Terrace House Aloha State

So now that the season is over what did you think? best husbando? best waifu? compared to other seasons? hopes for the next season?

why isn't this show discussed here?

i'm like on the second last episode and there's no discussion whatsoever.

anyway, this season was my introduction to terrace house, are the other seasons good?

I wouldn't be surprised if there's a topic on the Japan board but I never go there

the other seasons are better. the first half of this one was pretty boring and it only picked up later.

But aloha State has the best looking girl, chikako

Taishi is a goober

wish the ukulele virgin had stuck around

Boys and Girls in the City was so much better. I'm still way behind on Aloha State because it's so uninteresting. They better go back to Japan next season. Anyways, Nacchan is best girl. Hansan is best boy. Aloha State doesn't have anyone interesting enough to be best boy or girl.

underrated desu

>the first half of this one was pretty boring and it only picked up later.
Does it ever get as good anywhere near as good as B&GitC? Anything that rivals the meat incident or the twist where this alpha male was fucking that 18-year-old pussy in secret the whole time?

Is there a place to watch/dl'd it?

nothing that crazy but Taishi is almost stalkerish I guess. he could turn out to be a Japanese Patrick Bateman


Chikako best girl






Taishi had some major self restraint when it came to the butt 'n' banana

>Nacchan will never kill me in my sleep

thats a man

Feels bad man

too sticc

No, she's perfect.

Ah what a great show. The wagu steak and omelette coward incident will always make me laugh.


Where do you guys think the new house is?

Guy and Niki where the only good thing about this season

WTF chikako