Hey! /pol dip shits! Hillary just called us all out!
Hey! /pol dip shits! Hillary just called us all out!
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I really want to see her out of touch SuperPAC push the gay Muslim meme. We need more photo ops with LGBT kebabs.
Im not "racist" and not "homophobic", but Im damn sure the rest of those things.
Lets be real, shes describing the average poltard.
Yes but to call 47% of voters all of this? Seriously where does that get you?
What's her angle with this? Insulting your competitor's supporters just makes you look bad. Great way to court new voters, Hilldawg.
Fuck this wrinkled cunt, I'd just like to be able to have my two white kids grow up in a society where they are the majority I earned.
Like all of Asia except not Asian.
Yes wtf? Is she trying to start a civil war when she wins?
IF she wins...
all you slow bus kids along with OP missed the part where she said that she understood the other half of Trump's supporters.
She's the consummate pol, and you guys are being played by her. She wants the fringe elements to expose themselves for what they are, which will alienate the normal people who still support Trump, but will be drawn to Hillary by episodes like this.
You're still young, I hope, and have time to gain wisdom before the next election.
>She wants the fringe elements to expose themselves for what they are, which will alienate the normal people who still support Trump, but will be drawn to Hillary by episodes like this.
If only those fringe elements existed outside of Sup Forums and Hillary's imagination
throwing hail marys when shit doesnt go your way
just clinton things
She's trying to exterminate Trump supporters.
What does Hillary have to gain from calling what is now almost half the population racists, does she not know if she should be elected, public compliance is necessary to do a lot of things?
>what is now almost half the population racists
another student has boarded the slow bus.
This is why I'm concerned over a possible false flag mass shooting with the perp being a staunch Trump supporter. The media would sink its fucking fangs into something like that and milk it for weeks leading up to November.
>false flag
there is no evidence of a single false flag shooting in america ever. You are thinking of Nazi Germany and other hoodlum cultures.
Sup Forums is not reality. almost everything you read here started as a joke but was repeated so many times that new children started to believe it.
Dont let this slide doggos its the beggining of the end for Hilldoggo
Why won't Hillary Clinton release her medical records? This is standard procedure for anyone running for office.
This is why. A doctor and medical professor proves that Hillary Clinton has been diagnosed with vascular dementia, and is literally dying as we speak, and only one year to live.
This is the most comprehensive, fact filled, well documented video ever made on the subject of Clinton's health.
This is the most explosive, eye opening, earth shattering thing you will ever see.
If I give you a (You), will you stop shitposting?
>Trump supporters are racist, sexist, homophoic, and some, I assume are good people
>25% of all US voters are absolute scum and I hate them, they can burn in hell for all I care.
This is bad juju for Hilldog my man.
Don't worry, mate. This happened in Britain and Brexit still won.
>This is bad juju for Hilldog my man.
It's actually a decent strategy, designed to divide the Trump base into those who admit to being sorta assholes and those who don't.
It can't hurt Hillary, and might help.
But to me, the reality is that she seems to actually have some health issues. The first debate in a few weeks will be the most watched US debate ever.
>Trying to divide Trump's base by insulting them
>good strategy
How much are you being paid?
My deplorable state aside Mrs Clinton is looking quite insalubrious herself!
wtf I hate me now
They're using every rule in the book and it still hasn't worked.
>dip shits
Why do I feel like 90% of posters these days are newfags?
She's being polarizing, when she insults half of them, people are just going to be offended. This will make leaners more confident to vote Trump out of spite.
>tfw your board has more traffic than/v/ now
>tfw annual post count has essentially doubled over the last year
>designed to divide the Trump base into those who admit to being sorta assholes and those who don't.
They sort of are divided, except the left has been saying all Trump supporters are bigots ever since he entered the race, and Trump supporters themselves see the "bigoted" side to be a tiny minority, much smaller than the hateful population on the left.
This isn't going to change anything
>It can't hurt Hillary
She just gave the middle finger to 50% of voters. Even if she wins, the immense hatred coming at her from half the country will not cease throughout her term.
not racist,yes sexist,not islamophobic.
but I decide if I'm homophobic or xenophobic on a homo by homo basis(or xeno)
If it is a particularly large angry homo(or xeno)then yes I'd be afraid of it/them.
but otherwise no.
She's not wrong. I am racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, islamaphobic. The list is actually longer.
