I'm trying to understand the logic behind killing innocent low level jews when all the high level and rich jews fled Germany before the war even started. Or were the Nazis just shit tier psycopathic scumbags?
Why were the Nazis so evil?
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I cant even understand it mate and it wasn't just the Nazis but alot of German citizens who just sat back and watched the six million Jews get murdered
>open it
>they don't dance
Get the fuck out
>six million
Kind of like how the refugee crisis is playing out. They have to come to Europe because they can't even take amnesty in their own muslim countries because of the retarded shia and sunni shitfest. But no, they have to go back, right because levery muslim is a terrorist!"
Makes me sick desu.
Technically it was the allies who did this to them. We bombed the supply lines that were keeping them alive.
War sucks. The collateral damage is hard to predict. At least these guys seemed to have survived the typhus outbreak that killed many of their fellow war prisoners.
The Nazis knew the Jew was a big problem and took action. Only they went after the working and middle class Jew instead of the inner circle of cultural Marxism. Instead of killing a dozen or so bad people, they killed millions of their relatives.
gtfo britbong -- these aren't just women and children and elderly, they are young able-bodied who can choose a side and fight for their country, rather than leech off yuroshit welfare state. completely different scenario to what the Krauts offered -- which was death, or death.
Go take a wee wander through human history. Do you know what human history is? Genocide. Genocide, Genocide, Genocide. A side order of fucking Genocide and some more Genocide for dessert.
Its the way of the world. I don't think they intended too at the start and i would like to think that Jews fought back quite a bit (which is why so many Polish Jews were killed) Then one day, the lines collapsed under a unified bombing campaign and shit flew off the fucking handle.
They all starved. It was shitty that they didn't all go away with the Havaara Agreement to go bother the Muslims. Shit happens, get over it. Don't give up your firearms.
Their National Socialism glorified mindless obedience to the state and it's chain of command.
Whites become extremists through ideology.
Blacks are extreme because of their immature inability to control their own behavior.
Set the tone enjoy that throne.
Jews actually ruined Germany and its economy. This is interestingly
(((((Never discussed)))))
>Why were the Nazis so evil?
Because you were told by reality challenged Christian Frontier Colonials and Communist Slavs that Germans under the authority of an Austrian were evil.
Fuck fat ass shaft everywhere Americans.
Look at the pic or any like it and fucking point to the obese Jew because of big bone or genetics.
Also, it was the allies that bombed the supply lines for these Jews.
You bombed the supply routes, you know.. the same routes that were used to get food to prisoners.
Just look in his eyes. Imagine him speaking german. They were complete psychopaths
mmmnot how it happened at all.
They intended to kill the jews and it was a slow, steady, and effective process
They weren't evil and the holocaust hasn't been objectively proven to have happened. Plus didn't you guys kill millions of native indians when you colonized murica?
I'm not sold on the official story that the Nazis actually killed the Jews intentionally. But let's say they did. We have thousand of years of evidence that the Jews systematically and routinely undermine white civilization to the point where white lives are snuffed off and western civilization is outright endangered. Why should we put up with that any more than we should put up with a cockroach infestation in our homes? Because Jews happen to be human? Not good enough. That's simply not good enough. That's not a good enough reason to keep them around.
And while that may be minority opinion right now, it was majority opinion for most of human history, where Jews were excised from every society that hosted them long enough to learn what they were about. And it will be majority opinion again one day. People aren't going to put up with their bullshit forever.
Lurk more. don't expect to be spoon fed. You don't understand it, so learn more about it.
It was 160 million.
Honestly though, please die soon.
Yeah, and you don't have some savage banker trying to scalp you with every deposit. You're welcome.
Our Prime Minister is a jew that is bank-kike incarnate.
this thread is getting saged by stormfags hard
requesting more pictures of the holocaust.
Just look what they did to the youth of America with their propaganda and tell me that this doesn't warrant a genocide
Not excusing genocide, but before the final solution was created, Hitler, Goebbels and other high ranking Nazi command didn't plan on killing them, they wanted to deport them to a landmass that would accept such a number, I believe they tried to ask countries such as the US, Britain, Norway etc to take loads of Jews, but they refused, some countries took some thousands, but nowhere near the number of Jews in Germany that would have been disposed of.
