So Sup Forums...

So Sup Forums, yesterday I got my (still pretty liberal) gf to watch Greatest Story Ever Told and got her pretty hooked on it!

She used to be pro-lgbt but now she has started to be disgusted at transgender people and to see it as a mental issue (She has many lgbt friends)

Am I doing it right? Am I finally redpilling her? Any other good redpilling material?

Other urls found in this thread:äyhä

We watched like 4 episodes in a roll because se wanted to. And ater that she thanked me for showing the documentary to her. Feels good man

I just watched that about a week ago. Really opened my eyes to a lot.

They hosted this PBS documentary in Florida and in here in the middle of the night. Why?

>assume everything you see is true
>you now believe a totally revisionist narrative

And people on Sup Forums wonder how the left end up so batshit insane.

Socialist begging for validation instead of the OP copypasted text.

Getting lazy.


Based finland. I enjoyed the documentary on you guys about the winter wars, never underestimate finland when backed into a corner! and wildmanäyhä

I'm glad you're redpilling your gf about stuff. Good luck with it!

Also it's greatest story NEVER told btw.

Thanks dude!
Oops. Didn't see that typo! Thanks again!


Sup Forums is just Sup Forums 2.0 at the moment, very very gullible and directable

tasteless memes at that, at least Sup Forums was good at that when I was a wee lad

Sup Forums is satire...

keep shouting that, i think the louder you say it and the more you say it, the more correct you are

/nsg/ has always been like this.

They have developed a uniform fetish and as such have adopted National Socialism whilst having no knowledge of what that entails.

The logical soloution would be to inform them, but I am afraid they are now far to ingrained in their identity politics to see reason. You can present to them an infinite pool of sources, cold hard facts and damning evidence but their response will be that all of it, every single scrap, is invalid because, in any number of ways, they will connect it to their eternal scape goat, the jew.

But after damning your substantial backing in such a lazy and dismissive way, they will then post poorly or unsourced info-graphics and youtube videos, considering them irrefutable and expecting you to do the same.


Jew detected

Are you the powellist lad that btfo them every time?

>But after damning your substantial backing in such a lazy and dismissive way, they will then post poorly or unsourced info-graphics and youtube videos, considering them irrefutable and expecting you to do the same.

This IS the problem, but on a larger scale, this is essentially what the entirety of Sup Forums has morphed into.

Its sourced and the sources are good.

I refer to Powell a fair bit when debating in here about how retarded Socialism is.

However most in here are so ignorant on their own ideology that they do not realise it is socialist, and one even thinks Scandanvian nations run the same economy as Nazi Germany.

The infograpgics or youtube videos you talk about are sourced though.
If you see anyone posting something unsourced, ask them for a source, if you get nothing dismiss it.

Something being "poorly" sourced isnt an argument for you not doing research into it.

I enjoyed Sup Forums for truth, not left or right wing stuff. Our previous right wing stuff has been disturbed and I feel as if I can't differentiate between the two on this board anymore.

I skip the asking for a source part, I store that information and wait along until the statement can stand on it's own as I gather more information, I don't care for the person behind the statement or their beliefs.

The whole point in sourcing an argument is to show where YOU researched your information.

To make a half arsed job it and put the burden of validation onto the person you have presented it to, is not acceptable.

And then to dismiss any counter argument as "Jewish" regardless of its merit is absurd. I'm referring specifically to my use of Mises in a discussion on economics.

>if you have a liberal gf the first and most important thing you need to do is keep pointing out how women are being opressed in muslim countries while feminists want more muslim immigrants, which is illogical, I noticed even women who don't care about politics at all are able to see something's wrong with that if you point it out

First of 5 parts; what amazed me about this one is that you get plenty of stuff you can read more in-depth e.g. via Wikipedia, and everything proves to be correct:

What rubbish. Half his sources are non-existent, not to mention how he completely misrepresented information from those sources. I was actually looking forward to watching the whole thing. If he can't even get his spelling right, not to mention the dates and order of events then he's a fucking twat. Go now and check his sources I'm not even joking, from about 10 up.