Isn't xenophobic and Islamaphobic kinda redundant? It's like she tried to fit in as many buzzwords as possible.
>all you slow bus kids along with OP missed the part where she said that she understood the other half of Trump's supporters.
Suuuuuuuuuure she did. She thinks islamophobia is a thing, no she doean't.
Hillary is using 'progressive' tactics to try gain votes.
I really do hope that there isn't enough of these liberal SJW fucks in your country for her to win.
The "Oh Shit" Guy That Wiped Hillary's Server With BleachBit Was Just Granted Immunity
Ralph Nader: Clinton Foundation’s Actions Should Result in Indictment
The Kremlin Really Believes That Hillary Wants to Start a War With Russia
Thanks for Correcting the Record on this highly complex and well thought-out strategy.
>dedicated to Lucifer, the original radical
>"Most Jews do not like to admit it, but our god is Lucifer."
>The above is an exact quote of Harold Wallace Rosenthal, former top Administrative Aide to the then Senator Jacob Javits, who was since defeated in the 1980 election.
> "We Jews continue to be amazed with the ease by which Christian Americans have fallen into our hands. While the naive Americans wait for Khrushchev to bury them, we have taught them to submit to our every demand." Asked how a nation could be captured without their knowing it, Mr. Rosenthal attributed this victory to absolute control of the media. He boasted of Jewish control of ALL NEWS. Any newspaper which refused to acquewsce to controlled news was brought to its knees by withdrawing advertising. Failing in this, the Jews stop the supply of news print and ink. "It's a very simple matter," he stated. Asked about men in high political office, Mr Rosenthal said that no one in the last three decades has achieved any political power without Jewish approval.
When do they not do this? How is this news worthy.
In the real world, I treat everyone respectfully, until they give a reason not to, but I'm aware that certain races, and ethnicities are superior to others.
She forgot to say antisemitic LoLocaust deniers
Fuck, I posted too early.
same concept as being racist
I'm a bifag myself, but 99.99% of gays are pure cancer.
I guess you could say I don't jump into the arms of an outsider, but if they proved themselves good people, I would accept them.
Duh. I'm not going to pull off a woman's hijab, or anything, I just find their core beliefs to be bullshit.
How completely out of touch her whole campaign is shocking to me. 1st off the LBGT community is tired of being used as a prop to push her agendas. They know the truth about how horrifying globalism is for their kind. I have spoken to many in that community and they are sick of being used by the left. Also, for her to think telling lies and insulting people with words that are over used and not even true is going to shame Trump supporters into voting for her is delusional. You can't fucking abuse and insult people into supporting you, you dumb fucking cunt.
A phobia is an irrational fear of something. It's not irrational to have concerns concerning a death cult that worships a rapist, warlord, mass murdering, pedophile.
It SHOULD be Hillary Clinton's "47% moment", except the media will never make even half the deal about it that they did Mitt Romney's comments in 2012.
Some of supporters and undecided could be uncomfortable with such label. Let's say, their family will disgust with this. 10% of this 47% who turn back to a "fuck them all" side will be ok for HER to win.
People in staffs earning 5digits a month for raising division, disgust and hatred. All hail democracy!!!
They crate it in media, you idiot. Pol is a model to implant in people mind - who you will be if you want to support Trump. And a lot of people are not OK with this and could reject him.
That's called political tech, and it fucking works.
thats a jew website isn't it?
Main reason is create an enormous public and psycological pressure on them. Insult is collateral damage, who fucking cares about people feelings outside leftist bullshit.
isn't a phobia an irrational fear?
>being sane in 2016
its like you want to go to the FEMA camps
Hey as longs as your not a black retarded jew.... you gotta agree with her on Trump being those things (just take her word for it - she thinks your stupid anyway)
well, is she wrong? i thought the hatred of kikes niggers and faggots was strong here?
ironic that a jew website is promoting all this
>you have to love islam
what the fuck is wrong with the world(west?)
The real islamophobes are the people who are scared to criticize Islam because of their violent reaction or being called a racist.
>>Lets be real, shes describing the average poltard.
Yeah I'm sure the blue collar workers, soccer moms, old people, farmers, dads, military members, churchgoers, college students and other assorted Trump-supporting normies will appreciate being pigeonholed in such condescending manner by a presidential candidate. Sup Forumsacks don't give a fuck about being called these names but normies do take that shit seriously.
also is there a name for people who hate Islamophobs and homophobos?
can't speak for Sup Forums but just find it amazing that she can call Trump a racist with no evidence and the morons believe it while at the same time there is plenty of evidence in both words and actions that she is one.
