The Batman

So does this show suck or not? I just started the first episode now that it's streaming on Netflix and, while it's not on the level of TAS, it seems watchable. Like someone blended up the 70's comics by Adams and O'Neill with the 60's TV show, albeit with some needlessly "xtreme" elements. Also not feeling the cops. Are they OC's?

Its the most mixed bag Batman incarnation I can think of. The biggest praise I can give it is that it tried to do new things with characters we've seen a hundred times over. Manic Joker had his funny moments, Mister Freeze had a great design but also butchered his character, and the Dracula special was fun. Perhaps my biggest disappointment with the show is that D.A.V.E never became a breakout character

It's like Teen Titans but for Batman

Early on it suffers from trying way too hard to be different from BTAS, but by season 2 it finds its footing.

There's an emphasis on action, and the animation/choreography rivals Spectacular Spider-Man (I'm pretty sure there's a large amount of crossover in the staff, I know there is with the writers at least).

The TV movie where Batman meets Dracula is fucking amazing.

I think its good for the first few seasons. I liked their Bruce a lot and it addressed some real issues with Batmans psyche.

>that episode where Bruce is gonna go on a date and the episode is all about duality and he realizes that he cant because Batman will always come first.

...a poster for ANTS?!

It's lousy overall but has a few gems.

>The two-part season 1 finale
>The Laughing Bat
>Strange Minds
>Gotham's Ultimate Criminal Mastermind
>Pretty much all of Season 4

It's pretty mediocre. It has some good concepts, some bad concepts, all executed to mixed amounts of success/failure.

Even the worst Batman cartoons are still watchable.

D.A.V.E. really was too good for this show.

Rasta Joker is great, also Alucard.

That movie helped me blow my old roommate's mind.

He was a huge Hellsing fan but didn't know Alucard was Dracula backwards. The look on his face was priceless.

Here;s the thing about this Joker, he was following up TAS Joker. so there was no way that he could ever be lived up to from the start.

Still, at least he tells good jokes, unlike SS joker.

I liked that Bat's villains were actually combat matches for him, as opposed to TAS where the second he got hands on them it was over.

The general mindset I have is that it had its work cut out for it, nothing was going to live up to Timmverse batman, especially given the sheer content between bats, supes, beyond, justice league, and unlimited, and the writing is god awful at certain points. some characters I felt were butchered (freeze's attitude was good, but at the cost of his backstory and character, Harley is... well... ehh?) but most OCs were awesome (Good guy clayface could have been awesome, I want Ethan in comics, same with detective Yang, she could have been the best fembat ever.). decent 3.5/5 stars, I watched when I had nothing better to watch, and I was entertained.

>Mister Freeze had a great design but also butchered his character
It's literally the character he had before TAS.

overall I'd rate it a solid 8/10, while it doesn't quite hit the highs that BTAS does, it also for the most part never gets as bad as the worst BTAS episodes did(indeed the only outright terrible episodes would be the series finale multiparter, and that's mostly for both being a retread of the previous season's finale, and for getting rid of Hugo Strange in a rather dumb manner)

one idea I had if The Batman's universe were to ever be revisited would be to introduce a new character, Mister Zero(the name Mister Freeze had when he was first introduced in the comics), who would hew a lot closer to the BTAS version of Freeze in personality and motives

also have someone take up the mantle of Firefly after the original became Phosphorus

>I liked that Bat's villains were actually combat matches for him, as opposed to TAS where the second he got hands on them it was over.
But the point of Batman is that he trained his whole life to beat the shit out of people. The Penguin should not be able to put up a fight when The Batman gets him.

I love the first two seasons. After Batgirl is introduced it kinda falls apart imho.

If I ever end up writing for DC, I would use D.A.V.E

His favorite studio Ghibli movie is Spirited Away, so that straight-away tells me he's not even qualified to talk about anime

>Who you callin' tall?

It has one of the best Riddler episodes, period.

> that look on Riddler's face when he realizes that Batman IS smarter than him.

>Early on it suffers from trying way too hard to be different from BTAS
For me this is more a praise.
BTAS was good but not the only way of presenting Batman that works.
Batman trying to bring Superman to join the JLA was a great display of his character growth through the series.
Most writers are too much fixated on the loner stick, even if it doesn't make much sense.

It was shit.

wrong thread?

yeah goth riddler was actually really underrated. he gets overlooked because of the admittedly kind of ridiculous design, but his backstory and motivations are fantastic.

That episode where him and Batman are trapped in a sinking shipping container was great.

I just loved how petty he was, and how he made no effort to hide that he basically became a criminal because it was way funner than anything else, then became a supervillain because he wanted to take on Batman.

And no one can convience me that someone like Riddler in this day at age wouldn't have a nerdy goth phase.