I didn't even bother to check, thank you for taking the time to do so.

> Giving a fuck about your gf's opinion on anything
> Women having opinions


Name one specfic thing please that is inaccurate.

Its easy to malign a 6 hour documentary because of the amount of information contained.

But I challenge you to tell me one inaccurate claim this film makes.

>The infograpgics or youtube videos you talk about are sourced though.

No, they aren't. Almost ever. Or they come from very dubious sources. Like Fred Leuchter. The problem is that Sup Forums views anyone that agrees with them or isn't a mainstream source as reliable at their word. If Fred Leuchter says gas chambers were a sham, then they are a sham to Sup Forums. His justifications don't matter. Debunking him doesn't matter. Nothing matters to them except that some random guy they don't know made a claim they believe. To Sup Forums, that is a source.

Posting debunking proofs will ALWAYS invariable get "jew" "shill" replies. The conversation always ends at the debunking. It's an endlessly repeating cycle where Sup Forums repeats their dubious source and will automatically dismiss any refutation and continue to repeat their claims.

It's why most people don't bother arguing with conspiracy theorists after a few tries. They will always put the burden of proof on you in the form of "asking questions". They will always claim their outlandish beliefs are correct unless you can explain every single minute detail and motivation behind EVERYONE'S actions involved in an incident. They will always claim the behavior of those involved don't make any sense, no matter how mundane their actions are. It is endless and a waste of time.

You only need to look at things like the diazepam injector conspiracy theory to understand just how NOT truthful Sup Forums is, and just how downright stupid they are. Despite the fact that it has clearly been demonstrated to be a flashlight multiple times and video footage of it being a flashlight, the diazepam claim is still made all over the place. There is no reasoning with these people and there is no truth, just endlessly repeated questions and lies.

this, womens political views are irrelevant and mainly motivated by what they think people want to hear. they vote a way because the other girls are doing it not because they are invested in changing anything

The truth is that she doesn't cares. Roasties don't have the capacity to know shit about politics beyond superficiality, they only follow trends.

Seeing that you're back here Dennis. Why did you use debunked figures, which Irving and the others reports had already changed years ago? That was the silliest thing for you to do. And you avoided it it when questioned about. Fuck you Dennis, you money-grubbing whore.

I can confirm this after """"""debating""""" them in the issue of the Holocaust. I always provide main sources, straight from the nazis or countless historians, not only jewish mind you but most of the times their answer is
>spamming memes about crazy survivors testimonies
>fuck off spic
>jewish bankers, communists, globalists

Then the thread is flooded I give up and they claim I got BTFO.


thanks for correcting the record jidf cuck

>frogposters are the truly enlightened!
>sit on Sup Forums all day complaining to other basement dwellers/NEETs/drug addicts about how everything sucks

I mean it's kinda funny because even on the off chance that Trump wins the presidency, the same people will still be on this board bitching about how much their life sucks shit.

You will never convert the rabid posters of this board.

We don't do it for them, we do it for the lurkers, those who are undecided but intelligent enough to weigh up the facts.

you use labels very similar to SJWs

your tactics and methodology are no different from them, thus in my eyes, you are no different


If only Sup Forums still had those.

I don't think that LGBT was the core issue of national socialist politics...

oy vey don`t point out the (((shills)))
(((our))) methods mught not work
and /pol is the same person

Well yes, that's what I think when I do it and also to see how elastic is their logic when faced with facts and sources instead of memes.

>hehe fuckin sheep falling for prooaganda, cant even think for themselves
>now here watch TGSNT and dont dare to question it
>fuckin cuckold, I only want a big and strong leader to make all decisitions in life, restric my freedom of speech and movement, also give him absolute power while not being accountable to anyone and without the possibility of dissent or protest. But yeah, you are the cuck lol

>and /pol is the same person

Start acting different, until then I have no reason to believe otherwise, this place has been fucking infested from outside sources and needs time to sort itself out.

