I don't think we can

I don't think we can...

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Kek, popecuck. Protestantism led to many of the technological/scientific advances we saw in Germany and the UK shortly after its inception.

The Romans were degenerate failures by the time the Germanics finally finished them off btw.

>kaiser wilhelm ii caused the first world war

what a silly meme

>Bundling Anglo achievements with G*rmanic "scientific progress" (so progressive that science was mostly used to design new and more effective ways to kill white Europeans)

Gtfo d&c shill

good post
i have come to the same conclusion, there is just something about german leaders that make them want to destroy whites

trump is part german...

Germans should be eradicated

Merkel is kind of ok. But good point, frog

Remove Švabs from premises!

good point muslim yank
obviously merkel is the globalist destroying white homeland whilst trump is trying to save us, so it is clearly leaders IN germany

Karl Marx was a fucking Jew you idiot

France, Germany, Britain. I don't care who the fuck does it but someone has to unite the western world and the white race under the banner of racial nationalism.

>merkel is kinda ok

How delusional can Poortugal get?


No fucking shit, where did he state otherwise?

Now make one for jews.


>Germany being sole aggressor of WWI

Haha, good one friend

We could say the same about France and Britain really.

Unlike what all those lefties say, she is the reason my country is not today just like Venezuela


G*rmans and Jews are essentially the same.

Both hate Christianity.

Both are industrious, sinister and treacherous.

Both HATE white Europeans.

Both want Islam in Europe.

Both speak G*rmanic languages.

Both contributed to the fall of Rome.

G*rmany has been the refuge of Jews for centuries while all other European countries were kicking them out. They were even allowed to prosper and flourish in G*rmany.

The only difference between a Jew and a G*rman that I can think of is that the latter is not circumcised.


This is a joke right? There is literally a french house of Rothschild.

Anyone else imagine Watto's voice as the Happy merchant? It fits him perfectly

>Rothschild is a G*rmanic word

Thanks for proving my point.

The vatican shall not dictate to me over my Queen.

The first world war was not Germanys fault.

Marx, Hitler and Merkel though, they are all deserving of hate. But their unifying factor is Socialism, not German heritage.

Socialism destroyed Europe, not Germany. Germany was merely the host for the parasite.

Per capita there's about 4 times as much jews in France then there are in Germany. Not to mention that you were essentially the birthplace of modern day liberalism with muh equality with the niggers and shitskins of the world, liberty to saw your dick off and get fucked in the ass and fraternity with your with those that rape your country out of existence.

Fuck off. Anglicanism was essentially Catholicism without recognizing the authority of the Bishop of Rome.

G*rmanic Protestantism is applied Talmudic Judaism.

really makes me think

satan is waiting you, dont make him wait too long !

Karl Marx and Adolf Hitler were based af.

Well there's also the Austro-Hungarians and the Ottoman Turks.

Austrians are southern Germans and the Turks are indistinguishable from ethnic Germans.

I think it's safe to say World War I was definitely on German hands.

To kill the parasite, we must destroy the host.

Marx was your fault, Germany got rid of that pest and you then took him in and allowed him to have a platform.

>G*rmanic Protestantism is applied Talmudic Judaism.
>implying implications

Marx was not German, he was Jewish.

They are mostly G*rmanic-Jews who fled G*rmany after their half-Jew pet Adolf Hitler got BTFO by whites.




fuck off you cuck

My fault? I wasn't even alive toothpaste.

I seriously fucking hate the fact that people unironically believe that germany is responsible for ww1

Its a kill or be killed world out there. What the fuck do you think Chemotherapy treatments for Cancer do?

I'm literally agreeing with you. Just don't lump based Anglicanism with Talmudic Protestantism.

Lmao, needs more white for German posters to understand what you want.

Well if they didn't give Austria the go ahead, Austria might have been less retarded.

>first two words of post
>Fuck off.

Thats not how you agree with someone in countries with manners (and basic hygiene).


You are right. I am sorry. I should have specified the part with which I was disagreeing with you.



Except for the Boers, there are no whites on that list. Good job England!



German's are becoming so hated we might soon have to welcome them in Israel

Insidious. Petty. Presumptuous. Cowardly.

pick one

Germans are on an eternal march against tradition, freedom, and small government.

Kike bastard, he was.

In the end it had to be a non-German reunifying Germany

He was germanic and jewish
This makes him super evil

For more info about the g*rmanic race:

Kr*ut. Kike. Two sides of the same coin.