Then they thought of using Madagascar as a place to put them, it was settled on killing them (hence the final solution) because they saw no other feasible way of getting rid of them (hatred of Jews made it seem less brutal). I don't dispute the holocaust at all, but I think some of the numbers claimed, as well as the methods of killing them need to be questioned, because not everything lines up or makes sense to me. Also allied bombings of the supply lines and even places where large populations were kept did occur. It wasn't just "let's just gas, then burn to ashes, then turn into lampshades, then castrate, then fuck, then use for experiments 6 million jews we magically have in one place, instead of deporting them or sending them off because every other country totally wants as many jews as possible, but fuck it yolo just kill em all"
>Why were the Nazis so evil?
"When you lost your keys, you would kill the entire Earth."
Adolf Hitler, 1939.
GERMANS are the most mentally ill nation in Europe
They're the Troyan Horse of Europe. They let Russians in, they let bolsheviks in. It's their fault that Eastern Europe was occupied by communists
They're enemies of personalistic civilizations. This is why they hated Poland (hate?) which represents one
GERMANS are mad, violent, cruel brutes who mindlessly use force for destruction. Human person in Germany was always instrumentalized to serve wicked ideas of the government and their mentally ill "philosophers"
There's a cultural barrier between Poland and Germany. First country is moral and treats dignity and freedom of a human person seriously, the latter is demonic, unpleasant, instrumentalizes human beings, treats them as raw materials and is incredibly violent
I ask myself - why did God put Germans as the biggest nation in the middle of Europe? Did he want us to experience what is DEVIL like?
It's pointless to argue with a nazi. Just put a bullet in his head.
>clearly Slav shaped skulls in the picture everywhere
>small noses
Have you ever seen a jew? This picture of yours is just one of the many camps the Bolsheviks erected to put Russian dissenters in, up to 20 million at a time. At least put up a picture of actual Jews in an actual camp if you're going to post.
To root out cancer, chemotherapy kills every cell near the tumor to keep it from spreading. We can weep all we want for those healthy cells that we sterilize, but the truth is it is a necessary evil to halt the destruction of the whole
Alpha as fuck desu
I dunno they look pretty healthy to me
hey nigger, save your holocause comparisons for the time we put them in the ovens
I know this is bait but I'll bite.
>Nazis come to power
>enact strict laws
>Jews start fleeing or stay
>Jews try to to North America
>North America: "lol nope!"
>Get sent home
>Jews flee to Poland and Western Europe
>War Starts.
>GErmany now in control of all of Europe and once again have all their old Jews along with the rest of European Jewry
>Starts getting out of control
>Germans come up with Madagascar Plan. Population transfers to Vichy held Madagascar
>Britcucks and Free French: LOL nope!
>Take over Madagascar
>War is getting tough
>No options left.
>Put them all in to camps and work them hard with minimum resources
>War turns into a disaster
>hard to feed Germans, let alone Jews
>Last 6 months, Jews start dropping like flies
>White people?
>*crowd starts getting upset and heckles begin*
>Listen, listen my brothers!
>White people should be fucking ENSLAVED!
>*crowd starts slowly applauding*
>Every single fucking subhuman white man should be strung on meat hooks
>*crowd starts standing and giving a standing ovation*
>The white man should then be anally penetrated with not black cocks, but black dildos...
>*crowd is stunned and is getting slightly violent*
>Why you ask? These privileged white men don't deserve the dark chocolate cock!!!!
>*crowd ferociously yells in approval*
>These white men will only lick up the creme filling after their women are chained up and rammed by the giant chocolate yodels that are the BBC!!!!!
>*crowd is making tribal chants*
>We will hunt down the white man!! We shall castrate them all and sacrifice their women to the black man!!!!!! The offspring will be brought to the interracial breeding grounds!!!! I will clean up the remains with my white boy tongue!!! I shall serve the black man's cock with my white boy tongue!!!! The black man will have his way with me and my people!!!!
>*crowd is erupting and stampedes the theater as the white men are hog tied and dragged to the cock chambers and the women willfully submit to their black masters
This is more or less how America's becoming.
Because its black-propaganda. They weren't really particularly evil at all compared to the likes of the Soviets. There was no intention to kill the jews
And if we'd all let them in, they'll eventually create that same retarded shia and sunni shitfest in Europe. They're doing it right now, they've been doing it ever since we allowed muslims in and they will continue if we don't stop it. It's not about them being terrorists, it's about them creating a climate that breeds terrorists on our soil and not giving a shit about it.
well fuck its kinda hard to kill the bankers when they hideout in castles
Those are Poles and Germans from the death camps of Soviet Jews.
>Or were the Nazis just shit tier psycopathic scumbags?
Pretty much, yeah.
>tfw this is how I view any Hitler wannabes on this board
world War 1
if you make an entire religion your enemy then you can invade any country you like on the grounds that they're harboring your enemy and the average normie will think it's rational
see: america and islam