What do you attribute it to?
Was it the greed of Stalin/Mao, etc?
Was it the fact that it was never properly implemented?
Was it due to the bad relations with the Western World?
Or was it just never given the right chance?
What do you attribute it to?
Was it the greed of Stalin/Mao, etc?
Was it the fact that it was never properly implemented?
Was it due to the bad relations with the Western World?
Or was it just never given the right chance?
I did work. Life was unironically better under communism. One day the people's soviet union will return. Until that day, be ready.
I do agree that we may see a new union arise with communist/socialist ideals, however, I'm not too sure on your statement that life was better under the system that we have seen.
Did you live in East Germany?
It did work to some degree, people in the Soviet Union had it better than under feudal/monarchist rule.
It just couldn't compete with market economies.
Communism as a concept is broken.
The whole point of communism is to abolish the class system and have no elite but communism just creates a new elite; the governors and police class.
Communism will never work.
Everyone likes the term 'socialist' nowdays, so it kinda worked.
it basically fails in every way that a society can fail
but one of the most important failures is that it does not treat people with dignity. it treats them like children who do not have the liberty to own property, choose where their money goes etc
communists are a special kind of retarded
It didn't work because it is fundamentally flawed. The idea behind what we think of as communism is that in order to fix inequality of labor you give all the power to the state until equity is reached. It gives absolute power to the people most likely to oppress the average worker.
no, that's just because capitalism has been so distorted by globalism that people think free markets aren't the answer so people are searching for other ideologies
and the most prominent ideologies of the last few hundred years are capitalism and totalitarianism eg gommunism or facism, and obviously people arent going to turn to facism beecause racisms so they turn to socialism where everyone is equal
Because its shit idea.
The only two things that lead to the collapse of the Soviet Union were an excessive military capacity and poor resource-allocation and price control systems.
The former Soviet Union and indeed the world would've been better off if they began to increase the role of the market in the consumer system as an allocation method and drastically cut the power of it's armed forces. It didn't need anywhere near the amount of conventional forces it had during the 70's and 80's. Nobody would've invaded them due to the Nuclear Deterrent M.A.D.
When the state is responsible for price controls of tens of thousands of different goods and services, the blatant inefficiency would be obvious and over the top.
Centrally planned economies are dumb because while you could argue that much of the economy ought to be regulated, it doesn't really have to be planned. A lot of stuff will just sort of happen if you let it.
Also regarding innovation/incentive, even if every worker gets his share or whatever and actually does his work (which never happens anywhere) there's still the problem that a bureaucracy makes it harder for people to invent more efficient ways of doing things. Everything has to be approved, and a bureaucrat isn't going to stick his neck out unless he has a very good reason to. There's not enough flexibility.
Maybe, but nothing lasts forever, I agree that communism is little bit extreme. Utopia where everybody is equal and all kind of shit. It just cant work.
But look at capitalism/globalism now, its on so extreme level, that his greed is eating him chunk by chunk. Its so rotten.
Also, I bought this little thingy pocket watch couple of days ago, I love it.
i don't think we will see a return to totalitarianism in our lifetime, more likely a return to complete chaos tbqhf
pic related
Because it's an ideological drug that chases unattainable fantasy based upon a limited worldview.
It is a flawed Ideology that promises the world, but fails to realize its own shortcomings and gaps in knowledge,
Human nature. The idea of building a communist utopia would be simple, if humans were not self-serving by nature.
Please, read Der Kapital, faggot.
You'll see its full of bullshit. Best redpill. Those who are (((communists))) have never read anything on communism except for Wikipedia.
No price mechanism leads to a very inefficient allocation of resources. Very simple.
this and helicopters.
But really this, not that people become lazy. But that is the main reason, you cannot produce what people need without prices.
There are many reasons, most important is inherent human greed. System that has to fight against human nature won't survive for long before it falls to corruption.
>claims to have read a major volume
>doesn't even know the title
Derp kapital more likely.
[protip; you are thinking of the communist manifesto which is full of shit]
It didn't work because his analysis, as insightful and revolutionary as it was, started from a "there are two types of people" tier typology.
It was a simplified initial starting point and that simplification led to major ideological problems when people tried to apply it strictly...
Country related
>3rd rerun of the elections
It did work though
The USSR went from a semi feudal shithole suffering under tsarism to an industrial and nuclear superpower with satellites within 40 years.
