Let's talk a little about the far future. i'm a bigtime nationalist...

let's talk a little about the far future. i'm a bigtime nationalist, i want all countries to be as autonomous as possible. however, let's say that we enter interstellar space, we discover there are thousands of alien civilizations, and we join the galactic playing field. to be honest, i couldnt see any way to be a respectable power if we still had nations. i think only a unified earth would be able to be of any significance on a galactic world stage. when would the earth need to unify?

When the singularity happens

The earth will unify when the parentheticals are gone.


I agree, in order to present a respectable image in an interstellar community we would need to represent our planet and our species, not our particular island.

I think that this will happen all too late though. We're likely to make first contact before we realise the requirement for a united front.

I really hope I get to see an alien before I die, even if that alien is the thing that kills me.

Does a new earth grown super-virus count as an alien?


no it would need to be a life form that has evolved on another planet. Preferably complex and large enough to view with the naked eye but now that you mention it an alien bacteria would be equally cool

Large parts of the earth are unifying as we speak, the internet has made it so the newest generations of kids grow up in a world without distance, globalism will become more and more common until nations are nothing more than a formality.

Third world countries will eventually catch up as the western world constantly switches to the cheapest and inadvertantly builds them up not to mention when the countries that have already been built up this way like China start outsourcing their manufacturing to other countries and the process will be sped up.

The moment we have contact with aliens will probably be the moment people feel truely feel like a singular race. It'll be humans and aliens, not blacks/whites/asians, etc. and aliens.

>humanity would naturally unify and for forget their differences temporally until the alien threat is contained...then humans would go back to fighting one another again.

Agreed m8, when we reach the space age globalism is pretty much inevitable.

But only when we can be free from jewery will i surrender my country for a new land

Aliens wouldnt give a shit if earth was unified infact they see humans as incredibly primitive if unification was required for them to reach the interstellar scale

When I was younger I thought a world government was a viable option in the near future and the inevitable path to what you pictured, us forming "team human". The failure of the EU showed me how far away this dream is. Now I see how utopian this is, but still hope that we'll some day be an interplanetary/interstellar species, no matter if under the banners of nations, or that of Earth, or even corporations.

and why are you so confident that aliens wont be more primitive than us

>alien bacteria
Imagine, there could literally be some in the solar system RIGHT NOW.

When all the Jews in the world are dead

This is a really convoluted way to go about getting people to reassure you that white people are just going to go find their own fucking planet.

To me this seems like one of the issues that could have been solved by Hitler winning the war. We need a dominant intelligent government that isnt too afraid of exterminating besser races and breeding superior people. Otherwise we'll never be able to reach a level of societal cohesion needed to push the boundaries of our galactic expansion.

I will still care more for my family than for my nation. And more for my nation and ethnicity than the whole humanity. But I would prefer humanity over foreign species. So you can unite on a macrolevel while still having intraspecies autonomy.

>yfw humans are the precursor race and we leave behind a galaxy littered with enigmatic artifacts as a gigantic practical joke on the younger races

I disagree. There's no rule that states that a united Earth is required to maintain an interstellar colony. For instance, if and when the US starts calming the stars, there's no way we're going to take some third world subhumans such as Indians along just cause they happen to live on the same rock as us.

We only do serious space exploration when the biological limitations of our bodies have been overcome (ie we're robots).

If ayyliums suddenly showed up and it was clear we couldn't fuck around anymore.

The UN would be given more power to act as the front for humanity.

Then the UN would try to force changes through idealism with its newfound power. "Pls open borders, pls accept migrants, pls no racism, pls gib monies to this part of the world".

West gets further cucked. UN gubmint is overthrown. China and Russia splinter off and create another organization they say supercedes the UN.

West is irrelevant forever from that point on.

Because there can be a guarantee an alien spacefaring civilization will be aware of our existence for far longer than we know of them. And if they can travel millions of lightyears and have a good enough reason to actually reveal themselves to us there's no doubt that their technology would be so mindbendingly superior to ours to the point where it's not even comprehensible by human understanding. Therefore we're at the complete mercy of any alien civilization that discovers us first. Our only solace might come from that fact that if our planet isn't glassed immediately upon contact we know that we're worthy enough of being interfaced with

I just want my HFY fantasy of butt-fucking the aliens back to their homeworld.

During the antique time, the greek take consideration of their "hellenic root" when the persians wanted to invade them.
What I mean is that, the humanity will be unified when it will be necessary. If you want to do it before, it will just lead to civil war as it may occur now. We have to take humanity as it is now, and now the nationalism is the correct answer.

And even if we meet aliens, dealing with niggers will just be a problem than something else. The best solution is that only the white race colonized the space.

However, if you start to interest to this subject, you will easy understand that the distance in the universe are so far that the spaceship needed for finding others aliens require technology that is impossible to think now.


Guys what if the aliens are redpilled and the only way to truly into space really is National Socialism?

Our expansion into interstellar space would logically be spearheaded by the most productive, intelligent or otherwise meritorious people on the planet. The fact that you're on pol implies that you think that would be nothing but white people.

I always thought that a clear parallell for what would happen if ayy lmaos contacted humanity is what happened when the western industrialized world contacted Japan.

>"Hory shitto these guys are way more advanced than us"
>"We must modernize or perish"
>"Even if it means millions will lose their jobs?"
>"Even if it means riches for some and poverty for others?"
>"Will we sacrifice our current harmony?"
>Civil war.

Same thing will happen.
Trade with aliens? What will this do to the balance of power on ERF with unequal sharing of ultra advanced alien technology. Who controls the trade? Whoever has a working space-program? Do you present a united front and regulate through that? Who gets their share if so?
Good basis for a WW3 game where the focus is not on the aliens, it's on us.

Don't forget the very lovely and hardworking Japanese.

It'll be the one hyper power of Earth (America + Pals (Anglosphere, most likely)) That represents us all.

Once we ground every other nation, through orbital weapons and defense systems, they'll be completely irrelevant on the galactic scene.

you're just assuming if we meet aliums they'll be a single government because Scifi always portrays them as one-dimensional like that

If anything a spacefaring race would become MORE divided into different nations/factions if they've colonized other planets and shit...


Aliens don't exist

Please show proof otherwise.

God don't exist

Please show proof otherwise.

nobody is saying they exist, were just discussing geopolitics in a hypothetical situation

You don't exist


I'm a steal this maymay