Proposed European Union
Military and Nation. I excluded countries who wouldnt agree
>pic related
Proposed European Union
Military and Nation. I excluded countries who wouldnt agree
>pic related
>Making an union Poland could wipe out.
top kek
>"Come here, we will take you in."
>Not inspiring people to come.
You don't know anything about Europe.
This. Greece shuttled 1 million people to mainland Europe to extort more money from us in their 3rd bailout. They even officially said so in March 2015 that this is their strategy. It is funny nobody seems to care that Greece OFFICIALLY said they would do it and then did it.
>Poland wiping out a military funded and armed by Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark, Sweden and Austria.
yes, and please build a wall around that union. A big fucking wall.
>>"Come here, we will take you in."
>>Not inspiring people to come.
That is why I hate Nigels. They will lie like our Lügenpresse.
I hope we fucking say "njet njet and njet" in the Brexit negotiations. Let's do WTO rules only, Germany is awesome in exporting cars and machinery under WTO rules.
What does this even mean?
I just proposed a realistic EU Army. I don't see Italy, France and Eastern European countries giving up their sovereignty to Germany and Brussels.
Germans, Dutch, Danes and Swedes however did
>yes, and please build a wall around that union. A big fucking wall.
We will , and we fucking get rid of dead weight like Croatia.
>I don't see Italy, France and Eastern European countries giving up their sovereignty to Germany and Brussels.
Poland, Czechia, Slovakia, Hungaria, the Baltics all are begging Germany to take charge and create an EU military and a common EU border force. Don't you read any news?
Those are right wing guys in Slav and Magyar countries who want to team up with Germanics against the Muslim invasion.
Denmark hate the eu
Please remove this meme
51% of Swedes think EU is headed in the wrong direction, but only 11% think its headed in the right.
>yas yas we vill economically destroy yar country zen force yew to akzept millions of refugeez
Fuck off kraut
Try it we will just Dresden your whole country.
maybe Germany should join us
The second row of panels is a bit too much, I'm eating right now.
>implying the staunchest opponent of military alliances would do that
The majority of Swedes in polls think NATO fucking sucks. We're not going to join some fucking EU army kek
some people think that we need the holocaust 2.0
Fuck off kraut!
You are not part of the nordic countrys
You where a real respected country but that time is over you are to cucked
Ur blue eyes and blond hair is soon replaced by fucking mudslime
>denmark or netherlands in a ficki ficki union
I don't think so hans.
The .jpg if truth
No alliance with Sweden, Germany or any other muslim country pls
>Cutting off part of Scotland
Kill yourself
The u-boats need some ships for target practice.
No fuck off we dont want in with the Krauts and fucking Swedes. Stop it.
there, there, it will all be over soon.
>Posts a picture of the man that would leave for Denmark if he saw modern day Sweden.
We'll hang out with the Brits and other sane countries staying away from your German Madness.
The fuck. Are our politicians playing a fucking double game. Most of them is not happy with the EU but backing a project like this is double morality.
Fuck them
is this Germany's amazingly powerful military we are talking about?
Yes it is.
We could have stopped it but your nutjobs of politicians were going to put sanctions on the country if we didn't stop not letting them in.
You created this shit sandwich, now you eat it, fucking germ.
>is this Germany's amazingly powerful military we are talking about?
At least we build u-boats and export them to Israel. You just talk about your Trident, but your Scots don't even want to have them.
We don't want anything to do with these degenerate countries
Scots are a region of 5 million in a country of 65 million, what they think is largely irrelevant.
>working with Danskjäveln
I'd rather be dead in the cold mud
>Scots are a region of 5 million in a country of 65 million, what they think is largely irrelevant.
Until they leave.
Why you crazy? We dont even like the Germans anymore. Same goes for Denmark.
Then the will be even more irrelevant.
What's with all the asspained German Eurocucks tonight?
Only about 600,000 difference between leave and remain.
Which is about the same as a small town in the north of England.
That's cool Achmed Al-Swedi, I'd prefer you die in cold mud too.
