>I side with the Stormcloaks
> Skyrim is for the nords.
I side with the Stormcloaks
I was just playing it and couldn't comprehend why anyone would think joining the rebellion would be a good idea.
Haha fucking spot on. Mad respect for OG Tullius.
>Yes goyim, join the rebelion and fight for your culture and traditions.
Stormcuck victory is literally the endgame of the talmor jews.
Tullius is a glorious general with mods: Civil War Overhaul, Immersive Armours, Immersive Citizens, Expanded Towns and Cities.
I use those mods cept immersive armors
>I side with the Imperials
>Skyrim is for everyone. Nords are racist white privileged CIS scum.
You need to understand the Nord mindset.
Nords don't think the same way that we (as players in our current reality) do.
To allow themselves to be governed by an empire that is seen as weak is preposterous.
Even if they die as long as they die fighting it's seen as honorable and they will take their place in Sovngarde as true Nords do.
Nords aren't thinking about the grand scheme of things, they're brash and stubborn people, it's just part of their culture to be that way.
>Nords aren't thinking about the grand scheme of things, they're brash and stubborn people, it's just part of their culture to be that way.
Neither are the Imperials since they allow the Altmer to do as they wish with the Nords and then instead of handing power to Ulfric, fights him; further weakening the Empire.
Skyrim without Empire is just frozen, barren land. Stormclokas is elf false flag.
The Imperials are kind of stuck in a tough spot where they're not yet in a position in which they can break the treaty with the Aldmeri Dominion without getting their shit kicked in.
Realistically I think an Imperial victory in the civil war would be the best thing for the empire, since a unified empire would obviously be stronger against the Dominion.
My post was mostly explaining why the Stormcloaks think the way they do, and could possibly help someone (((roleplay))) a character who decides to join the rebellion side of the war.
I meant the player character.
because roleplaying
That's it, I'm joining the Stormcloaks as a high elf male warrior. Wuuthrad only.
Imperial is the best choice.
That or taking Skyrim for your own
Literally niggers
>Realistically I think an Imperial victory in the civil war would be the best thing for the empire, since a unified empire would obviously be stronger against the Dominion.
It's not a victory if you wage a war that kills off a lot of former Imperial soldiers.
The rebellion isn't just Ulfric, it's in the hearts of minds of most Nords.
The Empire already lost the Red Guards - who held their own against the Dominion - and to top that off in the game the top Imperials hires assassins to murder the Emperor. The current imperial regime is inept and should just be located in Cyrodiil.
keep going leaf. Haven't seen this is a while.
>Elven masterrace checking in
Elves = Ubermensch
I wish they would have made light dialogue changes if you weren't a Nord. Like if you were a Khajit fighting for them they'd call you an honory Nord
Never sided with stormcucks. Altmers are even worse than their cannibal, wood-fucking kin.
I agree with all of that yeah
There still needs to be one unified force if men hope to combat the Altmer though.
The current Empire is corrupt, what they really need is another Tiber Septim to bring everybody together.
That would actually be pretty funny
Ulfric was a power-hungry egomaniac, he reminds me a lot of Drumpf.
>what they really need is another Tiber Septim to bring everybody together.
Sure, and Ulfric could start that off. At any rate, the Dominion isn't stable either. The Woodies are dissatisfied with the regime as well according to the lore.
>instead of handing power to Ulfric, fights him
"The leader of the rebellion just killed out ally, the king of Skyrim, who was keeping the nords from fracturing from the Empire in this time of great strife. LET'S JUST NOT FIGHT THIS DUDE LMAO I'M SURE WE WILL BE FINE IF WE JUST HAND THIS OBVIOUSLY-HOSTILE-TO-THE-EMPIRE GUY CONTROL OF OUR NORTHERN PROVINCE"
Give me one reason not to side with Stormcloaks.
>The Empire abandoned their Redguard allies and surrendered
>the Redguards ended up fighting the Thalmor to a draw ALONE
>Empire + Redguards could have defeated the Thalmor
Ulfric is not emperor material. The Dragonborn could have pules a Tiber Septim but it didn't happen.
If you want to keep peace and a steady stream of loyal Nord berserker soldiers you do not involve yourself in internal matters of a people you do not fully understand.
Let them fight it out and reward the winner of the conflict. The grander scheme of things is that elves are trying to genocide you.
Stormcloaks works for Talmor, Ulfrik is a false flag!
The Elves [spoiler]Jews[/spoiler] are intentionally causing the civil war to destabilise skyrim
>Ulfric is not emperor material.
>Serbia knows what is emperor material because of reasons
He doesn't work for them. Ulfric used the Thalmor to achieve more power, to be used against the Empire.
No, the last thing the Thalmor want is Ulfric in power because he will stand up to them. The Emperor is in their pocket, and they must ensure the emperor remains in power- because they can control him.
Let's relate it to the real world America:
>Ulfric = Trump
>Emperor = Obama/Hillary/whatever puppet is in place
>Empire = The establishment
>I side with Winter Muslims
Quintessentially Swedish
Ulfric isn't working for the Thalmor, in fact he is unwilling to cooperate with them anymore.
The Thalmor don't want the Stormcloaks to win, they want the civil war to go on and gradually weaken the Empire even more.
Source: "Thalmor Dossier: Ulfric Stormcloak"
>actual autism
>Be Swiss cheese
>Equate white people's worship of Talos with Muhammed and Allah
Fictional politics are more interesting than real politics desu
>I wear exclusively dead animal parts
>somehow this makes me the master race
Those reasons are common sense. He may be popular among the Nords but he isn't getting accepted by the other provinces. There's just no way. And us Serbians do know a thing or two about Empires. We were one briefly (fuck you Uros for ruining everything...) and learned a lot from the Byzantines.
I just realized Khajiit are more nigger than Redguards
You cucks in the north can fight all you want. Morrowind will always be the place to be.
They are gypsies, not niggers. I don't know which is worse.
It's gypsies lad.
I'd rather live in a black ghetto than with gypsies.
>develop trade & commerce, written word before the Ayleids
>first drug-fueled space program
you have no idea, friend
>civil war overhaul
isn't it buggy as all hell though? I'm wary of installing it.
>We wuz on the moon and shit
Khajit like to sneak
holy shit i forgot Sup Forums used to have ID's
Redguards aren't even truly niggers. Argonians are based off Africans.
>siding with anyone on the civil war
>not just killing everyone you meet on the road
fuck skooma niggers
Seems like a long time ago now. Now it's rampant samefagging there. Although it was like that before.
>first drug-fueled space program
Fucking degenerates, the Nords don't need drugs, just all natural giants for their space program.
Nice digits
skyrim belongs to sithis!
>Implying I'd side with either of these retard nations when there's a fucking apocalypse dragon to slay (obviously a metaphor for global climate change or terrorism or some other collective action problem that requires us to not be in a fucking dickwaving contest to solve)
>Implying I, as Dragonborn, wouldn't just go straight to the Thalmor homeland and solo the entire fucking country because I'm level 100 and control dragons, thus making the entire "Skyrim Civil War" a moot point since they're just arguing over how they're gonna fight the elves, either together or separately.
Fuck, that would have been so much better than watching these retards squabble over some snow nigger mountains.
>I side with the Free Planets Alliance
>The worst democracy is better than the best autocracy