
Not to burst your bubble here but...

The fuck you talking about? The economy is speedily picking up since brexit, much better than the in clan said.

You must be a labour voter.

>this AND the brexit

Wtf you faggot?

>not wanting ninja police squads


Fuck off we're full. You sound like a beta cuck.

>This and the Brexit destroying my country economically, there's no point in staying on this sinking, depressing boat anymore.

Funny, Britain's economy is doing well at the moment. And it's only going to get better, and now you guys can actually create your own laws now :^) like a real country. We don't need any more undesirables in Canada.

brah I'll gay marriage you if you want to get some USA sponsorship. Burgerland is nice and you would probably earn more here.

Isis banned the burqa. You don't want to be literally Isis, do you?

>Burqa cop tells you you're under arrest
>Start running away
>Burqa cop trips on her bulky burqa

Quintessentially British

its the most left poison country in yurope

what you expect



Don't you dare come here. You will probably never learn our language.
>inb4 I don't want to come to your flat country
Yes you want to, we don't want you here. We're full.

kek its like a monty python skit

Don't need to learn your ugly language anyway, you dutchies can speak our ugly language.

Fuck off Nigel

NA is full and your nancy degrees don't count over here.

Your proving my point. Glad you won't come here
Arrogante klootzak

Jews run the world economy. Now these fucking sub-humans are invading Anglo businesses. Fucking surrounded.

any woman who would insist upon wearing a burqa would not be allowed to be a police officer by her father/husband

which means this is entirely on the bongs

>yfw burka bitches arrested for 'impersonating a police officer'

>would not be allowed to be a police officer by her father/husband
Of course she would. That would give them an insider on the police force and it would be symbolically powerful.

women and power don't mix in islamic society

its a damn shame they want to kill us. we'd be great friends otherwise

>women and power don't mix in islamic society
Muslim women are above dirty infidels. A burka officer means a free pass for muslim men and a muslim overlord for infidels. But most important is the symbol. An officer of the law wearing a burka, that's one step below a bobby draped in an Isis flag.

Let's be honest here.

They did it to piss off the french.

also entirely possible.

perhaps the entirety of this charade is to simply destroy France's influence they have over fashion, because Merkel was told Germans can't be fashionistas

>I'm looking for a sponsor in Canada as type this
You're not the only one mate. I'm planning on getting a study visa so I can move to Canada too. Though I'm only moving to Canada because I have family there, I actually want to move to the US (hopefully Trump wins, if Shillary wins there aren't many places left to go that aren't fucked).

yeah and you're both massive faggots

Go fuck yourself Tyrone. I love Britain but it's turning into an Islamic Police State, I have no future here.

Like I said, I want to eventually move to the US anyway. Maybe a comfy state like Montana.