Pol saved my life. Your analysis on recent leaks blew open a Clinton secret that would of lead to my death if no one brought to light. I have not posted here before, but wanted to thank you all and give back to the community. Ama
Pol saved my life...
> would of
Why didn't you pay attention in elementary school?
pshhh nothin personel kid
is Crooked Hilary being manipulated by the Reptile People?
if so, can you describe them and explain what kind living conditions they are accustomed to?
What makes you think you're off the Clinton death list? Sometimes they wait a month or a year or two before having their target killed.
Nigger, if that's where you're going to leave the story then why are you posting? If the secret's blown, tell us which one it is, and how are you connected to it?
pls share rather than beg questions
Makes you wonder how many people she'll have killed when she loses.
Boxers or briefs?
LARP threads are gay and so are you
Asking the real questions. And with trips!
lurk more or get out, AMA is reddit shit
Switched to mobile. Maybe changed ID
I did sorry.
No reptillians. George Soros, a certain family are pulling the strings. Tim Kaine also has a bigger hand in things than you might think. Also this is no joke: Hillary has gone crazy and literally believes she can contact otherwordly beings. She has tried before to do so.
I have a new identity lined up on a certain island in the Bahamas
answer me
What was the secret that was thrown into the light? How did Sup Forums help with it?
haha MAGA XD praiose kek!
You're not safe. She deals in spooks that make the CIA veteran assassin look like Michael J Fox claiming he can put a straight line of mustard on his hot dogs. If you really earned the ire of the Clintons, you're a deadman walking. It's only a matter of time before you're tracked and taken out. Even the contract on Assange will happen, everyone slips up sooner or later when they are prey.
So which image or topic from /cfg/ saved your life?
>fucks off
Why are you a good for nothing liar, OP?
Oh my mistake, you "changed ID" 13 minutes after OP
>This thread
All I can say is wait until sometime early to mid October. Clinton's medical history will be leaked detailing her 2012 concussion and the fact that medical staples were used to piece back parts of her skull
Watch the news for an "attempt" or a certain freak "accident" occurring to either one of Trumps top advisors or his children. She will let nothing stand in the way of her presidency, she is ego driven
Boxer less contstrict
Nice rp reddit fag. Post thicc boipussi.
I apologize I had turn off my phone. Am back to answer
Ever experimented sexually with another man?
Sup Forums saved a life again.
Of course not. Get off the idea of Satanism and focus on the amount of money and power for the motivation. I apologize for grammar, I am typing this on a burner crap phone quickly
I'm gay man, so yes. Another reason I could of turned on Clintons?
>gay guy
A mention of a specific hillary/Saudi plant.
If my aunt had balls she would of been my uncle
Clinton just loves her some homos.
I am 100% safe. If I was attacked it could be traced directly to hcf
Briefs. Boxers get sweaty as hell
Are you single?
this cant be real
So naive. It won't be an attack, but it will be a real tragedy to lose you in that plane accident. Or traffic accident. Or building fire. Or heart attack. You should get the picture by now.
Haha no sorry.
Again I want to stress, I am in no danger. I'm worth more as an example of how not all her enemies are gone.
If I die, you will all know my name. She knows I have made percussions.
What the fuck does playing the drums have to do with this thread topic?
Been a lurker here for awhile, and we be returning to that role after tonight. Thus again, is just a thanks post
Just noticed. Drums don't have much at all to do with any of this haha. I meant preparations
Why do you assume the Reptillians have no interest in money and power? They are literally cold-blooded. Sorry for the terse response, currently behind a changing proxy that's about to expire.
They dont exist. Sorry to ruin the magic
How do we stop the Jews?
Op's roommate here, can you tell him he is an RPing faggot and to stop his anime torrents that are killing the bandwith? thanks.
fuck you dave, you stayed logged in downstairs and we can see your history.
Fuck you. I don't know who you are.
i cry everytiem
turn that shit off or I am posting your facebook
Fuck off. Shits already off
Can we get a pic u in undies or what?
I'm not Dave
wtf dave?
I want to believe this is really happening
OP they found you
I'm calling the police. That was private
smdh !
i wish more larpers had based roommates to expose them
pic related
highly related
>not over til its over
stay a while (OP) get cozy for more happenings, last round of hill-mail from wiki-leaks soon
What's the best animated series ever and why is it Cowboy Bebop?