Howard Stern dispensing red pills back in 1995.
20 years later and nothing has changed.
Howard Stern dispensing red pills back in 1995.
20 years later and nothing has changed.
I remember hearing this kike talk about school in a black neighborhood. His staunchly liberal parents loved niggers and sent him to a school full of coons. He, obviously fearing for his life, often told his parents that he wanted out and they basically called him a racist. I actually started to have a shred of respect for the hook nose but then he said he loves blacks as well and holds no grudge against them.
>but then he said he loves blacks as well and holds no grudge against them.
He probably says that when his brain reminds him people are actually listening to him and he was being too honest. It has happened to me.
I think it's fascinating how 20 years on and the same pattern is repeating. Black guy fights a cop. Gets shot. Blacks burn down their community.
Here's one of his rants about growing up in a black neighbourhood:
>people are actually listening to him and he was being too honest. It has happened to me.
Maybe it's me being too stubborn. In the face of all this pc bullshit, I stick to my guns and say what I feel needs to be said. I love a good argument.
It's almost like it's a racial thing with Blacks that's inherent in their genetic makeup when it repeats generation after generation... really activates your almonds
Stern's legit desu
Always had respect for him
stern was god tier in the 90s. now hes a sjw cuck.
Makes you think... What happened? Did (((they))) threaten to kill him if he kept telling the truth?
Too bad Stern has gone PC now
You're an sjw cuck
Is the video not playing for anyone else?
He got comfortable and started getting initiated into the A-list "inner circle".
All he does in his free time is go to parties with the Clooneys, Brad Pitts, and Jennifer Anistons of the world.
His version of a mid-late life crisis was to become a popular lefty.
Eric the Midget saga was truly epic, RIP little fella.
That's pretty raw and honest.
Some nigger is the replies is saying that sterns a racist and that the cause is poverty, not race, and that white people do it to, but doesnt cite a single white society where such it happens.
Jews definitely didn't do it in the WWII ghettos.
Whites don't do it. Starving Germans in post-WWII or Americans during the Great Depression kept their shit together. Modern blacks never suffered as the Europeans did then.
Arabs don't do it. They'll fight their dictators, they'll have sectarian wars, but they won't destroy their own communities. Not even the Arabs in the Gaza strip will destroy their own communities, and they are infinitely poorer than the blacks in America.
Indians poo everywhere, but they do that when they're happy, too, so that doesn't count.
Needless to say, east Asians would never destroy their own communities. The Japanese are the embodiment of solidarity , rationality and discipline.
So why do niggers do it?
Is it just low IQs? It must be. It's just like a retarded ape losing its temper and just attacking everything around it blindly.
Most blacks seem to have terrible impulse control as a matter of genetics.
A final solution seems to be civilization's only option.
Pic unrelated
>pushing the based jew meme
Sorry Shlomo, Jews can't be redpilled unless they're Bobby Fischer or David Cole.
>kikes cant be red pilled unless they are my favorite kike
fuck off faggot and take all these kikes and niggers with u
The show were he made fun of some German cuckmedians was priceless.
I worked as an assistant to one of the best boy electricians on this guy's movie and met Howard Stern several times. He is probably the un-Jewiest Jew on earth. I'm pretty sure he hates Jews, actually or, at least, they annoy him. Btw, I am an oldfag.
>So why do niggers do it?
Niggers, like everyone else, hate niggers. They destroy their own kind because even they know they are shit. But they can't admit it to outsiders because it would stop the white guilt gravy train they rely on for survival.
Hook nosed with a wig.
Let's hear what he has to say...
To be honest, they really are a more inferior version of modern man, almost like an early beta prototype piece of code that has loads of runtime errors and returns unexpected values for calculations. They are most likely the original humans (there is debate around that, maybe they're a different 'strain' of humanity that hasn't caught up or was never going to be as smart as other races), whereas most other races (save for Australoids or Indigenous Australians, some SE asians, caribbean natives etc) seem to be more developed, higher average I.Q. and more chance of outliers in terms of high intelligence, and I'm referring to Caucasoids and Mongoloids as being the higher strain of humanoids - it explains civilisations and the history of Eurasia being largely ahead of the Americas, and even more so the natives of Africa.
Basically, look at gorillas in the zoo compared to Japanese police as an extremely exaggerated comparison, native africans bear more resemblance to this earlier version than other races of human.
the last third of this call is spectacular
Living in a djungle just 100 years ago while whites had civilization 3000 years ago.
The blacks need those 3k to evolve. You cant just force them to be civilized.
Great answer.
My understanding was that blacks are the first humans and that some of them had entered Europe and had mixed their genes with the Neanderthals and then spread out around the rest of the world. This Neanderthal gene is present in every race on earth except for black Africans, and it's this gene which explains why everyone is smarter than blacks.
There seem to be some contradictions, though. The Australian aboriginals are total morons. Yet the have the Neanderthal gene, no? And how could they end up so stupid when many of their ancestors (when en route to Australia) stopped to set up great civilizations like the Persians, the Chinese and the Indus Valley Aryans?
Or did the aboriginals evolve along a completely separate branch from everyone else? Did they come from Africa by another route other than Europe and Asia? I don't see how this is possible.
It's a fascinating topic. Still much to be learned.
I recall aborginals having a distinct 3rd gene and it was from a different race. (starts with D or something)
It's not one gene you potato. Google pleiotropy...
You're right.
Detailed answers are here:
"the Denisovans - a primitive group of humans descended from Neanderthals - migrated from Siberia to tropical parts of Asia. They contributed DNA to Aborigines"
"[The discovery] strongly supports the idea that Aborigines were [part of] an early and separate wave of human expansion out of Africa, before the subsequent wave that established Europeans and Asians "
He exaggerated his past, he spent like 2 months around nigs but then his parents moved to a jewish neighborhood on long island.
Pleiotropy refers to the effects of one gene.
>t. howard's sterns mom
Australian Aboriginals are descended (if only partially) from Australopithecus, which is a very primitive (possibly more than Negroids, capoids, etc) form of human and actually goes far further back than even the existence of caucasoids. Essentially the aboriginies could be descended from an even earlier humanity than Africans, being somewhat the inheritors of the original modern man. Possibly the mix of Neanderthal dna (even though denisovans might be a less intelligent mixed-race or genetically varied offshoot) and this early australopithecus dna made them the way they are. If i'm brutally honest, black africans probably tend to be smarter than aboriginals, but almost every aboriginal is not pure aboriginal (mixed with europeans), and represents a tiny minority of my country's population. African descendants are so numerically superior to them, that we can't observe their intelligence on the same scale as african descendants.