You dont actually hate tattoos on women do you?

You dont actually hate tattoos on women do you?
Women look plain without them


jump off a cliff

Can't agree more.

I'd bang a girl with tatts but i wouldn't want one as a gf

Yea it's a dumb slide thread. But please don't encourage suicide on a WN forum.

You can avoid bumping threads like these by putting "sage" in the options field.

shit taste

There is nothing i hate more when a stunning girl mutilates her skin with ink, too many times ive seen this

My wife has my initials branded on her back. Is that " degenerate " like tattoos? She's really into, y'know, being owned by me.

Tatts only look good on women when they are young. But just like every other aspect of aging as a women.. It isn't attractive, and is a faded image of what was..


Only tattoo i want on them is my name printed around there nipple in a circle formation

I don't like them. They can be done tastefully, but I still think that in all cases, they'd look better without.


I like tattoos it's an easy identifier of what people to avoid.

I despise tattoos on men and women. Getting a tattoo is as cool as vaping or sucking cocks.

For some reason I'm really into trashy girls like that, as long as they've got a good body and face of course.
I know from experience that they're often borderline crazy, but I can't help it.

Anyone else miss the goth fad?

Never got 4ch and its hatred of tattoos. Not just pol but most boards. I have known unhinged cunts with tattoos but i also know stable traditional and respectable women covered in ink.

Gif is cozy af

Man could you imagine waking up one day at everyone looks like Pepe? But you're still normal? How crazy would that be. "Where did the people go?" You would say. But it is you the one who has changed, and the looks you get are confused and frightened. Can you prove you are harmless before the dawn of execution?

How many marijuanas did you take today?

Stop trying to justify your argument with sleazy women in porn.

I only hate shitty tattoos.

Unfortunately that's 90% or more of them. People really have no aesthetic and they don't stick to an idea or motif for themselves.

Almost everyone with tats either has the problem of looking like a jumble of pictures and styles and symbols, or having very shitty quality art.

Donot talk to me even

Tattoos on chicks arent even bad. Goth girls are God tier.

Theyr too emo to try for Chad thundercock and barely ever cheat.

Clearly the culturally conservative christian chick is absolute toptier but goths girls arent on the bottem of the list.

>You dont actually hate tattoos on women do you?

I love them. They're a great way to identify mentally damaged whores right away.

>There are links between tattoos and psychiatric disorders such as depression (Heywood, 2012), eating disorders (Carroll, 2002), borderline personality disorder (Raspa, 1990), neuroticism (Pozgain, 2004) and increased risk of suicide (Carroll, 2002). Seven or more piercings, or intimate piercings, described higher risk behaviors and emotional distress (Owen 2013). In high school students, tattoos correlate with suicidal idealization, suicidal attempts, and depression (Yen 2012).

>Being tattooed is associated with greater numbers of lifetime sexual partners (Heywood 2012), earlier sexual initiation, higher frequency of sexual intercourse and increased preference for oral sex (Nowosielski 2012). In adolescents, tattoos also correlate with the likelihood of having unprotected sex (Yen, 2012), but not in adults (Nowosielski 2012).

>Tattoos indicate impulsiveness (Kim, 1991). In students, tattooing is associated with risk-taking behaviors, including smoking and cannabis use (Heywood, 2012). Participants with tattoos or body piercings were more likely to have engaged in risk-taking behaviors and at greater degrees of involvement than those without either. These included gateway drug use, hard drug use, sexual activity, and suicide.

>Gateway drug use was associated with younger age of both tattooing and body piercing. Hard drug use was associated with number of body piercings (Carroll 2002). In Croatian prisoners, tattoos correlated with lower IQs and those possessing them demonstrated significantly higher levels of impulsiveness than the non-tattooed group (Pozgain 2004). An overview of autopsy reports also revealed that persons with tattoos appear to die earlier than those without. A negative tattoo may suggest a predisposition to violent death, but is eclipsed by the presence of any tattoo (Carson 2014).

>For some reason I'm really into trashy girls like that,
You subconsciously know that they're more likely to put and that sparks your interest.

top lel


Actually I do. When I see an attention-whoring roastie with even a small tattoo approaching me, I turn 360 degrees and walk away.

Tats look like shit 99% of the time.

>traditional and respectable women >covered in ink

Choose one

>Goth girls are God tier.

Are you 12? Or just homeless?

Get your dick wet and keep your self respect

I like the way you think.

That is probably really true. My wife has no tattoo's and is perfectly normal, plain, but normal. Her sister has a ton and is FUBAR and has been in a mental hospital 3 times.

Tattoos are disgusting. Why would you want to bang a girl who mutilates her body, britbong? British woman can't be that disgusting.

I like girls with tattoos.
But I don't think it is easy to enter them.

Its hot in the way that its taboo, but not the type of girl you ever marry.

Girls only with a wrist tattoos or an ankle tat aren't hot though, that shit is special snowflake tier wanting to be cool.

The problem with that is that the guy who did the tattoo is the one that actually owns her. You'll be reminded of that every time you see it.

>yfw christian Bosnian tattoos

Gangsta as fuck.

That is also definitely degenerate.

Nobody is respectable with tattoos. It's like saying 'most women who have fucked more than 100 people are sluts, but I have met women with over 100 partners who are not sluts'. Makes no sense to call them respectable.

I had this exact dream last night

I love tattoos on women.
Aposematism in general is wonderful and an enormous time-saver on judging the worthiness of a human being.

Im heavily tattooed.Got all my work done I my 20s when I was a lib tard. Now I'm in my 30s and right winged as fuck. I still don't mind my tattoos because they remind me never to go back to being a liberal. I would never want my children to grow up to be covered in drawings.