Hopefully one pf the least cuck media personality asks her point blank if she thinks that 25% of America is Racist, Sexist, etc.
Hopefully Trump makes an ad with her saying it as well as Romney saying "47% comment" then connecting them by saying that establishment candidates have disdain for the American people.
half of hillary clinton supporters fall into a basket of deportables
But they've literally been saying this the whole campaign
Truly a blessing from beyond.
Praise kek. Praise norm. Peace be on all.
>Pepe is in the original too
Can I get the original of this?
Not only that. Trump can use this comment to beat her over the head when you couple this comment with how the left has used the ists words before.
For example, she pretty much said 1 in 4 Americans polled are sexists, racists , etc. polled americans are used as a sample of all americans. Therefore, 1 in 4 Americans are racists.
Now, in Hillarys/progressives eyes what positions make people racists, sexists, etc. Remember to be considered deplorable you only have to fall on the "wrong side" of one issue.
In progressives eyes
Being prolife =Anti women
Being for border security= xenophobic
Wanting to limit muslim immigration from countries which have terrorism= racist
Now tell me what percent of americans falls the "wrong side" of 1 of these positions? My guess is more than 70%.
Since Hillary did not specifically Name the 1/4 americans that are deplorable. Trump can use it to
Alienate voters from Hillary, as long as he can make people believe that Hillary meant that the individual is really part of the deplorables according to Hillary.
How is someone so smart in Mexico?
The difference is that the candidate isn't supposed to say shit like this; it's a terrible persuasion tactic
So the "alt right that masturbates to anime and pepe memes" attack failed and we're back to the default.
What is a "47% moment"?
Can someone tell me?
Romney was talking at a fundraiser with other rich ppl. He said that 47% of US wouldnt vote for him bc they were on govt gibsmedat, so he had to get the vote of the other 53%. Dems used this as Romney hates poor.
Get the fuck off of this board, there's no room for sodomites
So basically Clinton's 47% moment is a bad thing for her, good thing for Trump, right?
>it can't hurt Hillary
Yeah basically. Trump is going to mention it in every speech and he'll definitely bring it up at the debates. It's just more ammo.
It's funny because the Pulse shooter was a registered Dem and a Clinton supporter.
shes an idiot
Yes. It could be used as Hillary and her establishment friends hate at the very least 25% of Americans.
But as I wrote in Trump can use this statement to create the perception that hillary considers most Americans as deplorable.
Alright, thank you. :)
>A phobia is an irrational fear of something
Homophobes aren't afraid of faggos. They just despise them.
>implying he didn't hate the poor
Hillary Idioto
I'm not homophobic
I'm all those things and I'm not even white
I don't think making fun of any group of Americans is a good strategy when it comes down to it.
both of those people sound like idiots, if that's you you should probably an helium
Okay, let's do a little check list, here.
>Clinton calls half of Trump Supporters "deplorables"
>Clinton calls nurses "glorified baby sitters" (I can assure you that did not go down well.)
>Clinton, in an interview, openly admits that, when it comes to the present campaign, she has "different standards" than those of Trump.
Translation: she feels she doesn't have to follow the rules.
>Clinton: said in Congress to Congressman Tray Gowdy when asked about her questionable and contradictory statements regarding Benghazi: "That doesn't apply to me. I have different standards." (Again, that different standards thing.)
About two weeks ago I went to a wholesale outlet and bought about a thousand black tee shirts. I had "Release The Records" printed on them. I've been selling them for 20 bucks apiece. They're selling really well! In fact, I'm surprised at how well they're selling since I live in a predominantly Liberal area.
>Are the libs really getting red-pilled?
>Insulting 1/4 of the country
>Good Strategy
Pick only one
Come on goys let's show this hag that we can keep it up and rock hard all weekend!!!
>Why do I feel like 90% of posters these days are newfags?
Because they probably are. However, you being an idiot libcuck don't see that WE have been handed a fucking solid gold opportunity.
>WE (the people with brains) have been given the opportunity to offer these newfags, who you seem to despise so much, a big chance to get really, truly red-pilled so they can see that liberals like you are weak, self-entitled, selfish special-snowflakes who need to be ostracized out of mainstream society and made irrelevant.
Wtf I hate women now