Feminists Dream

Is being a virgin after age 30 ok if you are a female? Is it even a feminist's dream?



My name is Kate. I’m 32 years old. I’ve never had sex.

When I was young, I always imagined I would be married by 25 and have a brood of kids. Jesus said in the Gospel of Matthew to “make disciples,” and I thought it would be cool to take that verse literally and have 12 kids. I wanted enough kids to fill a baseball team, a hockey bench and a big house full of love.

That obviously didn’t happen. Or it hasn’t happened yet. But I love my life. I spent last weekend learning how to scull on the Potomac River. I have good friends, a great family, hobbies and one of the best jobs I’ve ever had.

Do I feel a void because I’m not married and I don’t have children yet? Sure. Do I wish I were having sex? Of course.

Waifu materialz.

They are called crazy cat ladies user

I bet she has like 10 already

>I thought it would be cool to take that verse literally and have 12 kids.
Women really have no comman sense.

I admire her resolve.


They're coming after us Wizards now


ppl that writes aboot their "perfect" and "happy" lives are the ones 10 minutes from jumping infront a train

>Sweden bringing the wisdom.
Well that doesn't happen often.

She has crazy woman eyes.

she is kind of qt, definatly waifu material

>those eyes
Kek I've never seen despair so blatant.

>Is being a virgin after age 30 ok if you are a female? Is it even a feminist's dream?
It's the Jew's dream. This results in the end of the white race just as race-mixing does. Also, if she has children now they might have Down Syndrome, or worse still, be born weird and end up on Sup Forums.

How many people here can say that their parents were both under 25 when they were conceived? Exactly.

>>those eyes
>Kek I've never seen despair so blatant.

it was for good reasons, dont be so hard on her

>How many people here can say that their parents were both under 25 when they were conceived?

kek, but its more important for women, men age sexually far slower

Have noticed this myself too.
People content with their lot in life rarely if ever feel the need to boast about it, while someone who keeps a gun with one bullet in their nightstand constantly uses words like "perfect," "happy" and "great" to describe their situation.

ok what do you know? is this a thing? my mom was in her 40s

Women get born with all their reproductive capacity, men constantly regenerate theirs.

The older a woman get, the more twisted and sickly her eggs become. Children born of women past their prime usually don't turn out quite right in the head and/or get a genetic disease.

Meanwhile, unless a guy regularly teabags a nuclear reactor, he's gonna produce healthy offspring no matter his age.

>mom was 30
>dad was 35
Well shit

look at her expression, she'll bite off your dick at the first opportunity

my dad was 22 and my mom 20


The feminist dream is to ride the cock carousel until they hit their 30's and then find a beta who got a good job and education to marry and leech from to then divorce, get 50% of everything he owns and keep the kids and get fat.

It's more likely that a kid will have down syndrome if the mother is past 40. I actually know a woman who had her first kid a few years ago, she was 49. Kid was totally fine. It's not a guarantee, but it is more likely.

Why is that? Anyone know? It's very strange how the mentally just don't get it.

Really pisses me off when someone does a shit job and then showers it with excuses like "I poured my heart into this, I spent hours upon hours on this, I'm doing it all for your benefit, I am a true martyr, you can't tell me that I did a bad job because I'm working much harder than you, I'm doing all the real work, I'm having a very tough time at home, my friends have abandoned me" and so forth.

People with shit performances tend to have a lot of excuses lying around. And they're always the same god damn excuses.
And the funny thing is that I used to believe people when they complained about their superiors. I genuinely thought that bosses were just dicks for the sake of being dicks.

The same principle applies to feminists, really. They're very "happy" and "fulfilled" and just don't happen to have children because they have "amazing" careers and have dedicated their time to crusading against oppression and inequality. And the reason they haven't found a man is because they're all pigs and not worth her time.

This, it may not have been what the 1st wave intended for, but for most practical purposes this is what it's come to.

batshit insane

hate these sorts of tops because you can't tell how wide she is

Can't wait until she starts dripping retrd babies at age 35-40 and wondering what went wrong.

my aunt was never married, never had kids
she insisted on looking after me and my sister on weekends, she'd take us to theme parks, zoos and shit

I hated being around her, she was nuts
not nice to say that about family, but she was just a pain in the ass, she'd snap all the time and go ape shit at us for no reason

>S-s-see guys, I'm happy being a female virgin at 32!

It is a basic advertising strategy. Ever notice how Hyundai commercials say words like "strong, long-lasting"? There is general knowledge of a brand, the pro's do not need to be advertised. The cons need to be flipped for presentation.



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