If Nationalism and Socialism are good, why is North Korea such a shithole?
The alt-right can't explain this
Not enough nationalism
Too much socialism
>It's a delicate mixture
they don't have enough industry or resources
their leadership is shit
because they don't know shit about agriculture and they've borked up their soil, and have incompetent leadership
wtf I'm with her now
>Best Korea
>A shithole
Kimmy isn't pleased
Alt-right aren't socialists dummy. notice: alt-RIGHT
>not being a national socialist
Get out of here.
OP you're exactly right.
I'm now a #cruzmissile
>and Socialism are good
stop right there you pinko commie
>be canadian shitposter
>use media buzzword ((alt-right))
>make half-assed connection to national socialism, not based on the term alt-right, but based on what he sees on the board
double digit IQs get out of my board
you can be a national socialist if you want, but you'll fail just like hitler failed.
It's not nationalist, it just has a God-leader-cult.
It's not socialist, it just adapted flavors of communism and stalinism.
Alt-Right is National [Classic] Liberalism
>It's not nationalist, it just has a God-leader-cult
Who is this God leader?
>inb4 Trump
Make no mistake, we're the ones using him.
National Socialism is shit, Sup Forums's all about National Libertarianism.
Fuck off, pinko fags.
It's not nationalism when your forced to "love" and would die for your county
Kim Jong Un
he's talking about best korea you maori fuck
well, don't I look like a fool.
>National Libertarianism
Not bad
>If Nationalism and Socialism are good, why is North Korea such a shithole?
North Korea isn't Nationalist, Socialist or even White. They have fuck-all to do with the so-called alt-right.
Socialism isn't good, you fucking moron.
North Korea is Nationalist/Communist you fucking retarded leaf
They may have some socialistic ideologies but they are known to be a communist country, Kim Jong Un is a Dictator and Dictatorship comes under the communist style
Shitholes have high nationalism and adherence to traditional values as a survival method. Deviating from those values costs a fuckton of money, so only decadent countries get to do it and not be destroyed immediately. They still decay slowly, though, while traditional cultures rapidly expand and infiltrate weaker nations.
kek. fuck off faggot
Cause they're an inferior race
The "Socialism" in NatSoc is a marketing buzzword. It's more a type of genetic nationalism that treats the nation as one big tribe or family.
Because thats not purely what defines National Socialism.
NatSoc and Communism stand right next to each other
separated by a very large wall
I hate how you retards never value or Even mention Good leadership as a neccessity to have a nation run well. Any damn ideology works if managed well. Its not like a small change will make everything either go to heaven or hell, that is just old useless anti communist american propaganda. Move on
The alt-right is a somewhat nebulous concept, but as far as I can see there are a lot of former libertarians/hoppe libertarians in it.
Not so many socialists.
>tfw founding fathers tier
There are a few monarchists knocking around here (myself included).
No whites.
Because they went far beyond that and completely isolated themselves culturally and even technologically
Here's the problem with monarchism I have (that you don't)
How in countries like the US or Canada would we decide who deserves to become monarch?
Yes I know the Queen is Canadas Queen too but her current symbolic role is a lot different than if she had to actually run the country day to day and so she probably couldn't run both us and you
Have you ever read A Confederacy of Dunces?
But I also read Democracy: the God that Failed, among others.
It wouldn't necessarily have to be called a monarchy, theoretically any hereditary, private form of government should work out fine.
here's mine
more or less
>corporations should have some regulations as without even basic regulations they will rape the land and will cater to globalism for more profits
>nationalism is important and should be something the state is focused on promoting
>education should be focused more on preparing future generations to work within the economy
>art/museums should only survive if they can on a commercial basis and should not expect special treatment
>what goes on in the people's bedrooms sexually is none of the states business as long as the activities are not widely promoted.
>Gay people should be allowed to adopt if they can pass extensive psychological testing and show they are equipped and capable. Either that or the state will be forced to pay for the kids who are unable to get adopted if we want to force women to not have abortions
>abortion should be illegal in most cases and people should learn to take personal responsibility for their actions
>Gay people should be allowed to form a union that is not called marriage, as marriage is religious value. They should still be granted the same rights even if I disagree with the lifestyle
>Marijuana and other degenerate drugs should be mostly legal but have restrictions and if you are using you should be punished by the state for being a degenerate economically in the form of taxes and having to showcase to potential employers that you use the drugs. Drugs should be taxed by the state. Employers and the government should know and have a database on who is using drugs and who is not for the well being of the nation.
>Primary focus should be on a nation's well being - not some globalised idealism bullshit
This is the ideal society in my opinion.
>Read Ayn Rand once
What did he mean by this?
What's the point in writing "get off my fucking lawn"? As it is some political thing
because they have shit for natural resources, are cut off from the global economy, and have to put most of their resources into the military to keep the US/South Korea off of their clay
no political system could ever make north korea anything other than a shithole in those conditions