why can't white people cook? why is white food not as tasty and delicious as african food and hispanic/ asian food?
Why can't white people cook? why is white food not as tasty and delicious as african food and hispanic/ asian food?
>implying western food isn't dominant in the world
All the best chefs in the world are white men.
Pick one
Still frozen peas, frozen pastry and uncooked rice? C'mon you sheep fucking cunt.
oh would you look at that? best restaurants in the world are almost exclusively in white countries (and japan).
>African food.
You mean pic related?
originally from the middle east
from asia
>flat bread
from hispanics, that don't know how to make bread rise
none of that is white people food
If you mean best = most famous then yeah
Stop pretending to be an emu, kiwi
>michelin star
>literally white people food: the award
You gave yourself away with African food. 1/10.
>white cuisine
>african food
Do you mean these boxes failing from the sky?
>1 post by this id
Goddamn that is the most kiwi plate ever.
>African food
Pretty much these days just english food or petty tribal shit.
>Hispanic food
What are spainards?
>Asian food
Only legitimate claim.
Other then that, you've got ltierally every popular dish in existence belonging to caucasian chefs.
try harder faggot OP
Depends on where you go to
Austrian, German, French and Italian food are all fucking amazing for example
White people cook fine. Americans aren't white.
i was gonna post a list of my top 25 italian dishes but then i reminded myself that we aren't white
name a respected alternative, then. who's guide do you follow over there? little boys piss eggs weekly?
The hell is African food? Rice from World Vision?
I don't even recognize that, peas, rice and something else. No white person would cook or eat that. Not a single one.
yeah asians are great cooks
im eating white bread and brussel sprouts
but here's the twist-
that's right
i AM whitebread
Gentle reminder that all european cuisine (Italy, France etc) is "white people" food.
Swedish traditional food. Notice how the dead fish resembles the native cucked Swede.
too busy working
having food to cook is a western thing
As I was tucking into a foie gras parfait starter followed bourguignon with a nice rioja, I was thinking this exact same thing OP. Europeans can't cook for shit.
>african food
Yeah, those mud pies are delicious
Shut up, i'm making tasty food
Italian food in general is the best.
You guys, the French and Spanish are pretty much the saviours of white food lol. Don't get me wrong I love fish and chips and a Sunday roast but we English have fuck all on you guys over food.
Me too
Yes but Italians didn't invent pasta, they stole it from the Chinese. It's cultural appropriation of the highest order.
I just cooked myself waffles and fried chicken though
>why is white food not as tasty and delicious as african food
because whites don't coat their food in spices and cancer to cover up the fact that it's spoiled
Thai food = master race
Goddamn I love me some thai food! THem fuckers will eat anything...and make it taste good in the process.
nigga pls
Hispanic food is horribly overrated garbage. It's the fucking Beatles of the culinary world.
Asian food is alright though, I enjoy it from time to time.
Regarding white cooking, Italian food is top-tier. Not even the Americanization of Italian food ruined it.
Checkmate snowniggers, real niggers and rice niggers.
Indians shit in the same streets they coock, prepare food with rain water contaminated with shit.
I think my country's mediteranean food is quite nice in comparison.
Because your being selective, taking a pic of someone who clearly can't cook then simply stating all whites can't cook.
This is negro tier b8. You should go to bed.
I made a Vegemite sandwich today. Name one shitskin food that is better than that. (hint: you can't)
now check this out
thats food no nigger will ever be able to make
>coat their food in spices and cancer to cover up the fact that it's spoiled
It is an acquired taste. Even the strongest spices can't hide the flavor of rotten bush meat.
Well here's the thing people DONT KNOW about food and restaurant rating guides:
Its 100% marketing and "nepotism". Its all about tricking the public who arent aware of the workings of the food industry.
Michelin guide started as a way to sell more tires. The other respected list, the top 50 restaurants, is done by san pellegrino, a bottled water company.
I work for the 2nd best rated bar on singapore. You can probably google it. Its about 2 years old but is already in the top 50 best bars in the world and won lots of local awards. But do you know why? Politics.
Our alcohol supplier is the one that hosts the local award selections.
Our general manager who is czech is close friends with a famous bartender from the Artisan in london who is also czech.
It is all marketing to the outside.
Das rite, Hans.
>African food.
