What is the setting of this comic series?

What is the setting of this comic series?
I personally like to imagine it's set in 2035, and "degeneracy" as Sup Forums would call it has become so rampant that this is perfectly acceptable.

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do the blank expressions mean those are fursuits?

Looks like it, since the human's face is different between panels, and there's no indication of the foxes mouth moving.

Also, the joke about what he's wearing.

I don't understand the last panel.

I looked this series up and yes they are wearing fur suits.
The main point of the series is to combine terrible dad jokes with terrible furry jokes.

I'm pretty sure I used to get the last panel but now I don't at all.

I was expecting cringe when I looked this up, but I'm starting to feel like it is enjoyably self-aware.

You can't drink coffee through a fursuit, maybe?

I laughed at this for some godforsaken reason.

what the fuck!? I hate this comic now.

>I'm furryious!
what the fuck!? I love this comic now.

Yeah, this shit is woke.

My god.

This is genius.

He did a furry dad joke, yes

does the girlfriend have facial markings? Or is she just aged.

since they have a kid, it's probably internet people who never grew up

>The "Did you assume my gender?" joke which has been done a million times

Well, I'm intrigued now.

it's supposed to be a funnyface final panel reaction image but fursuits don't convey facial expressions

It's just another scene of a casual situation with someone in a fursuit, how is that not clear?
It's not the punchline, its just an extra amount of absurdity to go along with the already absurd situation presented in the last panel



>co not burning this stuff at the stake
what a time to be alive

Is there an orgy strip?
'Cause all they're doing is dressing like pillocks.

It should've been a one strip joke. The other ones just aren't as good.

That said, that first strip is absolutely GOAT, god damn it'll never not be funny.

>yfw you will never have a furry dad

>he doesn't know Sup Forums is furry

It's satire m8.
Granted the other comics aren't that good but it's not exactly pro-furry or at least not explicitly fetish material.

I like talking animal characters but I still don't get the appeal of mascot costumes.

yeah thatd be weird haha