What's the biggest red pill?

What would Sup Forums say is the biggest red pill?
Is it the holohoax or something far bigger?

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ur a faget

I'd say not so much the holohoax but the implications of it, if they fabricated something from not even 100 years ago, imagine how much of history is false.


that red pills are linked to austism

The Rothschild family are our masters

Realising how awful women are is the biggest red pill

I'll drop a couple truth bombs.
1. Ancient Egyptians had space age technology over 10,000 years ago, but the government won't share it with the common man.
2. Dinosaurs didn't go extinct, they evolved.
3. We are speaking on an intelligence hotwire that can read your keyboard as well as your thoughts and feelings.
4. Aliens are depicted in the Old Testament, in the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah .

The global everlasting con of central banking/debt/usury which controls governments and their polices and wars. Real sovereignty doesn't exist even in countries that think they're independent.

'Free will' is either non-existant or of trivial effect in the scheme of things.

We deserve the coming white genocide for being so weak-willed. We had everything, and we just let it all slip away.

"diversity" aka white woman black man.

Its over saturated now.

That women are less than human and are the root cause for the decline of the west.

The ultimate redpill is supporting Israel.

fuk off four by two


jews are harvesting foreskins not without reason.
they are building a giant foreskin golem. soon it will be unstoppable.

jews even convinced amerifags and muslims to cut their dicks. hospitals sending them straight to israel.

Does that means one day we wuz aliens could arrive in a pyramid spaceship and put whitey in his place?

So sometimes I think about what I would do if I had a race of people as smart and high energy as me, and I would do exactly what the jews are doing, but here is the thing, why are they doing things in such a destructive way? so much degeneracy, so much death, so many lies..im sure there is a better way to unite all goys and position the smartest race at the top, i dont know if they will be able to pull it off with their current tactics

Nay, the blacks worked for the Ancient Egyptians, who were enthralled by the aliens, who were defeated in millennia spanning war against what we refer today as dinosaurs. Though dinosaurs are not we imagine them to be, they possess a cunning, ruthless intelligence and they devour both man and technology to sustain themselves.

Getting to the moon before 1980 and even then it's questionable

You should make that an RTS, just add a 3rd faction as atlantis or something

I wouldn't call it the biggest, but it's fucking insanely hard to swallow - even most of Sup Forums struggles with it - and it's also a lot bigger than people give it credit for.
In particular, it's also very easy to be shamed away from it.

the ultimate red pill is realizing that nothing ever matters and most of your actions are driven by fear and insecurity.
also elite families and banks.

That Annunaki mythos are a record of actual events which caused everything in the human story, religions included

Elite plans, Jewish plots, everything can be explained off that

the biggest one is probably your a loser, no joke i found this hard to take myself. we can get threw it bro, also weed is bad for you, most people will never admit that but it fucks with you free will

Human world is 100% shit, you'll never be happy in it whatever you do. It's nothing but misery, futility, illusion. If you say otherwise it's because you don't want to get crazy. The only meaning of human life is to get out of this world and reaching the upper worlds.

The fact that we live on a flat plane, and that gravity is most likely a hoax that has never been scientifically proven. (things fall/rise) because of their density)

Being totally serious too. The obvious conclusion is that we live on a flat plane, virtually everything we observe supports it.

This image is misleading. Flat Earth supporters don't claim that Earth is simply a disc with an edge. Rather, beyond the ice wall that is Antarctica, we don't know what's beyond it. It could go on for much longer.

Oh, you want the biggest red pill?

I think aside from the promiscuity, which is degenerate and depressing for one such as myself, women are actually better than men in certain ways. They often make for good conversation, and they do not resort to violence, as men do, when their words fail them.
Today, a man would hardly think twice about stabbing or shooting you and leaving you for dead, but a woman would take a whole lot of shit before she poisoned you.
This is also due to the fact that we live in a post-modern world without values.

what are you talking abought women are retarded bro, they have the potential and one day you will be right but not know

The seeds of death have already been planted on this board. It is compromised.

I'm 42 and I've never had problems with women.
Not enough to make me hate every single woman ever, at least. I mean sure, some are shitty but same goes for every group of people.
I don't hate all men because I got jumped by some guys a few years back, that would be ridiculous.

The earth cant be flat, because its hollow.

Could you at least tell me what the government would gain from spending so much money keeping this a secret from everyone?
Seems like such a fucking pointless secret. It wouldn't change anybody's day to day life. Flat earthers are so fucking retarded.

Also, that image would claim that the same time the sun is shining on Britain it is also shining on the east coast of the US. Why is there a 5 hour time difference?

you are all fools, stop this folly!
the earth is actually a mobius strip, with one side and two edges.
proof: if you sail across the world you just return to the beginning. also, local linearity.

that humans behave like animals and dating is really a mating ritual

the government is full of Satanists. What does Satan want? Your soul. If there are more atheists in the world, thats more souls for Satan. So they hide the fact the earth is flat, because that would prove magic exists.

1. the fact that hitler was jew and its was all part of the plan
2.Ananuk are real
3.there is actually a galaxy parlament

Islam is the ultimate redpill

How come when sailing in a ship, going in a straight line on the equator in the Pacific Ocean, the journey is much longer compared to sailing on the southern end.