What a mistake that was. He should have dissolved G*rmany. And the G*rmans. In sulfuric acid.

Fuck that, they'd just cuck us like they did their own """country."""

Howdy Germanic servants! Check it out, I'm made of Gold!
t. Charlemagne

He did such a great job. Now Germans will be as rich as Americans.

Come on dude, Willy dindu nuffin ...

>G*rmans and Jews are essentially the same
Go to bed Kafka. You're a giant bug and dead

Willy is /our guy/

>Every tiem


Well let's be fair.
Willy's autism really didn't help with defusing the situation


More info about germs.

If G*rmany did not get involved, WW1 would have just been a small and irrelevant regional squabble

i hate (((germans)))


French posters are so shit. I wish either they never would have had the terror attacks driving so many of these niggers to our board. Or i wish there were enough attacks to kill them off entirely

>Karl der Große
>not deutsch
What are you smoking?

Couldn't you find a more retarded explanation on internet?

>reminder that germany is an artificial creation and not a real country (just like jewkraine)
>reminder there's no such thing as a german people, they're just an agglomeration of tribes with the sole purpose of destroying european civilization


More like if Brit**n didn't get involved, and Belgium got the fuck out of the way instead of being an insolent little shit.

>being this new

You know who calls other people new?
I'll just leave this here:

Enternal Teuton
>invents Protestantism
>half of Europe dead in the bloody 30 years war

>invents communism
>half of the planet enslaved, brainwashed and abused, millions more dead

>starts WW1
>half of Europe destroyed and millions dead

>invents national socialism
>half of Europe destroyed again, failed to wipe out entire races

Eternal Anglo
>brings civilization to the dregs of humanity
>turns wastelands like canada and australia into paradises
>keeps the dastardly deutsch at bay
>can handle the bants
>has culture

>Wow, how dare independent nations not bow down to G*rmanic army -- well known for committing war crimes and killing civilians!

t. G*rman-American

makes me feel proud actually. can't stop us from destroying the world you fucking cucks.

(can't spell german without germ)

I weep sometimes when I think what could have been if we had lost the 100 years war and become British subjects. We would have colonized space by now.

t. 1/64th German Germaboo
>Austria declares war on Serbia because of some irrelevant prince's death
>He shares half haplotype with us! Pure blooded German king!
>Germany declares war because muh herrenrasse
>plunges Europe into chaos
As for Belgium, you can't attack sovereign states without expecting retaliation. But Germans are idiots and never understood this concept. Same with Shitler and Danzig

Please don't compliment my people. We don't like compliments, only insults.

We will be the figure you need to hate. Because we can handle the banter. Germany can't and you might set them off again.

Who started WW1 again you stupid faggot, who declared war? You should at least read the first sentence of any history book.

>Writing it censored like some kind of insult
You should watch out, Kraut diaspora
America will always be an Anglo country with Anglo heritage, show some respect to British culture as our guest
t. soldier aboard

Huh? We're working with you right now, we use you to help launch our satellites into space?

That doesn't require subversion.. Just co-operation.

Just be grateful you have your nation. Albeit it's submitted somewhat to the EU.

>implying marx was bad
fucking capitalist pig

>Frenchman is mad about Germans "destroying" Europe

Every single time. Sorry someone took continental dominance away from you, but go fuck yourself, you French piece of shit.

And, less than three decades later, they are back to their dirty old tricks

Some Serbian started it. The rest of us were like "wut"?

>muh Austiria is at fault!
Again, Austria only declared war on Serbia. If Germans were not retarded small dicked white niggers they would have avoided getting involved and WW1 would not have happened

Oh shit, a peasant Serbian started the war and USA and UK joined because Serbian said so, tell me more genius.

No one power should rule over European nation states.

And if one were to exert rule, the last one it should be is Germany.

>He shares half a haplotype with us. Pure blooded German king.
And so Germany went to war.

Really make you think

even germans know they're not a thing and their country is bullshit and they couldn't even come up with a real name for their """country""" and """people""" and they literally decided to call themselves """""people"""" (deutsch)

No, some Serb shot dead some irrelevant German, Germans got buttmad and started annexing clay around them, other Europeans were like "pls stahp that" "lololno". Bam. Get gassed bitch.

End of discussion.

Yeah Americans were butthurt because some Austrian royal they didn't care about was killed, excellent logic retard. And then you will tell me UK avenged a royal they didn't care about, because they were such really good boys.

The germans fought WWI quite seriously. Exterminating anyone in their path and using all sorts of underhanded tricks. They were deadset on world domination.