>Poland wiping out anyone
lets get rid of the jews along with the muslims to make this a real crusade
>I just proposed a realistic EU Army.
Then remove Denmark from that map.
As a part to get the Danes to join three things had to be promised:
1. Denmark cant and would never be part of any military or police controlled by the EU.
2. No criminal laws in the EU applies to Denmark.
3. EU citizenship cant include Denmark.
if we put afd in power in germany sure
Poland has more Leopard 2's than Germany
so? Its still going to be shit Slavs operating them.
Besides tanks are not exactly the knifes edge anymore.
>same goes for denmark
I was not even aware the Netherlands liked / hated or even gave a fuck about Denmark.
well you live and learn.
Oh look the refugees are here to clean our toilets, thank god, cheap workforce. Oh look, they raped my wife. How could this happen?
You literally sold Europe to your big companies, they're the only one profiteering fom this situation. Fuck you all.
we never liked them, well. my family at least
We have more in common then the krauts, don't know why that other bloke hates you lot
>This. Greece shuttled 1 million people to mainland Europe to extort more money from us in their 3rd bailout. They even officially said so in March 2015 that this is their strategy. It is funny nobody seems to care that Greece OFFICIALLY said they would do it and then did it.
And we have every right to do it, damn Kraut. It's in our interest, and we don't give 2 shits about you.
I have to say though, I never expected northern Eurobros to be such cucks. The plan was for you to impeach that bitch, and for everything to be better for everyone afterwards. But instead the refugees welcome crowd won.
LMAO. Grow some balls.
USA should unite with Mexico and Africa
>This. Greece shuttled 1 million people to mainland Europe...
You turned greece into an immigrant storage house. Cheap workers for your industrialists. Your own politicians brag about your genocide and you keep voting for them like fucking retards.
You suck. Do something or erase yourself from the face of the earth already and save us problems, but don't pretend you are doing ok.
The Dutch will create an Union with England
The Kanker-Wanker union
We'll rule the sea's
>You turned greece into an immigrant storage house.
How so? Greece threatened to shuttle 1 million migrants from Turkey to the Greek mainland and then give them bus rides to Macedonia unless we paid them 150 billion. We refused.
Guess what happened then.
Who forced you to import immigrants into your country? Just answer that.
>Who forced you to import immigrants into your country? Just answer that.
Greece did.
We dismantled our border controls, our 80,000 strong border guard and border fences over 2500km of border many years ago ... after Spain, Italy, Greece and Bulgaria promised they would protect the EU outer borders.
Guess how long it takes to build up 2500km of border and a 80,000 strong border guard again.
>Greece did.
Are you seriously that retarded? If your politicians didn't want to allow it, not a single fly would enter into your country.
Don't blame others you have the problem inside.
Also, is the european union which is forcing an immigrant percentage on each country.
Seriously, just behead Merkel and stfu.
>If your politicians didn't want to allow it, not a single fly would enter into your country.
Again, it took Spain 14 years to build up fences in its exclaves in North Africa.
It took Israel 20 years to build a 700km separation barrier.
It would take Germany at least several years to build up our borders again. And it would make no sense, Greece just has to protect its border as they promised.
You are in denial. Your politicians want to wellcome refugees. It's a fact.
>irrelevant countries think their opinion matters
we want out
>Your politicians want to wellcome refugees.
Are in Germany right now?
Did you know a poll just came out that 82% of Germans disagree with the Merkel migrant crisis policies?
Did you know that the CSU, Merkel's conservative coalition partner has been heavily criticzing Merkel since the crisis started and just a few days ago said they may withdraw their support and plunge Germany into chaos, unless Merkel changes course?
Did you know the SPD, that is the socialists, have just a few days ago again criticized Merkel for what she does and demanded a cap on illegal migrants?
Did you know even the Linke, i.e. the communists, have spoken out against illegal migration?
Did you know the AfD is polling at record highs and is winning in several states right now?
It is not even funny that people think they know anything about politics in Germany right now. There isn't a day when there isn't a debate in the media and online with most Germans wanting shut borders and deportations.
You sound like those idiots who always say "why are Spaniards so lazy and do not work?"