What the FUCK is up with the casting choices?

What the FUCK is up with the casting choices?

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>Born on 22 October 1973 and raised in London, Ejogo is the daughter of Elizabeth (née Douglas) and Charles Ejogo. Her father is Nigerian and her mother is Scottish

half white mixed qt + white man and...

don't you love black people, you RACIST

I usually like these "kino" horror films, but this was dogshit. Title had nothing to do with the fucking movie and there were multiple plotholes.

..."their son" looks like THAT?!

IRL half white+white = pic related

literally same mix as in the flick, half black half white + white

pic related, middle is half white half black, right is her daughter, left her granddaughter

Was the casting director a butthurt black supremacist? Edgerton's wife is supposed to get BLEACHED.

same here, half black half white mixed qt and her daughter that she produced with her white husband

same, half black half white + white

half black half white + white

Gabrielle Reece (her father is half black half white from Trinidad and her mother is white) with her white husband and family

the man on the right is half white half black, this is his family

I could go on and on. White genes aren't beta cuck genes that just vanish forever if mixed with "stronger" genes.

Was he Edgerton's wife's son? Was a big black bull involved or something? I'm so confused.

This is a goddamn conspiracy. Will BLEACHED ever be halal?

Arnold's half white son is literally his spitting image.

h-he'll be back?


I assumed Joel's character was the stepfather.

Such as? Like obviously there are things left unknown or to speculation but i dont remember genuine holes.

That's probably what he meant. "Plothole" is a super commonly misused term on this board.

Who's the real father?


So some of the supposed dream sequences were actually happening right?

Did the doggo see Idris?


I turned it off after they buried the old guy because I can't stand forced diversity.

look at the tree to the right of pupper

crew member lol

Just leaves.

I hope this is bait

autism speaks

Not at all. I'm tired of people that amount to 13% of the U.S. population being in 100% of movies and TV shows.

I'm seriously not seeing anything in the webm.

So you turn 100% of movies and TV shows off?


What killed the dog?

If I'm watching a movie where a colored person isn't likely to be involved. Small town rural setting with blacks? Nope. Oh, you have a group of friends that represents every imaginable ethnicity? Nope.

I grew up in a small fairly conservative farming town and there was a half-islander, half-Taiwanese guy, an ethnically turkish dude, and half-Native American in our friend group. It's actually more likely in small towns because there aren't cliques full of asians and cliques full of blacks, etc., for people to gravitate towards, and all the minorities, especially the geeky ones, end up in the same group.

No you didn't and no there wasn't.

>N-No you didn't a-and no there wasn't!

What town? I can easily look up the racial demographics and prove you right or wrong. Right now I say you're full of shit.

that's a different user

and anyway looking up the racial demographics of my hometown wont prove the racial makeup of my friend group you goon

>W-What town?!

Why won't it? Did you import all of your racially diverse friends to your small conservative farm town from larger cities where that kind of thing would seem more plausible?

because my town is still obviously majority white it's just that all the ethnic minorities tend to befriend one another

Shit movies Sup Forums tricked you into watching general?

They had to write off the dog early, as it didn't wanted to be associated with this hot garbage.

>Small town rural setting with blacks?

I don't see why that's incredible to you though. Plus It Comes At Night doesn't tell you what state they live in. It could be in the south.


congratulations sleuth lol.



What’s wrong with them ???

r u dumb

Definitely. It was shit.


Dude I'm right there with you I knew I saw something at those 2 parts, creeped me the fuck out they never explained what exactly happened to the dog either. The flick was eerie as hell. There was clearly something strange going on that was never brought to light.

holy shit I see it now what the fuck. If it actually was a crew member that's a pretty dumb place for him to be.

Explain how the door was opened.

The jews are really pushing interracial hard now. Get all the nu males to father mulattos if they can't get them to remain turbo cucked non-breeders.

he was probably responsible for getting the dog to bark

The only thing that seemed like a plot hole was how the dog got into the room. Everything else you can figure out / deduce pretty clearly.

yeah good point desu


This is nice since it kinda confirms that there was something else out there.

