Should I convert to Hinduism pol?

Should I convert to Hinduism pol?

I had a dream last week where the gods were telling me that my spirit was in a wretched state, not in harmony with the world. Turns out these gods were hindu gods.

They also look cool af

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i had a dream it was ww3 with nazis and all the germans were wearing plastic nigger masks to blend in to america

>the gods of a religion come to you in a dream telling you you're a retard
>has to ask Sup Forums if he should listen first
I think they're right OP.

Yeah but we all know Czechs are retarded, so there's not really any similarities between our situations.

There is a connection to your original gods in there. Do some more digging.

>Karma: you deserve no loo to poo in because you were evil in a past life

I don't think it has anything to do with Judaism

It's always good vs bad with you american retards.
Karma is based on moral and spiritual duty, there is no universal concept of good and evil in Hinduism you mong.

>you mong
Do away with these petty insults. This is why the gods have enlightened you on your rotten soul

I'm not OP, but my god told me you're a mong.


No need to convert
Just research Hinduism and incorporate aspects of it (such as yoga and meditation) into your life.

>some demons disguised themselves as pagan gods and came to me in a dream and told me to become an infidel and go to Hell with them

You seriously need to hit up the closest church and get some Christ.

>Some Entities from from times prior to my cult came to your dream and tried to guide you
>Must be enemies of MY (more recent) cult because reasons

This is the logic of a man who fell for the Abrahamic Jew

No, my friend. To reach true enlightenment you must understand that you are calling others mongs because you are, in fact, a mong.

Hinduism is pretty based desu but it has been coopted by low iq darkskins

it would be like if you looked at america 2000 years from now and everyone was black and they were saying we wuz founding fathers and shit

i wonder if im making sense

hinduism itself is the last aryan religion that is widely practiced there is something there worth checking out probably but you won't be able to escape the associations it has with pooloos

>and of course karma..
>belief in karma is all you really need

Dreams are meaningless, Freud.

Yeah this is why logically it is a waste of time to focus on a specific religion because usually it is just a different representation of the same sort of ideas with some inane meaningless rules thrown in based on the society the religion was formed in. To think a god or any cosmic justice would care if you shaved your beard or not is hilarious.

These "gods" are merely various forms of the one Infinite Creator, as are you. Indeed, we are the Creator experiencing itself. What else would the Creator do, being timeless and knowing only itself? These "gods" are no better than you, but are at a later cycle of development, which you will also reach eventually.

Oh and praise Kek, faggot.

You're definitely wrong about this friendo.

Many pantheistic, atheistic, polytheistic and monotheistic religions out there have completely different sensibilities with respect to metaphysics

Are you sure your toilet didn't overflow whilst you were sleeping? Could you have been inhaling poo fumes?

Hinduism is an ethnic religion like judaism, thus you can't convert if you don't have hindu blood.

When I was young I had a dream where I was a Russian peasant during the Russian civil war and got gunned down by comissars on horseback for being "counter-revolutionary".

I now hate communists for life.

Judaism you can convert with great effort, but with Hinduism you can never, ever convert. I remember that being one of their rules

Hmm interesting, I like it.

I once went to a past life reader person, and he told me I was an American soldier who used to hunt the native Indians. And that one day I was out hunting bison and due to my bad karma, a bison rammed me in the back.

Don't fall for the hocus pocus rituals, astrology, tantra bullshit. Focus on meditation and self-improvement. No need to worship the gods 5 times a day.

Read the Mimamsa philosophy, and Rig-veda to know more about the true Hindu Dharma. The modern Hinduism descending from Advaitva and Bhakti tradition is relativistic and pointless.

wrong, hinduism is based on the old vedic religion which was the religion of the aryans who migrated to northern india and shared many common traits with other european pagan religions

even the Hinduism teaches the existence of a one all powerful all mighty God. Most Hindus call him Braham others simply call God like we do in the West.
There is even monotheism in many forms of Hinduism.
Sikhs are also monotheistic and believe in God. Native American tribes were monotheistic and believed in the Great Creator, many of these religions became corrupted with paganism and shamanism. Interesting how people and cultures all around the world all believed in one supreme God.

>Advaitva vs Mimamsa

Looks like the neo platonist division between the theurgists and the contemplatives

Canada coming hard tonight

I have not read a lot about the philosophies you mention.

Mimamsika's consider the existence of a supreme being irrelevant and focus on traditions while advaita postulate that the goal of atman (soul) should be reunification with the parmatam (supreme soul). Advaita literally means non-duality. There are other differences but this is the best I can summarize.

About time they got gud at something

I take it that symbolism isn't your strong point.

I had a dream last night that the last jew on earth died amd there was aglobal celebration and world peace, you just reminded me of it kek cheers

Did you infact smoke DMT?

I had a dream last night where I was in medieval britain and nazi zombies invaded

I have bad news for you OP: you don't "convert" to hinduism. Hindus are a people, you're either born one or not.
You can adopt their beleifs, though.
I'd start by reading the mahabharatta.

t. hinduism geek

Sounds like some Mormon shit.

Don't go full Hindu. It's messed up. Go Tao or Buddhist. You will be happy. I guarantee it.

buddhism is derived from hinduism and is a bit more accessible. I recommend looking into that.

If interested in hinduism, go talk to the Hare Krishnas. They are totally based people too.

Hare Krishnas focus too much on Bhakti and are relativists.

Buddhism has a similar problem. Too much focus on attaining the utopian idea of nirvana, and thought policing.

Follow St. Francis.
He was the Buddha of Christianity for want of a better term.