Insult the country above you
Nice. Quads, don't you have a kangaroo to fuck?
I love your burgers. Thank you for protecting the world. I love Trump. I hope you take back your country like Britain. Cheers.
You will never be shitpost king, cuntnadian cuck.
Australia is a beautiful country of rich nature and animals!
Practically British 2.0 but with more petrol huffing.
You spawned Milo
Your niggers are the most ape like
I visited Perth once and although I liked it quite, it's too sunny and you can actually feel how lacking it is culture-wise.
I love America's fantastic food and sport culture!
Your teeth are fucking disgusting.
how expensive are dentists and seasonings in england ?
Your Island has beautiful nature! I hope to visit one day!
Shame of all the white nations
You teaniggers would be ruled by those sheepfuckers you call Wales if it wasn't for us
I can't say much about your country but I'm sure it's cities have much history!
I hope to visit one day!
Opium and poor dentistry are your two main exports
Congrats on your fantastic space program! I find it wonderful it has discovered so much!
Lisbon is a fantastic city to visit in the summer! Thank goodness for our long alliance!
Good one friend! Texas warm weather is lovely, and your cowboy history is fascinating!
>I'm sure it's cities have much history!
b-but it does...
Fuck Lisbon! Lisbon is shit! If I had nukes, I'd nuke the shit outta of that Moor city!
I was genuine friend! I love to watch the grand prix in your city!
FUCK you for creating the shit country brasil where the people always come to my country
I'm sad to hear that, know any other lovely spots to visit?
Japan has wonderful food! I love to read of your islands rich history! may our countries be close friends!
I was expecting this from a Cucknadian but I wasn't counting on Muhammed to join in..
STFU you filthy English bastard.
Your country clearly has beautiful landscapes and Lord of The Rings couldn't have chosen a better spot!
May our union last forever, my Scot or Welsh friend!
Muslim rapists are free to go no matter how many engilsh girls they raped
May the roots in your teeth last another royal family reign
I'll be sure to CZECH out your country's history! Haha!
Good joke buddy! Ever seen Mt Rushmore? Sounds like a great spot to sight see!
FUCK you for stopping us to control the trade with your country, and make trade with the Dutchies instead!
I wholeheartedly agree, the beauty of their countryside is ridiculous!
i love your accent
Haha, good one. Those dutch am i right? haha just a joke, we're all friends now. Well done on kicking so much ass in your colonial wars!
Same here! Those southerners sure sound friendly!
I hate your ID color
I hate how you think you're the world police.
God bless America! I can't wait to go down route 66 one day
Thanks for showing the world there are still retards out there who can get their driver license for a hotdog and some spare cash
I hate your trailer oh sorry that's your "house" how's Alabama Billy Bob?
Are Christians your jews
Not enough nukes out of their silos.
The difference is the hot dogs don't get shoved in our asses forcefully over here.
You dutch sure are wily merchants! Good luck on Nexit!
You can probably send someone a postcard faster than you can send them an e-mail with those internet speeds.
I love you and you ebin bantz.
Inbred from inbreds and inbred again if ugly is pretty then you'd be a 10
You still have your incest creating horsefaced chicken molesters called the royals.
and you are jealous because we invented national socialism before you could.
youre eating fish out of old newspapers and call it food culture.
for 50 years now the "empire" is becoming a third world country without sun.
you dont even have enough fuel to go "hunting" oversea, which is why you do it in northern ireland
Also: the BMW engine in the rolls royce is just better get over it
hi guys
Love kangaroos! Such funny animals!
I see Germany! Well at least I can win a war! Haha! Just a joke!
Yup they sure have some fucked up teeth.
The worst thing to happen to this island since, during and before the famine.
what's it like being a paki colony?
Great, more food for us and skin for clothing.
Haha, good one friend. Sorry about that whole raj business! We're all friends now!
your flag looks like old person candy
also your people are a race of low IQ vermin
Plain degenerate
Happy 9/11
>Well at least I can win a war! Haha!
y-you c-crossed the line *sniff*
>tfw cant insult such a glorious country
>couldn't even finish off the muzzies
Yep as I thought, pussy out just like you've always been doing since after WW2 you fucking subhuman
can you please stop pretending to be a first world country? you being over run by nigers and wetbacks. and you dont even have water that has not been populated by fracking
Your countrymen are fucking pussies. Not even kidding, I never met a canadian that was masculine
>Coming from a Sandnigger
How does it feel knowing your flag will always make you look like a shit poster?
a sandnigger that has drinkable water*
Feels great
Mow my lawn.
KEK. how does it feel being genetically inferior, shitskin?
You sure blew him up pedro
what's it like knowing that you will never be able to please your women. that is why they go for nigers.
what's it like being so fat that you dont even know what your own dick looks like?
fucking retard
I knew a degenerate fatass lesbian who went to holland with other degenerates.
I'm surprised Sup Forums approvals of the degenerate fantasy land that is your cout
>calling a paki pedro
Ladies and gentlemen: the amercian education system.
Sorry was he Mexican? You've been spewing shit so I couldn't tell.
>implying shitskins are different
>Americans saving face
>maxians and pakis are the same
>being this retarded because your mama was on meth
>1 person is multiple people
how the fuck do you get mexico and pakistan mixed up
india will always be superior to you
Must be the shit skin.
They're the same fucking thing though
It's time to stop posting.
>trying this hard to feel better about your inferior status
>needs to enslave your women to keep them loyal
>will always be disgusting rats who need to rape to get any
sure thing, africa
what do you call an obese turk?
As long as you keep the queen, we don't want you as our 51st State.
You bunch of fuc... N-no I can't do it. I loves you so muches
our colony thinks he knows stuff.