Plus they destroyed fascist scum.
Yeah, this. I hate to admit it but reviving the USSR with a better leadership is the only way to save Russia.
Communism is self destructive and unsustainable, the only reason the USSR lasted for so long was because the capitalistic west was inadvertently propping it up.
>self destructive and unsustainable
It's not communists that believe in infinite growth at all costs and ruin the environment for profit.
Capitalism: forced to generate value for other people in order to survive.
Communism: take value from other people until ??? .
>Communism: take value from other people until ???
Until there's nothing left to take.
>Communism: take value from other people until
Nope. Communism means create things for use, not sale. Capitalists take value from their workers in the form of profit. Under communism, this value will be owned by the workers themselves, not siphoned off. Each contributing, each receiving. Landlords and the like can get a real job.
Yeah, that's because you parasites are incapable of working efficiently and thinking as an individuals. Through your history you always needed territorial expansion and guiding hand of a leader to sustain yourselves. That's why communism has always seemed as a natural fit for you.
Sounds nice, in some sort of hypothetical robot society. Doesn't work with humans unfortunately.
its super confusing how retards think communism will work at the same time hating things like nationalism
everyone needs to be insanely nationalistic in communism for it to work- working towards the the good of the country as a whole
but college kids and boomer faggots who love socialism/communism hate nationalism
its ignoring the basic function that all animals will try to do as little work for as much gain as possible
theres so many incredibly obvious theoretical problems with communism its hard to see how anyone who spends 5 minutes thinking about it still thinks its viable
and then add in the history of massive state failures and millions and millions of deaths as consequence and you are just mind boggled as to why people still think it could be a good thing
Seems to me like any system would work well in a state with extreme nationalism.
By Marx's own theory, each country that had a "communist revolution" did not have the material conditions required for a post-capitalist society. Lenin, Mao, etc. knew this and repudiated Marx, actually completely contradicted his analysis of capitalism, so they could justify their coup d'etat with the support of marxist theory. They simply used theory to justify their own real politik decisions, turning theory into a state theology.
In places where a revolution as predicted by Marx's analysis could have actually occured did not occur. The wealthy capitalist states began to implement policies that would alleviate the contradictions of capitalism, provide workers with better living standards, jobs, educations, and so on, precisely to stave off the contradictions in the system that could lead to revolution.
What do you think all the labour, social democracy, and so on parties were? They intended to reconstruct capitalism precisely to avoid revolution. All the leaders of Western nations in the 20th century were aware of Marx's analysis.
It didn't work because traditional western values do not mix with jewish values.
Also I should mention that when something has absolute power there is no culpability for wrong doings. That is not unlike now when their are people so powerful that they can not be legally prosecuted but with information being more prevalent these days some of these people have to generally hide their wrong doings.
Last thing, remember who was behind the Bulchevik revolution.
Remember who Karl Marx was.
Remember who killed more ethnic white people than any one group in history.
Its all "pure coincidence" though.
It failed because:
Its system naturally creates stagnation
It was poorly managed
Very corrupt
If it was made so there were incentives to work hard then it would last longer and MAYBE work TO A DEGREE. It would still probably be inferior to the West as an example but honestly anything is better than what the former USSR (excluding the balts of course) has right now
what this brit said, the welfare state was to avoid socialism/communism, it is inherently anti-communist although it has gotten out of control recently.
>parasites are incapable of working efficiently
That's actually you, balt welfare state. You were leeching from Soviet Union and produced nothing of value besides sprats.
Then why didn't you let us leave? :^)
>What do you attribute it to?
They didn't invest their resources correctly, during the cold war they put everything towards the war effort and practically nothing toward the infrastructure neccessary to have a self-sufficient nation.
>any system would work well in a state with extreme nationalism
That's why we have to elect the god emperor Trump!
Soviet Union was of needing your clay and showcase of civil Soviet state with higher standards of living so it's pumped money in baltic states. I'd oppress you mercilessly instead and deport nationalists to Syberian shitholes, don't worry.
As far as agriculture is concerned, collective farms here grew beef cattle, dairy cows and pigs. All of which were exported to big cities in the USSR.
In 60s dairy cow and wheat productivity in Baltics was couple times higher than USSR average. But was lower compared to interwar period.
Now fuck off, untermensch.