Addiction IS a DISEASE

Addiction IS a DISEASE.

i used to be an addict, now I'm not

This shit pisses me off.
I'm an alcoholic, and I don't expect any help for it.
It's no ones responsibility but mine for me to stop.
I won't lie, yeah, it's hard to quit, but paying someone to tell you it's not your fault when you knowingly spend 30+ bucks a day on whiskey then it's completely your fucking fault.

Who names their kid "Pax Prentiss"

The way he says that always makes me laugh

This faggot triggers me everytime I hear him say this shit.

steve brule might

I used to do drugs. I still do. But I used to, too.

What bothers me about this bull shit ad is the fact that his ID is turned around. It's almost as if he isn't a real.. doctor... Hm..

user that has nothing to do with rehab, the point is you can't help yourself out of it and need to rely on others to get better alongside your own efforts

I used to get digits
I still do but I used to too

how the fuck do i get prescribed this shit

jesus if you can't get it these days, you're fucking up.

In california they give this shit like pez.

Step 1: be white
Step 2: see step 1


>Wondering if I should get it to help me through school
>Worried I will end up fried

desu i do show a lot of the signs of ADHD. Was thinking about going to the psychiatrist here about it. This fucked up guy at work told me to go there and it should be no problem. I'm a little worried about the cost though since I don't have insurance.

As someone who is fried, I wouldn't recommend it

Buy modafinil online, literally all the study aid without the potential life-ruining properties

No offense but you kinda should be. I pay $5 a month for my antidepressants and it has a cute little note on the bag saying my insurance saved me around $170


Just get Vyvanse

I tried Vyvanse recreationally and I think I would benefit from it but I'm not sure how to get it.

>abusing amphetamines to the point of neurotoxicity.

moda is great if you get brand. If not, it's just pajeet trash.

Just because you personally are too uneducated/stupid to understand the psychology and neurology behind addiction doesn't mean it goes away. Also there's no such thing as free will so your argument is fundamentally stupid.

Just tell them you have hard time focusing and get distracted so often it becomes an issue with work and such.

I already tried this and they gave me Wellbutrin instead. This was like 2 years ago.

Everyone says Provigil and Nuvigil is "the new adderall" but Addy is superior in every way (sans the abuse potential).

The only niggas that say Prov and Nuv are better are people that abuse adderall.

You're better off without them, the come down isn't worth it and when you don't have them, everything you use to be able to do fine without them becomes a nightmare to finish mentally.

>take 10 mg adderall with intention of studying
>get uncontrollably horny at the slightest picture online
>jerk off for the next two hours
that shit is lethal for me, i have to keep off the internet