You are now President of the USA

You are now President of the USA
What are the first three things you do?
>Sell California to Canada for a decent amount of money, lose a cancer spore and get paid for it, help out hat with it's cancer quest
>Remove military bases from all allied countries except Japan, S Korea, Estonia and the other two that are near it and put them on the Southern border as aggressive border patrol
>Make it so you cannot have a job if you are aren't a US citzen and cannot sign for welfare either, so instead of having to deport all illegals individually, starving Mexicans just get tired and go home

Build a wall

Create Jobs

Make America Great Again

No Leafs allowed forgot to mention.

Ethnic cleansing of all areas infested by Mexicans, Californians, and New Yorkers.

Fight off the UN invasion.

Kill more Latin American leftist fucks.

there are no NATO bases in Estonia..

Oh yeah you're one of the other two if I recall.

>Make it so you cannot have a job if you are aren't a US citzen and cannot sign for welfare either, so instead of having to deport all illegals individually, starving Mexicans just get tired and go home
Rip economy

well if for some reason i got to that position the first thing i would do is find the smartest most skilled people in the world/field and hire 3 of each one red one blue and one neither.

I would then make cold calculated decisions based on all information provided.

>tell saudi arabia they can either stop funding terrorism or take their oil and shove it which would effect them a lot worse than the US, now theres no need for any fucking about in the mid east since it's mostly their fucking fault
>offer citizens $10K to get sterilized, easy way to weed out idiots from the gene pool and save on social spending and violent crime costs from single motherhood in the long run
>legalize all drugs, takes pressure off the justice system and all drug cartels are immediately out of business and no longer fucking up everywhere south of the border so people wont be flooding over it in such ridiculous numbers

Fuck off CTR.

>A fucking Brit knows what's best for American over the average American

I would bomb Russia.

Help Poland to reclaim Lwów, Grodno, Wilno

Of course you would

Repeal the NFA.

Build the southern wall.

Buy western Canada (AB and BC) to have a land connection to Alaska.

Redpill me on california
How can it be full of mexicans if the cost of living is so high?
Also why do other Americans hate it so much

California is anti-America, they're basically European, to the point they're fucking Swedes through and through
Why do you hate Sweden? Yeah.

I would first secretly have people executed and posted as suicide such as popular conspiracy radioshow hosts.
Soon after I would stage a huge false flag event then impose martial law. This should distract any meaningful outrage from the supposed suicides.
I would silence anyone who speaks out against me.
I would shutdown the "free" internet ASAP using any reason from terrorism to social justice.

Honestly I would be a total dictator if I was given any sort of power. Though when I'm powerless I tend to fight for freedom.

I guess I'm just a selfish fuck

>Isolate the nation from the rest of the world. Martial law nation wide.
>Increase taxes and nationalize cooperation's
>Focus national effort on scientific research. Colonize the stars with high IQ, good genetic individuals.

>Implying Mexicans pay taxes
>Implying it isn't the most over-hyped area of the US
>Implying just about all of the citizens there aren't "California strong" and rub the fact their state is so great to everyone else

>deport all illegal immigrants
>shut down immigration from everywhere except Europe
>repeal Obamacare
>get rid of the Department of Education, Department of HUD, and the Department of Homeland Security
>no more gay marriage
>women no longer allowed in the military in any role
>bring back "don't ask don't tell"
>get rid of NAFTA and TPP
>get rid of the estate tax
>do away with birthright citizenship (get around the 14th Amendment in the way Jackson refused to enforce SCOTUS rulings)
>cut all federal welfare programs including corporate welfare
>make citizenship a requirement for opening a bank account, buying land, buying a car, leasing a home, even signing a cell phone contract
>complete withdrawal of military forces from the Middle East
>stop funding "moderate rebels" the world over
>refuse to sign any bill or enforce any SCOTUS ruling that violates the 10th amendment

Deport all niggers back to Africa

Make open borders an amendment on the constitution.
Criminalise any attempt at regulating weapons of ANY type, including biological.
Use my position to get Japanese citizenship, automatically losing my american citizenship and so giving the presidency to my VP, Tyrone Mcnigger.

Enjoy the worldwide chaos in HD.

Make all Sup Forumsfags my new cabinet

Conquer Australia

Build a strip club inside the White House

Cost of living is so high because any decent communities are basically gated or near the beach.
It's not too hard to find a shitty place in California if you don't mind living near a bunch of niggers or a bunch of beaners. Hell, I lived in Anaheim for years as a college student, working shitty jobs at Disneyland.

libertarian detected.

Right there with you.

Kill all death row inmates immediately, one bullet in the brain, make it cheap.

Deport all illegals, its a much cheaper and better solution in a grand scheme. Just get them out to the closest border. Canadian cucks would take them in, I wouldnt care.

Kill the worst criminals not in the death row (only those with overwhelming evidence against them, like beyond dispute).

Deport any faggot who does not respect US flag and anthem. If you are an edgy cunt and want to spread marxist bullshit, gtfo. We"ll help ya.

Approach a ghetto niggers issue. Actually, I would need solid advice on this with hours of consultations.

Make immigration and travelling law more restricted.

Make better diplomatic connections with Poland :)

Just beat and stab them death row inmates with random scrap metal to save some money bro

Might as well just end ALL criminals and start with a blank slate and see who's going to stand up against you now.

God I want to be in power. Please let me have power. I want to do the future some good deeds and reign over everything with a iron fist.

If you hear me real holders of the world give me power

Oh thanks. Doesn't sound that bad tb.h :^)


>enforce voter ID in all states
>enforce paper ballots
>enforce proportional representation
>delegalize lobbying
>initiate the program to build blockchain based electronic voting machines that will guarantee no voter fraud


Mandatory cooking lessions in schools for girls and creative handicrafting for boys, starting from elementary.
Prosecution would be better as a job, even taught in high schools, lawyers under heavier surveillance.
Companies with jewish owners would be scanned heavily. Public shaming for the swindlers, also agricultural labout camp.

Civic knowledge classes also would have a much larger impact, there would be no fucking such thing that a 18 years old guy doens't know fucking jackshit.

Wipe out the ghettos, jobless are sent to labour camps too.
6 Hours/day for manual labor instead of 8.
For those with especially big crimes public execution.
Illegals would have given oppurtunity to prove themselves, if they prove they are productive and useful to the society, they can settle down as a legal.
Decrease degeneracy by heavily taxing it.
Every saturday night street party.