Hello, this is the continuation of yesterdays thread, in which we discussed the basic story outline and gameplay, so here is what I came uo with: docs.google.com/document/d/1iAhswORIcqEaE3Covxc8hjBXGGweNsZILuswdnQK7hM/edit?usp=drive_web

The studio name is Good Goy Games, or GGG, and the name will be New world Order.

Also, in this thread, we will discuss the style and aesthetic of the game.

Other urls found in this thread:


Video games are for degenerates.

Soros NEEDS to be a villain

He's like a real life cartoon supervillain

Instead of bland ammunition, you shoot your enemies with redpills!

The character with the strongest ATK/strength stay is Anders Breivik. To unlock him, you have to kill 77 innocent NPCs.

Are you sure that the whole meme magic concept is """""subtly Sup Forums"""""??????? From what I can tell, it's pretty much akin to a mana system which kinda cheapens the concept of meme magic. I don't think kek would take kindly to it.

redpills would work better as the health item

Video Games = "entertainment" sensibility = autism.
This is predominantly an art board (the "entertainment" shit that is constantly being discussed here is a result of crossposters from pleb boards like Sup Forums and Sup Forums)
True cinema = art which is the opposite to autism and in turn the opposite to video games.
The sensibilities resulting in video game appreciation are diametrically opposed to the appreciation of cinema as "art". Videogames/autism/"entertainment" are the reason for capeshit

He is.

The game is supposed to looks bluepil but slowly redpills you the further you go.

The more you kill the more memes you get because Sup Forums makes them about you.


I also don't think the whole "Piss off sjws" thing should be an active guideline. If it is a well-made game that sticks to its core values/objectives, it will piss them off regardless.

If you have the chance, take a look at other games like Muslim Massacre, the Postal series, or even just GTA. These games didn't go out of their way to piss people off. (Muslim Massacre = Kill the muslims, Postal = Do your daily errands, GTA is a lot more complex in story but it's the open-world experience that leads to controversy because you can pretty much do what you want)

I don't know what your experience with making games is, (Mine is also questionable) but I would recommend that you keep the whole concept simple if you actually want this to be a real thing. Other people might disagree with me, but the story already seems a bit overly complex than it needs to be for a functioning game.

You should meet a serbian after you get the info from abu basim who looks like dat soldier guy who follows you and gives damage boosts against ISIS soldiers. You decide his name

Alright, so the game starts off all fine and dandy. But then the character stumbles upon a red pill. As he takes the red pill his view of the world is slightly skewed towards reality. The more pills you collect the closer you are to seeing the world as it really is.
Example: You find out that a character you know is cheating on their spouse, you receive a red pill. Now the graphics for certain characters change to be slightly more slutty, giving you a new perspective of the world.

just have it be a beat-em up in the vein of streets of rage starring Pepe, Alex Jones, Donald Trump and Nigel Farage with Hitler, Ben Garrison and Sam Hyde being unlockable
bossfights include cyber george soros (think of the final boss of megaman 2 where it's a hologram), hillary clinton, le happy merchant, and angela merkel

Man that could actually be a fucking terrifying game. You get immersed in a reality and bit by bit the facade crumbles.

You can also get away with aping "they live"

>I also don't think the whole "Piss off sjws" thing should be an active guideline. If it is a well-made game that sticks to its core values/objectives, it will piss them off regardless.


Charles Barkley: Shutup and Jam GAIDEN, But Sup Forums instead of 90's era B-Ball culture.

Use stolen assets and shit like "RPG Maker" to make a cheap game, but be sure to put a lot of love into the writing. Don't try to do anything too "advanced", or else you'll get another "Commander and Cute" comic...

Get only a couple of people putting in the work to code/ create the actual game, but set up an email or discord so people can post ideas.

Make an episodic Telltale-like adventure, where you play Hitler and make hard choices with different endings.

What about super Hitler

Klan Kwest

Basically a combination of a Kings Quest style game and a Doom style fps. Set in 1950s Alabama it's about fighting Gov Jim Folsom and the federal gubmints integrationist policies.