Since you're so knowledgeable about the topic can you tell us some misconceptions that this film makes? No?

>it's another "dennis comes into a TGSNT thread to shill for his documentary" episode
You did have that Q+A where you blundered like a bitch when asked about your outdated and non-existent sources. Rope yourself.



you whine and type several paragraphs about Sup Forums dismissing arguments with character assasination and turn around and do the exact same thing. I'm not going to continue talking to you, your trolling.

But know this lurkers- this film is a true telling of history. See how they cannot find one mistake in it? Wake up.

Is that the one where they all actively fellate Hitler?

Sure, part 21, claiming that the numbers at Auschwitz had been manipulated or loweres down.

No serious historian took the 4 million number seriously and it was never included in the estimates for the Holocaust.
As early as 1953 Gerald Reitlinger in his book 'The Final Solution' called the numbers rubbish, also Raoul Hillberg in 1961. The plaque could only be changed after the fall of communism.
There were gas chambers and executions at Auschwitz, Jean Paul Pressac found the blueprints in S. S. archives. Also polish reports like the Witold one confirm this and numerous statements by guards and nazi officers.
There you go.

Fuck off, you're worse than Wayne Lambright. Scheming fucking faggot.

To anyone else that doesn't know who Dennis (Wise) is, he's the one that made TGSNT. Google him.


>muh auto bahns
>muh wrest krauts from wallpaper mark poverty
>muh degeneracy disinfectant

'cept the one small titbit that nunazi faggots forget to mention (read: don't fucking know about because they only parrot Sup Forumslution memes) is that the U.$. ROBBER BARONS BANK ROLLED HITLER AND PROFITED FROM BOTH SIDES

>one inaccurate claim this film makes
If this is the garbage I skipped through, the whole Czechoslovakia stuff is a good example of how they misrepresent everything just to suck some more Hitler cock.

all we are doing is pointing out that your pointless concern trolling is just as absurd. either contribute or leave, you are no better

I want to see this QA.

Okay but isnt that the whole point? The numbers are inflated. Drastically inflated

TGSNT has some good information that we generally don't hear, but it tries to paint Hitler as this perfect being when in reality he had many flaws and ultimately would have stripped us of our freedoms one by one. There are no good guys here.

Explain what you mean or fuck off mohammed

Freedom from the Jew>Freedom to be a degenerate.

Just saying "Jew" over and over again is not an argument.

Nigga you readin my post?, the numbers had always been between 4 to 6 million dead jews. Most likely 5.5 or 5.7. The numbers may change because thats what historians do, they do field work, check archives etc to provide a more accurate number. They had been doing this for the last 60 years.
There was a massive loss of population, and no, they didnt inmigrate somewhere else, I checked the census, polish and ukrainiab jews were wiped out, 4,000,000 eastern europeab jews do not vanish in thin air.
Thats the best argument I can give you.

>t. Stein
It's the Jews, stupid.

Oh you know, basically uncritically adopting the Nazi's policies regarding Czechoslovakia. As in how the Germans there were all these sad downtrodden creatures persecuted by "the Czechs", how they were in dire need of rescue, while portraying Hitler as this nice diplomatic guy, completely ignoring the Nazi's active plans for destroying Czechoslovakia, including their lies in regards to the people's situation over there, blaming Benesch and whoever for everything.

>Any other good redpilling material?
stiff meat doll is usually sufficient

ficki off ze cuck

So germans weren't persecuted there? Did they not get raped and murdered? Germanys reaction does seem justified.i would imagine after the german minorities were persecuted, germany would think it best to take control and see that it sid not happen again. I'm trying to get educated and your history is that of the region (hopefully u aint syrian).

If you really feel this way you need only make negative copypasta to counter the positive ones. Its usually the same shit posted so if you post links/images to counter the arguments they will finally follow in rotation.

