Why the fuck did Hannibal get so triggered by Sam Harris about an hour in?
Sam Harris vs. Hannibal Burres on BLM
sam might be a liberal but at least he's redpilled about islam and BLM
Because BLM are all con men
hannibal is a fucking joke
What are these three doing in the same place? That's just a weird collection of people.
it's like the start of a hannibal joke
You can shut people like Hannibal down with one look at the FBI murder/crime tables, and talk about the white and black population ratios.
Totally forgot about this... thank you!
Because all his life he's been thinking that cops are racist for no reason other than hatred.
So when Sam starts presenting statistics in a complicated way that gives a reason for why Cops are likely to be apprehensive of random black men running, Hannibal shuts down completely.
This, most people get fed a narrative their whole lives and don't bother to question it and then when they find out reality doesn't match the narrative it's hard for them to accept. Some go into full denial while others eventually come around.
But you can't use those stats to justify racial profiling, that's literally a "correlation implies causation" scenario.
It's possible that black men have more chances of being criminals because of their location, which makes racial profiling useless since a white man born in the same location is almost, if not equally as likely to be a criminal.
Stats don't always tell the whole picture.
Alcohol partially. Also he has yet to be red pilled.
Jesus man, it's getting to the point where I won't indulge in someone's art, or watch their sport if they come out and support BLM.
I know that. And Sam was probably going to get to that point, but what happens when he talks to people like Hannibal is that they keep interrupting before the full argument is made and the caveats explored.
He was essentially saying there is a practical reason why they are profiling, and it's because of actual crime rates, but that comes with obvious downsides that causes understandable rage in black people.
The reason why stats need to be presented and underlying causes explored, is because everyone wants to simplify things into a good versus evil narrative. In the case of police killing blacks, it's always a KKK policeman dual pistoling down black ghandi who was about to got to college.
>But you can't use those stats to justify racial profiling
it's just profiling
>It's possible that black men have more chances of being criminals because of their location
>because of their location
>of their location
>their location
He's a Zionist.
>Hannibal buress
This dude is a mystery to me. He got Bill Cosby arrested then he became a comedian or something?
Hannibal is a leftist faggot, he got mad as fuck when Bill Cosby blew hoodnigger blacks the fuck out
except he probably thinks that most of Sup Forums should be killed for our views
He said this in his book "The End of Faith"
>"Some propositions are so dangerous that it may even be ethical to kill people for believing them."
Was debating an AnCom coworker just yesterday about a similar subject.
A phenomenal up-and-coming history/anthropology podcaster we both listen to recently came out in support of Trump and the Alt-Right, and now my coworker questions whether he should recommend it to others or keep listening to the podcast.
My recommendation to him was to analyze everything, but to judge the works by their own merit, and not the views of the creator, since the presentation is well-researched, professionally presented, and delves into multiple perspectives without taking a particular side except to stress looking at things through the eyes of the individuals and societies that experienced that history.
So to be concise, it's dumb logic to reject art outright if their craft is quality imo, though I don't closely follow any of the guys in the OP.
Got any studies or statistics to back that up?
Because areas like eastern Kentucky are extremely poor and has a low crime rate.
He was referring to terrorist, not autists.
>since a white man born in the same location is almost, if not equally as likely to be a criminal
[citation needed]
Hannibals' only good joke was about Cosby.
Typical. Get a token nigger friend, introduce him to your other friends, can't behave himself and makes you like a chump for bringing him over.
hahah holy fuck
this is embarrassing
>some ((locations)) are evil and naturally cause people to go apeshit and chimp out
>It's possible that black men have more chances of being criminals but they can't help it because of their ((locations)), therefore cops shouldn't arrest them because of ((locations))
at least try to make a coherent argument
aHhh shit is this the podcast they talked about on JRE when hannibal and joe rogan got drunk
the first sip of the right wing juice leads you to zionism
the last leads to 1488
is rogan a kike?
wow this nigger is dumb
kek, (((harris))) keeps claiming he's a White guy
He believes in a two-state solution.
Sam Harris and Joe Rogan are pot-smoking BJJ buddies
So they invited Hannibal over to humiliate him
He's a mega jew and is completely hypocritical on everything Israel. And he's a #nevertrump faggot
Hello sir, checked, I am currently desperately wanting quality podcast material to listen to pls name phenomenal podcast
remind me never to listen or watch anything with any of these kike niggers again
zionism is the ultimate red pill.
He isn't, how is he hypocritical about Israel?
Argue coherently please, he believes in a two-state solution.
>he doesn't believe in abolishing Israel and making millions of Jews quasi-homeless!!!!
Wow what a dirty kike.
Trump is a retard so I get his point.
>Hannibal on Pill Cosby = "zOMG Hannibal is so #BASED. Hannibal always been so #BASED"
>Hannibal goes typical nigger = "Niggers are always going to nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger...."
Seriously fuck you Sup Forums I can't wait until this election passes so Sup Forums can finally return to normal.
He's almost 50 and talks like a teenage stoner
For you
I don't like harris(because he's a kike faggot trump hating anti-White racist), but harambe and the stoner hardly let him get a point finished
>Hannibal: "Have you ever been arrested by the cops when you were just jogging as a 16 yo teenager?"
>Sam: "Has this ever happened to you?"
>Hannibal: "... Has this ever happened to you?"
Harris can't finish a sentence/point before the nigger responds before knowing what the fuck the point is that's being communicated, when a point is finally gotten to the nigger doesn't comprehend what he has told and just keeps repeating about jogging and balls, and saying Harris is just talking about stats that don't have anything to do with his jogging and balls because it's not able to understand the point Harris was making, that does have to do with his jogging and balls. What a waste of time for them to have a show to try to communicate to this/a nigger.
THIS. PAKI is right.
Hannibal is drunk as fuck why are they even trying to have a serious discussion?
I dont even care, this is hilarious. Seriously though I dont look to hannibal to inform me on anything, he was drunk as fuck when this was recorded.
Rogan did a podcast with Hannibal and they got shitfaced on whiskey. Zepps came by with Sam to use Rogans studio for we the people live (his podcast). They decided to do it together, and im glad they did.
>I bet I could summarize your view of me in a way that you would agree with, but you can't do the same for me
>we have assholes like trump possibly getting elected as a result
>i think trump is dangerous and i'm doing everything i can to make sure he doesn't get elected
What a dumb nigger.
> y'all ever been walking down the street jogging?
I don't know what I was expecting from a shit-tier nigger comedian.
Spotted the nigger. Don't be ashamed of who you are, blackie. I'm sure you're beautiful on the inside.
> flag
Should I be surprised?
Sam Harris is a huge faggot sometimes but god damn sometimes he shines.
"I'm not friends with joe rogan"