Mixture of Far Cry(meaning open world and enemy patrols) and Homeland (Marshal law)
Basically the left declares marshal law and you're a conservative guy who has seen his family get executed by Commies/BLM/etc...
You find a resistance fighting against the tyrannical government and bring it down, while slowly shoving redpills down the players throat throughout the story, also meeting retarded liberals in downtown areas holding their commie propaganda signs. Map as big as Altis (Arma 3). At the end you assassinate the dictator only to find out he was just a pawn for the establishment, and then you and your closest friends you met throughout the game get lined up against the wall and shot.

In the game there's a section where you are tasked with exterminating a group of people.
You have a gas chamber and ovens.

When you try to use the gas chamber the victims break down the wooden doors.
When you try to burn a body it takes so long that it's physically impossible to burn all the bodies.
The characters would comment on how stupid and badly thought out their plan was.
It wouldn't flat out name the holocaust, but it would strongly imply that the game is saying the holocaust is a hoax.

Guys, you do realize it has to be subtle?

This isn't going to go anywhere. You're going to lose enthusiasm after a week.

Plus, democratizing creative efforts is fucking stupid and the reason why Half Life 3 doesnt exist.

>style and aesthetics
It could be like Hotline Fedora or just use some kind of 80's television filter.

>You're going to lose enthusiasm after a week.

This is probably the last thread, since we have just about everything we need.


If you can't make it subtle then your game is going to be shit anyway.

How hard it is to make it subtle?
Just have section where you're tasked with burning the bodies. You try to burn them, but it takes too long. That's it.

This shit could easily be in Hotline Miami.

I honestly don't think you should use real people as part of it, create characters that are similar in nature to those you want to criticise/praise. You don't redpill by saying "this guys a cunt", you redpill by showing that some ideas are evil and let them see for themselves who spreads and uses those bad ideas.
You can do this by making a hate-able bad guy who tries to force globalisation for money and power. The bad guy should do something to the player to make a personal hate from the player and throw friends under the bus.

>When you try to use the gas chamber the victims break down the wooden doors.

I'm probably going to set it in an alternate world.

What language are we going to use to make it?

Oh wait

>Sup Forums
>intelligent enough to program

C++, Abdul

The game where you fight racist, islamophobic, xenophobic and whatever scum, and the more you succeed, the more everything turns to shit and the ideals that made you fight for equality are being raped by people you tried to help.

Soros should be a villain, but the true villain should be the Rothschilds

I like the idea of redpills as health
Also maybe Rothschild as a villain? He even kinda looks like a James Bond villain

Lile, you help an immigrant into country? He organizes a terrorist attack. You verbally defend a nigger? He later rapes and murders a woman. Etc.

Like what this user said

Studio name: Supermassive Studios, logo will be a SS that looks like that Schutzstaffel insignia.

This one is cool. It could be set in the future, where everyone is 'equal and diverse', then the character eventually gets redpilled about it

it's gon be complicated, but sounds good, so noted.

We got the studio name n logo last time, Good Goy Studios. Pic related

So far the whole thread's about you behaving like the child of a prostitute.
I see no progress so far, whoreson.

Looks like shit, just like everything you've made so far, this thread included, whoreson

You have a privilege level, which decreases as you progress from white male to black agender polysexual.

That's gold, everything starts out as normal but each few levels you find and take more redpills until its you vs the globalist big boss who is pulling all the strings.
The player learns that the world may not be all it seems and they need to find the truths to see the world how it is.

If they sucked up to you andasked you to do art, I think you'd feel a little differently, huh, Mike?

Create a Silent Hill type game in which the themes we wish to portray are symbolic and metaphorical. Thy way they have a deeper impact and will be subtle enough to trigger normies.

but if you kill yourself live on webcam i'd be a little happier.

vidya is degenerate, welcome to pol newfag

He can't do art tho. There is an image circulationg around of him. He lives in the poorest part of malaysia in a 7x7m room. He is angry because he is miserable, and calls everyone stuff because he is projecting.

That's projecting, whoreson.
You're projecting.
Fucking piece of attention whoring shit.

Lol, told you guys, look at him. Almost feel kinda sad

Im not the one creating shit threads on Sup Forums and acting like a son of a whore, whoreson.

>Im not the one creating shit threads on Sup Forums
Not anymore at least, and your thread is shit OP.

If you're really that poor, why don't you get a job teaching/tutoring English? You're practically fluent.

>Im not the one creating shit threads on Sup Forums and acting like a son of a whore, whoreson.