Hmm i appreciate your reply.
I'm watching it for the first time and I will keep this in mind.

My question now is- doesnt it seem impossible to kill 5 million people in such a short amount of time?

Also weren't there less than 5 million jews in the area at the time?

I'm mobilefagging, but it should be the first result on google if you type his name+questions/fan questions. This was ages a couple years ago too. We got so many of us to send him the same questions in regards to outdated sources that even Irving has long dropped and he deliberately ignored on purpose - even though ours outnumbered the rest. He is extremely selective over what questions to answer and who gets to ask them and will only get interviewed by a select few conspiracy nuts that no one knows of. He's just an opportunist making a quick buck off autists and he knows it very well. Also search for his phone-in interviews.

>Fred Leuchter.

redpill us on Fred Leuchter?


Aight, you are not being close minded, thanks for that. One common misconception about the Holocaust is that people may think one day they just decided to murder jews. It was a gradual process, almost logical.
>gather the jews on ghettos promising them to sparw their lives (Bielsko Warsaw ghetto)
>get help from local jews (Judenrat) to make it smoother and from local census
>start deporting the old people promising them they will be taken to an old homes camp using propaganda (Theresiandt) >reduce their food supplies so that they are weak
>use the railways for easier transport, the average time between warsaw and auschwitz was just 3 hours.
>separate families and the able to Work people
>murder them after they are weak, surrounded by barbed wire and duped
Nig nogs killed almost a million people with machetes in three months, I think germans with Europe occupied can do better.

Its easy.
The korherr report was done to inform hitler and himmler of The progress of The genocide.
They gave an estimate of 10 millions jews in europe. Straight from the nazis, check that out.

>I'm trying to get educated
You should stop watching revionist, Hitler-fellating garbage on youtube then.

You'd need to kill about 4,000 a day on average for 4 years to approach the 6 million mark.

That's not impossible if it is a state organised, moderately efficient organised effort.

All though, despite my anti-NatSoc stance, I find the offical Holocaust facts dubious. My main concern is why you would so rapidly destroy slave labour in wartime economy.

However, it is not a subject I have studied in any depth.

t. Stormfront

I'm all for fascism but you naziboos are the scourge of this fucking website

I really liked this youtube video, watched months ago, but didn't like when the faggot start spouting 'NO ECONOMIC MIRACLE!' all over it.

Issuing debt-free money may not be a miracle in itself, but its after effects can be considered miraculous. Greenbacks like Lincoln put into rotation.

Besides, its quite possible the robber barons don't have omnipotent control over shit. Just because they funded a side doesn't mean they have absolute control over it, either. They have forever been making mad dosh from both sides of conflicts.

It's a shame we don't really know what happened with Hitler, if he'd really stuck a gun to his temple i think /nsg/ would have a better leg to stand on

I am just reading and trying to make my mind up,

let her read 1984

For me its not the point that the amount of jews killed has been tampered with. Its the fact that Mao and Stalin killed million more yet Hitler is known as the worst person ever. There has to be a reason why he wanted those jews killed. No one can answer that for some reason.

Also, what is the greatest story never told about? Does it focus on the amount of people killed etc?

Plenty of people who didn't consider themselves Jews were determined to be such by the NASDAP.

>In b4 figures are produced about cremation which rely on complete burning from a cold furnace and clearing out ashes individually..

To be fair, once you have a transgendered friend it becomes very easy to start hating them, I'll use myself as an example
>late 2014
>one of my best m8s from high school, been buds for about 8 years
>he had bad luck with girls and was kinda awkward and quiet, but around us he really opened up and was great guy, played tins of vidya and D&D
>rounding up my groomsmen for my wedding and he makes the first cut
>ask him and another m8, the one accepts immediately but he says he'll think about it
>OK w/e you're weird so it's cool
>messages me later that night from a separate jewbook account, and comes out to me as transgendered
Now at this time I was just getting into Sup Forums heavily, but was still a big lgbt supporter at the time, but slowly realizing most of them were assholes
>tell him it's cool and I accept him, he can still come to the wedding
>>few months later
>hanging out for the first time with (((her)))
>turned from awkward nerd to a complete slut that constantly talks about getting their ass rammed and tumblr drama, Trump is literally Hitler etc.
>ends up not going to the wedding
I've had other friends come out as trans, but this was the one that tipped me over the edge. It's a mental illness and I'm sad I couldn't have stopped him from getting this far.

