Be in RAN

>Be in RAN
>on boat (wont say which one)
>In bunk sleeping after shift
>This guy has hooked up with one of the female officers
>When ever i go to sleep they both come in the storage room beside my bunk and have a root if it's quiet, which is nearly all the time where i was located
>every. fucking. night
>keeps me up
>always feel shit
>complain to superior
>understands but can't do anything about it because he is afraid of reporting it because guess what? that woman is her CO too
>fuck women

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Sounds like you are mad you arent the one fucking her.


just kill them and claim allah did it

Welcome to modern day double-think, where women are equal but they're not equal at the same time. To overtly question it is a death sentence. Female officers are literally the reason why I won't join the army. It'd do my nut in

Being forced to listen to another man have sex when you're trying to sleep should make you mad. Unless you're a cuck.

Not a milfag, but can't you go to her superior? Or would that be out of line?

>ITT things that never happened

>have a root if it's quiet
haha fucking losers i can be root everytime i want

I expect this level of shitpost from a leaf, not you, Piotr

The ADF is fucked, I got out recently after 5 years. The whole gender thing is mental. Chicks getting paid out 50k for accusing guys of sexual assault, getting passed for competencies that they clearly failed, I'm talking serious things too, components of pilot training.

Have you heard of the whole female graduate pilot scheme, blatant sexism in recruiting.

Milk it for all it's worth to you then get the fuck out and find something better before you get too old.

You're just butthurt because you're not the one getting poontang

Don't worry friend. America's military isn't any better. I think most military personnel on this board know of an incident like that that's happened to them in their career.

>tfw most female officers in the military are either pretty much Manish or their decent enough they can just use their female charm to succ their way to the top.

Letting female personnel into any military was the biggest mistake.

Kind of hard to be mad when I'm the one fucking.

Ex pusser here. Why would you report someone for rooting some wran slut? You sound like a total faggot OP.

Yeah, I'm far from a virgin too. Big guy.

Just because a women gives me sex doesn't mean I'll excuse all her bullshit.

I lose more respect for a man who does this than anything else.

You can but most commands are pretty small or tight knit. Everybody knows everybody and word passes around pretty quickly. If there is any inkling that you're the one who tattled, youll probably be ostracized or targeted for being a buddy fucked or rat. Sometimes it's not even worth it.

yea maybe for the first two days
that shit actually gets really annoying like some dude in the next room always moving furniture right after you just went to sleep
i feel the pain of OP.

Feel free to talk m8

Either politely ask them to stop or take out a vodka bottle, drink it, and then glass the male over the head.

Then tell the bitch that if she reports you, you'll do something far worse to her than to her lover.

Then, go back to sleep.


You really have to take these actions in your own hands, sometimes, OP.

>implying military females are worth it even for a second.

I'm not sure if OP is in the Navy of his country, but being underway can get to you. No pussy for 8-9 months after having access to it whenever you want gets to you after a while.

Fucking out at sea is never a good idea

back when the navy was cool

Cuck him, seduce her and fuck her every night.

Hello Success, haven't changed I see

because it's keeping him awake? you do realise people need to sleep or bad things start happening to their bodies, yes?