>not based marmite
Murcan you've been hanging around with aussies too much.....
it looks like the retarded cousin of my dish frenchbro
niggers also like to eat mud
Lol ive had african food its over spiced and it all tastes one note as with white people food™ it have depth of flavor
this meme has to die spain is whiter (more european) than the UK (hello reconquista?)
African delicious cooking - pic related.
If you are white, feel sorry for you that your mother was a lousy cook eating at McDonald all day.
If you are not, who cares.
>be hispanic
>me mami makes delicious food with tons of seasoning
>tastes delicious
>go to a white friends house
>his mami only slabs butter all over her chicken
>her food tastes bland and stale no flavor whatsoever
White people food is disgusting.
keep your shitty African food
You mean a quick sandwich that almost every country has these same things in some form
>african food
>hating bologna
Friend with BBQ sauce on toast is top tier desu senpai
My uncle is Aussie. I can only ever find tiny jars of marmite in Canada. I like the big jars of Vegemite I get from Australia better desu. The tubes are alright too.
inside is pic related
>google keyboard
Can we all agree that Mexican food and genral hispanic food is the laziest "cuisine" there is?
And it costs like 50 euro per portion?
>>>American "cuisine"
>It's all European, south American and Asian
>Fired pottery
What do you mean by African food? Like going to McDonalds and getting value menu shit? My wife's ham would put that niggers dollar burger to shame!
>african food
>with food
Italian and French are white and they have most amazing food. White people can cook as long as they can grow year round. Northern European food is a different story....would you like fermented shark...I'm looking at you Vikings.
Availability of ingredients in their homelands.
Tropical countries are bursting with different types of fruit and spices, the middle asia have enormous amounts of spices, herbs, plants, animals and naturally occuring tastes not found in other countries.
For example, what animals and flora are naturally occurring in Britain? Plain dull tasteless watery vegetables, apples and maybe pumpkins/pear/peaches/cherries, deer, beef, chicken, lamb/mutton, birds, and some fairly tasteless fish. Are you expecting them to make curries and fried rice and turkish delight and cannoli when all they have is dairy, plain meats, a few floury apples and some tasteless vegetables? It doesn't make any sense, and guess what, it's isolated from the rest of the world by sea, also factoring in that only certain lifeforms can grow in the cold climate of Europe. Many animals and plant forms can't survive in the harsh winters and overall dirt based fields of Europe, especially in places like Scandinavia and the British Isles, who have consistently cold weather and excess moisture.
And they wonder why there are no african michelin star restaurants.
Can we all also agree they are all cooking Spanish aka European dishes
Non-European food just doesn't really appeal to me, though I know that it's a matter of personal taste.
Even before I started using Sup Forums, and when I was a kid, I've always hated Mexican, Chinese, and other non-European foods that are generally popular.
gb2 #BlackTwitter
>african food
no such thing
no taste just spicy shit
>asian food
le fish or just another spicy shit
It's like we're multi cultural or something..
Sound like you have been eating in what Danes call a "Tourist trap".
No that shit is cheap as fuck. Its the whole point.
Come on, now.
>Our general manager who is czech
Why can't you non-whites create these great award winning bars?
do niggers even know how to make bread?
Can we agree that "hamburger" is not a cuisine?
It's a fucking sandwich with slightly more meat than normal.
Top kek
Like you would know
You mean nigger and trailer trash cuisine
Fuck you, pumpkin head America is just as white as Europe now that you let the niggers in.
My sides!
If you wanted me to puke then you were almost succesful
Hamburger is just a fancy word for " hot meat sandwich "
Vegemite is marmites poor cousin.
They.. lack the "spice heritage"? My understanding is people in Europe were somewhat restricted in terms of access to spices to the general population. Probably also racism as in "why should I eat autn Jamimah's stew".
Hello, flavourful food flag.
We are European.
I'm starting to believe that the mods themselves make this threads and bump them to slide the board
There is no other explanation why shitpost threads like these don't get deleted on sight
Only white people understand food.
pig and egg lad
pig and egg
>deep fry
>bbq sauce
>african/hispanic food
It's '''''''tasty'''''''' because you get a dopamine rush from all the sugar, saturated fat and umame receptor stimulation. I am willing to bet you don't consider any food low in sugar/fat tasty.
>African delicious cooking - pic related.
There is very decent African food, it just lacks variety. There's only so much attieke or foutou sauce graine you can eat.
makes you think
is cooking racist?