degenerate porn addict
Name one good character left in this shit show
I'll wait
I don't get it either. All the Westori need is proper armor and maybe a horse and the Muslim horde stand no chance. I doubt they're be effective during the winter snows against the Northmen.
its funny because it's true, but not in the way you think
Jon Snow
Night King.
Rest are shit.
lol dude theres a reason you only hear of people being 6 feet, 6 feet 2 inches and at most 6 feet 4. People aren't even close to 7 feet tall
They could have had a skagosi army come into play
Ramsay would still beat it cause plot but that'd be a lot bettet
Jamie and Hound are the one decent ones you listed
Literal normie taste
Jon stopped being a fun character after he was revived
Dany was never good
If Rhaegar lived would him and Viserys be Dany's brother husbands?
JBfags should be gassed desu
why are jbcucks incapable of a single original thought? jaime and cersei address gender roles (not getting tumblr about it, that's just what they do in the books), not jaime and brienne
>nothing wrong with incest
Assuming there is no offspring. If there is an offspring, it's everything that can be wrong with procreating, even worse than creating a copy of youself
Cersei could be wiped out in a day if the writers werent deliberately making Dany be retarded about battle plans. There's no need to negotiate a truce when you've already shown you can destroy their army with no trouble.
>S7 was only 7 episodes
Still mad
Talking solely about incest btw. Hephebophilia absolutely natural
She'd have her men huddle behind the walls of King's Landing, and Dany would have to burn the entire city down to kill them all. Which kind of defeats the purpose of going north to save people from the Others...
Seriously. I don't get that actress choice. There are so many other actresses that would have been better. All I kept thinking when watching the show was God damn! This woman is a chain smoker. He voice proves it, her wrinkly face proves it. She must smell horrible. She better get use to the throat slit cause she's going to be one of those people who talk through a voice thingy you hold up to your throat
I love her. Xena was my favorite show
Heres what really happened at harrenhal
>ashar loses her virginity too rheagar
>rheagar hits and quits
>she goes crying to the starks
>ned fucks her
>he walks out on her too
>brandon then goes turbo chad mode and fucks her for the rest of the night
>this all happenes withing the span of a day
>she gives birth to a bastard and kills herself
poor Maester Luwin will never look upon those seven-blessed tits
How happy was Jon when he found out Catelyn died?
No, just like with every other woman, she'd be 100% Rhaegar
Not bery happy since he also found out that his best friend got stabbed to death during his wedding
keep digging your whole and believe "real men™" are anywhere close to Robert Parish in height who is just 7 feet. Actually ask mommi and dada for a new basement shovel maybe you'll end up in China and see a civilization of people that is anything close to 7 feet tall.
>>rheagar hits and quits
Nope, muh Aegon&sisterwives
>>ned fucks her
>>he walks out on her too
Nope again, muh honor
Not much I shubboze
Robb wasn't getting married then
there are a lot of people between 6'4 and 6'11, you know...
Aged well too, looks amazing in Spartacus
>instead had to deliver 5 kids from that wrinkly hole
the man knew the true meaning of suffering
Is jamie an autistic savant?
Those are cousins
>being a kinslayer
"there are a lot of people between 6'4 and 6'11, you know..."
I guess there perceives to be a lot when your sample size is well over 7 billion. There is yet to be a civilization let alone a country with an average height of more than 6 feet 2 inches.
So much for considering 6 feet to not being tall or as you would say.
">6ft is tall
Hello manlet"
Most men I know are over 6'3
its literally 6'1" in bosnia for men
OMG, that is fucking hilarious! Holy shit. That person must be really fucking ugly. I bet when an ugly guy talks to her, she blows him off because he's not "Jaime like"
I guess guys who are not that attractive know how to make their personality work for them. This type of chick has no idea how to do that, she only knows how to cry & whine & complain that its not fair.. boo hoo fatty
>has a happy place that he goes to when things are difficult
>dyslexic in-show, possibly in-book
>compares nipples and cunts
>has only ever kissed his sister and brother
>dreams about moon boy fucking cersei and imagines kettleblack's hairy cock
>compares himself and cersei to the warrior and the maiden
Arguably, yes
Sandor Clegane. Whom I love.
In all honesty no one should trust dany when she has a FUCKING KINSLAYER AS HAND
shes a kinslayer...killed her mother and her brother, technically.
Dany is a kinslayer herself. She did not stop Viserys death even though she totally could have.
>argues with his cock hanging out
Knew a girl once who was overall cool to hang out with but was really ugly, not fat or anything but ugly, desu many guys made fun of her or treated her like shit just because. We stopped hanging out bc my friends were a bit drunk and kept taking a piss on her at the party actually, still feel a bit bad about it