Confuses me how they were able to find so many - its like finding a needle in a haystack. Except that needle represent a few hundred jews. Youd have to check if they were actually jewish then round them up

issuing money does not increase purchasing power.

>UGHHHH everyone is such a SHEEP for uncritically following the main stream narrative
>but I am RED PILLED and enlightened, check out this revisionist apologist series

pol pls

Crimes of negligence are always judged less harshly than those which are premeditated and organised.

And the industrial extermination of human beings is the most premeditated and organised of all.

Make her watch With Open Gates to, I've actually managed to red pill Muslims with that one. Granted these guys had a higher education and actually researched it afterwards but they're getting it now lol, the last part of that movie rly med them think.

Wikipedia is not useful since anyone can go and edit the information. It's not verified by any historian, or at least someone with credible background on the topic.

>All though, despite my anti-NatSoc stance, I find the offical Holocaust facts dubious. My main concern is why you would so rapidly destroy slave labour in wartime economy.

Biggest flag for me personally, seeing as so many countries used this to supply their war effort.

Id understand itd be organised if he were killing his own countrymen. Could pick thousands ofd the street. But to Jews? There are not enough jews to just find. Like finding an italian in my town - they are pretty common but hard to pick out

Scapegoats are a thing, and dont tell me about the commie revolt of 1918, polish jews didnt had anything to do with that.
Maybe because Stalin stayed in power far longer and Mao system survives, one can argue that those people who died were not targeted due their race alone. I dont deny the Holodomor mind you.
It had to do with the industrial scale of the murder I suppose.

What are Census records?

>nose is too long or wide go to the chambers
>eyes are too small and close together, go to the chambers
>no we don't care if you consider yourself German and served in 14-18, your mother's mother's mother was registered as a Jew, go to the chambers
etc. etc.

Ummmm, he was killing his own countrymen. And he had access to all census records...

You got a ciggy butt brain Darren?

Very informative. I appreciate the sources. I saved this for later and will check them. Thanks!


>implying cenus data was that up to date
Is therw cenus data telling us how much jews were living then? If there is. I believe you. If there isnt. Im still in the middle

Did this happen? I'm sure a facist wouldnt do this. Especially if he was wating to save the white race

see It covers every single thing revisionists bring up.
They even challenge any revisionist, offering cash, right at the end of the documents.

So the only part you can attack is admitting the numbers were inflated so you're confirming their claim?
Saying that other people now agree that the numbers were inflated doesn't makr the claim false.

Not really talking about that, moreso that issuing your own currency that cannot by manipulated by globalists or used to economically enslave a nation. I can't remember the exact # but Lincoln saved USA billions by not accepting money that was chained down by huge amounts of debt attached to it.

I mean, i've considered that this is still likely to be a ploy by robber barons as maybe its necessary to to 'free' a country to an extent so it can put up enough of a fight with the opposing faction to make some mega bucks off it. Just seems too fuckin risky to play with fire to such a degree, by showing how liberating your country from debt can unfuck it so quickly.

I bought that Web of Debt book thats usually floating around on these threads. It was a really good book, but really it only had 1-2pages regarding Nazi Germany so it was disappointing in that regard, but it was extremely informative in regards to alot of other shit

Do people change their heritage between a census?

Or how about offical documentation? tax returns, synagogue membership lists, parish records police registration forms, the questioning of relatives, and from information provided by neighbors and officials?

Fuck man, use your head.