Im not the one creating shit content on Sup Forums and actually being the son of a whore, poormalay

He is actually a white guy, an actual neckbeard who moved to malaysia.

poor people don't make shit threads on Sup Forums like this desperate bosnian nigger over hereChange your trip to whoreson, whoreson

Nth for HPM

Found it! This is an actual picture of him.

>poor people don't make shit threads on Sup Forums like this desperate bosnian nigger over here

Are you retarded? You do realize that you just said that i am not poor? On the other hand, you whore yourself out on patreon for 112 a month

We got a comic relief NPC for our games \o/

So how is the progress?

Do you have a team? Are you working by yourself?

How much are you wanting to invest in this etc....

Give us something to work with, don't hype us for nothing.

Also make it something like: "/pvg/ Pol vidya general" or something like that so i can easilly find the thread etc...

Also last question, are you the same Bosnia bro who posted art here before?

He is so going to be in the game as a beggar giving out blowjobs

Horson the hobo.

>So how is the progress?

I have the gameplay and AI pretty much worked out, the only thing left is to model the characters and environment.

>Do you have a team? Are you working by yourself?

Just me

>How much are you wanting to invest in this etc....

It's a hobby project. I'm living well off my other game and selling art.

>Also make it something like: "/pvg/ Pol vidya general" or something like that so i can easilly find the thread etc...

Just seatch Sup Forums VIDYA GAME

>Also last question, are you the same Bosnia bro who posted art here before?

I did post some art in a thread that another bosniabro posted, i think I have it here somewhere

The bosnian whoreson is fucking funny to fuck with.

go kill yourself, whoreson

he's the same fucking bosnian nigger that made the Sup Forums fashion thread a couple of months ago.
put his ugly fucking whoreson face in the op pic like the fucking dumb nigger he is.

>The bosnian whoreson is fucking funny to fuck with.

Yeah, you are totally the one fucking with us, malayfag. Tell me, how does it feel to have to skip meals every day because you live off 100 bucks a month?

>he's the same fucking bosnian nigger that made the Sup Forums fashion thread a couple of months ago.
put his ugly fucking whoreson face in the op pic like the fucking dumb nigger he is.

Lol, yeah, every bosnian on Sup Forums is me

Great, that is a lot better than expected. I thought you were a fag who make these threats for trolling, and believe me there are to many fags on Sup Forums.

So, when do you expect to finish it? And are you going to put it on Steam for greenlight?

Also if you could just post some pics for proof in the OP or in the posts so that maybe you can find someone who is experianced to help you and support you. I am sure there are a lot of programers/artists on Sup Forums.

Nah, it's definitely you. Some lazy ass unemployed bosnian piece of shit that does nothing with his life, a fucking parasite to your own crippling country.

instead of getting a job you decide to bump your shit threads on Sup Forums

that's why i told you to kill yourself, whoreson. Even your whore of a mother is benefiting the country than you do.

Okay, one question.... How do you manage to be in every thread that this bosnian makes?

I mean there is hardly any other malasiyan posting in any other thread.

I'm literally the only malaysian on Sup Forums.
Are you fucking stupid? I'm always here.

>So, when do you expect to finish it?

I'll probably finishit in a few months, i got a ton of comissions to do, but i have a lot of free time, so probably no longer than a year. I'll just put it on mediafire, steam is kind of blueppilled sometimes, and the game will be free.

Also, ill post a gif soon, lemme record it. the game is still basically just bones, so dont go hard on me.

Keep projecting, poormalay

He follows me around, he is like a fly.

Keep wasting your meaningless life, malayfag

I always tell the truth, whoreson.
Unlike you who keeps bullshitting yourself like the dumb wreck you are. Kill yourself fucking piece of shit.

Keep wasting your meaningless life, whoreson.

>I always tell the truth, whoreson.
>Unlike you who keeps bullshitting yourself like the dumb wreck you are. Kill yourself fucking piece of shit.

>Getting baited this hard


I like Sup Forums and vidya, let's see if there's anything interesting here

>being this mad
yeah, just go kill yourself, whoreson


Grinding Gear Games is a thing
And so is WWF NWO

Lol, you are the easiest person to troll on this website

Go smash your shitty device too. It's preventing you from getting a real job. Just look at your poor mother, she doesnt hang out in Sup Forums and became a succesful prostitute fucking goatfuckers everyday so she can put bread on the table for your lazy piece of shit whoreson ass.

useless piece of shit

Make it about smuggling people into europe.