According to that picture the equator should be smaller than it is in a globe earth but it's just not true.

You don't have to fully explore Antarctica to disprove the flat earth. Just sail the pacific

No it wouldn't, it would just show that our current understanding of science is wrong, even if magic did exist then it would have to be incorporated as a physical law

Flat earth is a psyop to draw away from the geocentric model, other than that I agree with all you said

We will die and the world will continue regardless...yet we must still conduct ourselves by our values and morals

Yeah, that would fuck them up just as bad.

Prove the world continues without you.

Subtlest KYS I ever saw here.

>What would Sup Forums say is the biggest red pill?

That degeneracy is ,unfortunately, inevitable.

>Realising how awful women are
it's shitty i know

Good one, user.

I was asking for opinions you niggerfaggot

This channel is full of truthbombs like this.

The best video to redpill even the most bluepilled on genetics of IQ with indisputable, easily understandable study (5 minutes):

A study that cleverly proved some cultures are more violent than others (7 minutes):

A clip that shows the insanity of the current migration policy and offers a proposal on how to fix it. Excellent to redpill even the most bluepilled on the current migration madness (3 minutes).

He who fights jews should see to it that he himself does not become a jew.

>the biggest red pill ever
2nd law of thermo :(

The Anunnaki are the ones controlling the world, not the Zionists.

>What's the biggest red pill?
that all those divvying the "red pills" are actually malcontented blue pills themselves, who profess to have red pills, but don't have / know shit 'cept what memes and infographics they parrot like the the other iLemmings they agminate around to re-enforce their retarded delusions



Not taking the red pill and ruining your life, but for that to be ultimate redpill means you would need to know what is red pill...its a paradox m80


The General election has already been decided by the ppl behind the electronic voting machines.

The UK took it when voting about the EU.

elite familys controlling us , its not even a hard swallow if you really look into it , makes a lot of sense about a lot of things and is spoopy

there was some freaky shit going on in ancient history, especially with technology and how smart they actually were and "Aliens", some reason government dont want us to know , possibly to do with elites and their weird beliefs

, possibly even a global egyptian empire or some weird shit dude but i have a hard time believing that part

Trump is seriously stupid.

a lot of artifacts and history was either "lost" by excavators, or "stolen" by mysterious people, or finds were smaller than expected or covered up with some other bullshit story (research pyramids) or didnt exist

even fucking Smithsonian is hiding a lot of shit in their bunkers

jews are the good guys

The abo is right.

Red-pill: I would do exactly the same thing if I was in their position.

you must be a trillionaire.


Humans are all same is a lie. It's leftist propaganda. Other than that everything is true, I guess.

The biggest redpill you will swallow besides all the semen is the wrong side won WW2.

red pills are not found in facts, they are contextuaised by our suffering, suffering is the true red pill, hence why the whole world panders to faggotry, you wonder why theres no 'real' men because we've been conditioned to pander to weaker humans in the guise of egalitarianism.

Christianity was invented by the Flavians to subdue jewish insurrections.

This tactic is probably being retried with muslims in order to rule over them.


>Christianity was invented by the Flavians
Christianity was a jewish sect, with Paul as its inventor.
Christcucks can't handle the fact of being Judaism 2.0.

Fascism and National socialism is for edgy children that got beat up by a nigger. A true european can only be ruled by Gods choosen people which are Monarchs.

The Ultimate redpill is that being a Democrat is the most rational choice for a working class white male, and Hillary is the objectively more qualified candidate. It's a redpill so strong most of you reading this post will flat out deny to even accept it as a possibility because it would shatter your worldview

>Humans are all same is a lie.
Humans aren't all that different either. they are all almost equally stupid

my redpill: nepotism rules the planet.

Your country isnt yours. You only live there.
Nobody really cares for anyone but themselves.

Alcohol, masturbating/sex more than a few times a week, anything sexual that isn't vaginal penetration, visual media, most music (almost all with lyrics), modern technology, money, anything material that is beyond a purely functional purpose, relationships with people outside family and a hamlet's worth of friends, not being self-sufficient, unnatural foods/products, long-range communication etc

It's all degenerate and excessive. All man really needs is enough civilisation to live to about 60-80 and humbly create its own essential resources, enough people to have conversation and form a close knit community, and everything else should be fresh air and physical labour and large wholesome families and perfect sound sleep.


> hurr durr technology is evil

Fuck off gramps

The latest Black Pigeon Speaks is a pretty big red pill.

The migrant crisis was all predicted in 1973 and no one listened.

No it's not evil. You can live without it and choose a path of no stress or need for using your skills for anything other than bettering you and your close siblings (related or otherwise), but you don't get the benefits of modern technology.

Or, you can happily indulge in the benefits of modern technology, but accept that life will be more complicated and stressful, and that it will also be infinitely better in some ways, but horrific in others.

You have to choose between isolation and being content, or exposing yourself to the risks of the word, but possibly reaping immeasurably greater rewards than that of the other life.

It is probably the most common red pill. But the one that is the biggest is when you realise that there are measurable differences between racial groups, despite what "experts" say.

For me it was getting my ass kicked by a gang of monkeys.

How the Jews killed Jesus