Is the rise of beta ass nu-males tied to cell phone use?

Is the rise of beta ass nu-males tied to cell phone use?

>But a new study warns there is conclusive evidence that men in particular need to find another storage spot.

>A systemic review of 21 research papers on radiation shows phones placed close to a man's genitals for a prolonged period of time steadily drive down sperm count.

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I still have massive loads desu but i can see why it could really wreck you. Best to have that shit away from you when you arent out and about.

wtf, I love Obama phones now

Would killing sperm have anything to do with your testosterone? Everybody uses cell phones, i doubt there is any connection

I keep my phone in my front pocket since they were brick sized and I accidentally knocked up a girl so myth busted

>yes goy put your several hundred dollar phone in your back pocket
(((systemic review of 21 research papers)))
>a prolonged period
good thing people are obsessed with staring at their phones.

>an archive
good job.

Also ona political note people who protest cell towers are due to 'muh radiation' are fucking retarded. The closer you are to a tower the less radiation your phone releases.

t.son of high level modem and cell phine engineer studying to be like his dad

Yeah. Same. The one time I forgot protection, had to get a fucking abortion.

No, blood testosterone is linked to the volume of your butt muscles. Look it up.

volume does not correlate with sperm count


So what you're saying is, I can fuck as many women as i want and not worry about getting them pregnant? Phone in pocket 24/7

I got it checked out recently. Im doing great in that department too.

>volume does not correlate with sperm count

loose example as to why you are a fucktard:
1ml of virile sperm: 1000 sperm cells
1ml of cell phone fucked up cum shot: 600 sperm cells

1ml of virile sperm: 1000 sperm cells
2ml of fucked up cum: 1200 sperm cells

more volume, more sperm


>I still have massive loads

I had a roommate that said this, never took biology, got married, wife can't conceive. I am laughing at both of you.

>A systemic review of 21 research papers on radiation shows phones placed close to a man's genitals for a prolonged period of time steadily drive down sperm count.
This would kind of line up with the fact that testosterone has been declining in men since the 1980s.

Also broke niggers couldn't afford phones for the longest time... no wonder dey high test.

>I still have massive loads desu

>implying the sperm cells are alive and not damaged by high intensity RF radiation

>implying that you're any where near as viable as you would have been otherwise

Good luck with that cellular cuck

>No, blood testosterone is linked to the volume of your butt muscles. Look it up.
Where and how can I even look that up?

>2/10 will get repies

>its cool to be impotent

gooooood goy

Some guys were just born to have their dicks carried in a purse.

sounds good



And i don't even need to pay a doctor to tie things up. Probably the most encouraging news I've learned since highschool sex ed.

>not having frozen cum stored away for when you need it

lol have fun living under the rock while we fuck every woman you miss out on (pro tip: all of them)

hope you die in the most painful way possible

>Implying I dont have a lead lined nutsack

Thats why all the REAL alphas carry their phones in a holster m8.

Steve "nigger" jobs is attacking and ruining MY BALLS! Dissolve Apple and pay all their corporate profits to the families whose progeny suffer genetic diseases caused by their filthy JEWERY AND NEGLIGENCE

I wish the word "radiation" wasn't invoking the boogieman.

>21 research papers
These days you can find 21 papers "proving" the moon is made of cheese. Call me when it's 2100 papers.

>>But a new study warns there is conclusive evidence that men in particular need to find another storage spot.

I keep my phone in a leather case that I attach to the back of my belt.

burn in hell baby killer!

>find another storage spot

>literally no where else to store it unless you just leave it at home, or in your car

Doesn't matter, no woman would want to sleep with me anyways. lol.

I stick my phone in my back pocket. Does this mean I'll develop ass cancer?




breast pocket?

Good I feel better about keeping my phone in my back pocket now

>I keep my phone in a leather case that I attach to the back of my belt.

>leather case

You just got meme'd bucko. Leather does nothing to prevent the radiation, in fact it focuses it and AMPLIFIES IT INTO CLOSE REGIONS.

You've just been jewed. Sorry m8

Sperm count isnt measured in totals
They're measured in count per ml
Saturation/density not volume.
Because volume changes every time you ejaculate.
I just had this done 3 weeks ago.

Dont tell the niggers, we can use this to gain a birth rate advantage when we adapt.

So what is the solution?
Provided that not taking it is not an option

Steve jobs died five years ago.

doesn't matter

you can have damaged cum and just save your load a few more days to blow a bigger load inside your wifes cunt and load her up with more sperm

how hard is that to understand?

never skip leg day

I always put it in my back pocket. Is that fine?

Do you seriously believe he died just because they announced it? He faked his death because he learned his foolish invention had annihilated millions of balls.

Because thats not how it works.
Anything past 2 days is useless, you have a max output.
And a woman is only in high fertility for 3-4 days.
You clearly know nothing of trying to have kids.

this "news" is going around for like 15 years or longer. made two kids since them. fuck this shit.

i'm a father of 8 children, speak for yourself kunt

I've always carried my phone in my back pocket.

You just have ass cancer now


i understand there might be some sort of magnetic or radio waves, but fucking radiation? are the iphones made with fucking radium and torium?

t. ass cancer

Put it in your shirt pocket and damage your heart instead.

>sees flag

>put in shirt pocket
>damage heart
>poorer blood circulation in body
>erectile dysfunction

>put in trouser pocket
>irradiate balls
>get boner but fire blanks

there's just no winning

Do laptops also do this? Is there no way to block it? I would just put it aside but my job is boring as fucking hell without music and podcasts

>unless you just leave it at home, or in your car
If everyone did this, the world would become a better place for a variety of reasons.