>He thinks the title had nothing to do with the movie
>He didn't understand how it relates to the theme of the movie

Well go ahead and impress us, what is "it"?

It would take too long to explain, and if you didn't get it instantly, I doubt a long explanation would help, brainlet.


different user but "it" could refer to all the trouble that came when the stranger broke into their house in the night? I dunno I think it was just supposed to be a vague title that they thought sounded cool.

Great movie to watch with friends. We laughed pretty hard at the end when we realised nothing was ever going to pay off and all our predictions were wrong.

>pretentious horrorshit


This is probably the best answer I've seen so far, but it's still terribly disappointing.

Literally nothing there. Ya feeling alright pinhead?

You should watch the webm again, paying attention to the right side of the indicated tree. There's no ambiguity at all-very clearly there is someone behind it.

look at the webm and watch the tree, there's definitely a person there.

take your meds

Paranoia. The idea that the end of the world is a physical monster and something you can fight.

Im on an iPhone dawg, but them pics ain't show nuffin

It's not if you watch the movie in the right mindset. It has a really strong theme of paranoia and especially of dehumanization, how fear and mistrust can lead you to abandon your humanity, and those themes permeate the whole movie. The first scene alone does a really good job of conveying those themes with visuals alone.

Only there is nothing there and that's the point of the movie. What you're seeing is the dog handler getting his k9 to respond on cue.

It's pretty hard to see without motion, but you can see the sliver of light gray (someone's shirt) peaking from behind the tree.

I think I understand most of the director's choices, and they definitely play into the theme of paranoia. In order to make the audience more paranoid, he puts us in the position of the main family, who also knows virtually nothing about what's going on. There's this weird illness out there, but it's poorly understood and they take tons of precautions to try and stop it. Just as the family doesn't know what caused the door to be open, the viewer is also left to speculate how things happen.

It still feels cheap to me, because I don't think there is a plausible explanation for how everything happened. You seem to have a pretty good grip on the movie, so if you could, I'd appreciate it if you'd take a crack at . I think there's no satisfactory explanation which is the real reason the director chose to obscure things.


the tree pic does look like nothing on its own but in the webm you can see that the right edge of it is a person (dog handler probably) and he moves behind the tree after a bit.

WOW! It's fucking NOTHING!

I honestly don't get bogged down by "plot holes" as much as other people do, most of them fly right over my head unless they're really glaring, so I doubt I'd be able to give you a satisfying answer. I just wrote it off as being left intentionally vague, we're just not given enough information. Maybe someone was staking out the house? That would explain the dead dog, maybe it was left as a message. Anyway, it didn't bother me that much.


Awful movie. Literally nothing comes at night other than bad acting

Horrible movie.
Putting aside the it's fucking nothingness of it, the characters are actually retarded.
They take all these precautions and then can't even handle kicking 3 people, one of them a child, out of their house. Instead of separating them they take them all at once.

And his fucking dream sequences were retarded as shit. And his weird sexual frustration that went nowhere was pointless but I guess if you make a movie these days you have to put in pedo propaganda or (((they))) won't fund it.

this was essentially a more nuanced Get Out where race is just part of the subtext along with everything else that causes tensions between people. not a central theme concoted by SJWs

>his weird sexual frustration
>pedo propaganda
can I get a quick rundown?

closet nonce detected.

there was nothing pedo about this film

He used the triple-parenthesis/echoes, that means you can just safely ignore whatever retarded opinion he might have about every subject.

He's 17.
He's constantly struggling with his sexual urges in regards to the wife. He looks at her tits when they're talking in the kitchen at night. He listens to them fuck. He starts at her when pumping water before pupper runs off.
He has sex dreams about her.
Honestly how the fuck did you miss it? Did you even watch the movie?

>when the Dad shot the whining woman
Other than that
>It comes at night
>literally nothing comes at night
>it's about a cuck shed in the woods

I asked about this "pedo propaganda" you retarded redditor.

Everything you just described is just a typical teenage boy fantasizing about an older woman. Do you know what pedophilia means?

The normalization of the sexualization of underage children.
It served no purpose in the story. If you took it all completely out nothing would change about the movie.

>17 is pedophilia
get a load of this window licking retard