Wtf do i do?

wtf do i do?

mom met a guy in Africa during a 1 month trip, and now they are MARRIED so that he can come and live in our house. were in a tough financial situtation and this dumb cunt wants to bring a disabled nigger who cant work to live here. all this has happened during 5 months. im 19 and studying.

and oh yeah shes 47 and hes 33, she believes its real love

Move out, father brother anything.
If not report him for raping you

Have a literal coal-burning mum. I actually feel sorry for you

Stop living with your mom.

Frenchie is right. Get out of your house. Shes probably a old bat and the nignog is out for some green-card shit. But for real, I heard, that finnish girls are out for migrants. Is that true?

does he have a SBD?

get over your irrational fear and take the bbc

Obviously you now need to prep the bull whiteboi. As it is, was, and always shall be, the bull must be prepped.

Dude, Finnbro you need to protect your mother from niggers, you should of never let her go to apefrica in the first place.

Teach him how to use butthole lube, it will make your time with him less of a pain in the ass.

>Living at home when you have goyim parents
>I know that feel bro

sounds about right coming from a german

Ask for threesome

Kill him and frame your mum

well not really, the ones i hang out with dont like them at all. i live in helsinki

Call immigration and say its a shame marriage. Then move out at let your mum deal with her problems

Time to get off mama's tit and get out on your own. It's poor choice to study right now. Jobs for college graduates are not as important as you think. Find a trade you can advance in take any job you can to get your foot in the door and start getting experience. Don't be afraid to work for a living.

i know, when i was really young she took me to the gambia with her. its actually the only foreign place she travels to. fucking annoying

At least she's barren and won't shit you nig brothers.

Is your mom fat?

i know this, but don't want to move out just yet. im really more worried about my mother and how she will deal with the eventual breakup.

5.5 feet at 70 kg. yes she is


Keep calling him a nigger. Legally, he is your father now, so you won't go to jail.

Gambia lol i know two fat white woman in my town who married gambian men. They both ran off as soon as they had citizenship. Is your mum fat by any chance?

Then ot wont end well. There eas an epidemic in germany, fag women traveling to africa and finding the real love. They keep sending money and shit and when they marry, bobo gets his citicenship and dumps the woman.
Its a lost case

Prepare for bedbugs, I'm not kidding.

My friend's grandma went senile and invited some African guy to live with her (lol what) and now her house is crawling with bedbugs.

i probably wont be calling him that but i will be rude, no doubt


honor kill your mum


>n1 dick size country in the world
>your mom literally takes holidays to get blacked by the biggest blackest dicks in the world

must suck to be you

i realize this, ive told that straight to her face but she denies it. all of our relatives are against the marriage

i tend to not think about it that much :/

i get pissed off

Dhit thats a hard situation. Its gonna ruin everything.

there is nothing you can do, in italy we say "she wants to quench her thirst with prosciutto", (prosciutto is salty as fuck m8).

she won't stop until literally everything that you guys are telling her happens step by step, so just accept this and act accordingly.


>prosciutto is salty as fuck
But god damn tasty!

Its your job to be the man of the house, and your mother is not thinking straight right now.

She is being exploited and used, and this animal is taking advantage of her, and of your country's hospitality.

Im not sure what to advise, but if this was me, I would not let this stand. You have to let this negro know that you can see that he is a liar and conman, and that you will kill him if he does not leave your mother alone.

You are Finnish. Tell him you feel uncomfortable around "people of his kind".

not as tasty as those gambian dicks though apparently

i dont see my father, he left when i was 1. i have lived with my single mother for as long as i can remember. this situation hits me hard

You must kill her insh'Allah

Big dicks, athletic builds and are very charming. They are like disny chatacter africans this is why they are so good at conning fat white women.

those african guys are actual pussies. they can just act violent with people weaker than them (women) or when they are 5vs1.

so if you prove to him that if he doesn't fuck off you will fuck him up real bad he will leave.

but let's not pretend like that's gonna happen. unfortunately nordic countries are too low testosterone for that sort of thing.

>women get right to vote
>get responsibility over their children
>yet it's the african guys fault for taking advantage of her

bullshit, women have agency in this society, the mother here is at fault here

move out and breed with a couple of half breed nigrettes

She probably sterile and you're the best she ever will make, so just pass on the good genes and let her sink down to the bottom of the dating pool

Even if your mother is retarded, you at least owe trying to straighten her out. She's clearly being taken advantage of.
If that doesn't work, bail ship as soon as possible.

This may sound brutal, but your mother is go na do her shit. Instad far better way is to trap your nignog father-in-law with debt, so that he can't escape your mother. Basically pull up modern slavery, it's the only th7ng that keeps primitive people in leash. Also I sure hope your mother made propoer arrengemts so that he won't inherit anything if she kicks the bucket.

Hire another, bigger nigger to get rid of him.


OP get a big black gay bf and take him into your home, that'll show her

>You have to let this negro know that you can see that he is a liar and conman, and that you will kill him if he does not leave your mother alone.

Best post, but you must also prepare and be ready to back your threaths

Dress up, you know what to do

>nordic women

not even once

>that's a popular scam in some of these countries

>welcome sugar-step-daddy home
He'll get Europe and Citizenship he wanted.

he'll be out of the house after, if your shy on $

the move is coming. it doesent really help if i force him out of my house. it just ruins the relationship with my mother.

why are you even worrying, he is literally a king

how does one get another man trapped in such a way? and yeah she said she got prenup

you know exactly what to do, Pukki

i dunno about that one, vankilaa lentäis

OP you need to be passive agressive against the dindu and slowly reveal your power level. Quote facts from progressive parrot comics in front of them. Mention the difference in IQ between races. Make the nog know he's not welcome and that his gf's son is a racist and maybe he will go away unless he's a stupid nigger.

i hate being passive aggressive, rather just shout neekeri over and over without him knowing what it means

Kill them both.

>maybe he will go away

Yeah, he'll leave OP and go fuck your fat mom next.

If you think he'll go back to Africa you're delusional.

This. Also, I'd try tracking my father down and reunite with him.

>Hey, old man... My mother is fucking a nigger, can I come crash at your place?


what i meant by not seeing him is i dont see him very often at all, maybe once a year. me and my step brother are really close (same father)