People Smuggle Tycoon.

Become the best Smuggler the world has ever seen. Upgrade your boat. Make international contacts! Bribe the coastal guard! Upgrade fake passports. Vet the potential candidates for smuggling. Use internet propaganda to get international support. Build a business of international smuggling!

Play as a dutch slave smuggler in 1730.
Play as an refugee smuggler in 2016.

The possibilities are endless! Play now!

Oh nigga you have no idea
So ive been thinking over a game of Sup Forums is a open world on that bits shit i do not remember tbe thing is it should look like the legacy of kane or something like that it starts 250 years after hillarys election it needs to have judge dread style of the future the protagonist could be a polack resembling that russian guy from rocky vs the soviets that after making a deal with kek travels to the future to presence galactic colonization
About the music it would be cool if we put some aesthetic 24 bits style something like cybernazy in you tube the collectibles would be things that we pride like redpilled books, paintings, that kind of shit

this much salt


What's your main malfunction?

He is a whoreson obviusly

The bosnian admitted that his mother was a whore once.
also he's fucking autistic. simply by shitting on him he'll derail the topic of the thread with his sperging.

he's pretty much the easiest dumb nigger to troll in Sup Forums.

isn't that right, whoreson?


If I were making a Sup Forums game I'd play as the NWO. You can pick one of various types of shills, politicians, or mechnants.

Make tons of shekels selling interracial boyfriends for Barbie. Promote degeneracy through the media. The end goal should be to create a 1 world government and eliminate all racial and national identities, and convert 99% of the world's population into debt/welfare slaves.

>The bosnian admitted that his mother was a whore once.


>also he's fucking autistic.

i laughed at this part. You do realize that lurking in a thread and calling everyone names for four hours is autistic as fuck, right?

>also he's fucking autistic.

Projecting this hard

Interesting... The only problem is tha tit would be really complex, especially for lone wolf OP.

It's not only things that you do to direcly influence something... problem is indirect influence. Like, you promote interacial porn, direcly there are more cucks and mulatos, indirecly it caouses more votes for green cuck party and less unrest as the nationalistic opinion become taboo, etc... You get the idea.

Yeah, plus i really have no experience with 2d kinds of games like lemonade stand, or simcity.

derailing your own thread with your autism just because someone called you names is pretty autistic, whoreson.
Also bumping shit threads like these.
You should just go fucking kill yourself like what i've told ya

>Projecting this hard
Get a life, user, and you might get an apartment with a built in bathroom.

What have you decided with Sup Forums's help already? Would be easier to discuss different elements of the game knowing what was already discussed and established.

if you get a job your poor mother can stop begging to goatfuckers to fuck her for money, whoreson

>Projecting this hard
Get a life, user, and you might get an apartment with a built in bathroom.

You just set up pillars in society to subvert.

Religion-subvert churches that practice in group preference, get one of your own in charge to promote acceptance of degeneracy
Food/water-put Chemicals in the water supply, feed people McBluepills
Housing-promote renting shithole apartments instead of owning land

Find a way to subvert both political parties and offer the illusion of choice

Most of it should be about avoiding detection by the goyim. You need to find ways to discredit resistance movements, and people who won't go along with debt slavery, race mixing etc.

You can use "muh 6 gorillion" in case of emergency of set up false flags to deflect

Hmmm... I think that the plot could be...

The let's say Eu police state emerged shortly after EU army was created.... The year is 2021 and opinions are highly censored. Angela Merkel is replaced by Martin Schulz, who is now main person in public. He has ultimate say in EU laws, also EU can force members, who are gradually loosing sovereginity, to accept EU laws etc... The world is globalising, EU is unifying, this causes Russia and China to create even bigger pact between them, as they are only oposing force in this.

This globalisation has a lot of supporters mainly usefull commies, swj's, liberals, dude weed etc... They think they won, they have equality.
Though globalisation is seen as a threat to common people, and those people organise protests in order to try to influence their political representatives to stop this globalisation and disentigration of their country....

How do you like it? I can continue if you want?

Ok, the vid is uploading ill post it in a few minutes

Yes, it's great idea believe me. It's just that it would take a lot of designing for it to be realistic.

You would need days to create charts and algoritams just so you can have skeleton.

After that takes art,music etc...

Also programing would be hard and long too.