Why hasn't anyone written a political manifesto for the alt-right?
No one knows who or what alt-right is by the way. It is a democrat-funded lie and a pathetic attempt to smear Trump's campaign.
If you can identify it then you can destroy it.
Because it would be inchohesive, contradictory, immature and infused with memes.
It would be an embarrassment of such epic proportions they it would force those who operate under the banner of "alt-right" to take a long hard look at themselves in the mirror, conclude that they are utterly wasting their lives before deciding to dedicate themselves to a career in sales or some other banal vocation
Because the "alt-right" is a bunch of retarded millenials who have no idea about politics.
Democrats using the term as a smear is a recent phenomenon.....its existed for more then a couple of months.
stop this
Here it's is, here's the manifesto:
"Make America Great Again"
Because there's no such thing as the """alt-right""" and, even if you were to argue there is, it doesn't describe Sup Forums so there's no reason anybody here would do it.
I sexually identify as alt right.
I've never heard of anything like that. I'm Jewish.
>le alt right meme
doesnt exist
the same reason nobody has done a manifesto on fascism... they cant be labeled this way. except ofcourse calling everybody a fascist, like they are doing it right now with the altright.
>Please, label me, so I don't have to think. LABEL ME!
Do you really not recognise that it's a parody of "No one is being paid to shill for Hillary by the way. It's a Republican-funded lie and a pathetic attempt to smear her campaign."?
Are you really sure you want to call the other guy a newfag? :^)
Mussolini actually wrote a book. Haven't read it though so I can't tell you if it's a real "manifesto".
Alt right is not a coherent and organized political movement.
It's literally random anonymous trolls on various Guinese underwater basket weaving guestbooks trying to be edgy.
Chapter 1: the difference between niggers and black people.
Chapter 2: National Socialism and Communism both work
Chapter 3: there are only 2 genders but one gender is always the dominant
Chapter 4: the patriarchy only exists in the minds of sjws and femenists
>alt right
>even existing in the first place
its a poor attempt to try and categorise people who don't agree with leftie cancer into one group so that they tear each other apart and destroy themselves
the advantage that Sup Forums has is that its ideas can't be pinpointed because everything is anonymous
it cant be properly fought against in any meaningful way
Spotted the newfag :^)
Little bitch outed himself
Gender 1: Donut
Gender 2: Hot Dog
Because it's a fabricated title that covers a wide range of thinking that basically boils down to"not being a leftist". Pure propaganda. It's the lefts attempt to put a face on their boogey man and control the narrative
Because it's not a cohesive policy based political movement, it's a social front for the left to attack and young reactionary conservatives to support.
1st Commandment of the Alt-Right: The Jew is your enemy. Do not trust anything they say.
2nd Commandment: Anyone who tries to claim leadership of or define the movement is a kike shill.
3rd Commandment: Disregard that I suck cocks. Fuck off Shlomo we're onto you
>i read the word roodypoo on ed or kym one time so if i say that maybe it'll prove i'm an oldfag
>who is Breivik
"Alt-right" is a response to post-modernism in the form of SJW movements inspired by critical theory nonsense. It's also a response to globalism and its false premises and false promises.
It's not a unified ideology. It's an umbrella term for apparently "right-leaning" ideologies that confuse and trigger the modern liberals.
People who use the term are retarded drones that can't think for themselves.
It's only a matter of time until Milo Fagopolis or some other self-appointed leader of the "alt-right" writes one.
Because the Alt-Right is just a buzzword used to label "all those racist and xenophobic trolls on internet that are going to vote for Donald Trump".
People who identify themselves as Alt-Right have too different motives to consider writing a manifesto.
idk if so called alt-right suits me i mean it seems so inclusive and liberal it will be no different form cuckservatism soon
becuase it's not a political group
it's a label used by others, almost derogatory
Because manifestos are communist.
We need to be like progressives and support anyone who pushes the cause forward, big or small.
We're the alt-F4.
Chapter 5: how to fold your own tinfoil hat
There is no "alt-right," it's just a jew label.
Because the alt right is a meme
Because the alt right isn't even real and anyone who calls themselves alt right are controlled opposition.
The Alt-Right is made up of too many different and decentralized groups to have a single manifesto. Basically, "We don't want your shit so BTFO" is the closest thing to a manifesto possible.
You're doing it all wrong.
Alt-right people (some some of 'alt-right' people) are racist, but actually explicitly saying racist things doesn't allow plausible deniability. Do you even know what a good manifesto is made of?
Like with communism - no matter how many times it destroys countries, kills people and ruins economies - its supporters will just say it wasn't 'real' communism.
Alt-right doesn't hate nogs, Muslims, Indians and Syrians - the alt-right supports western civilization and values.
It doesn't hate trannies - it hates degeneracy.
They made a movie about it called Brokeback Mountain
>putting libertarians and communists under the same "alt right" label
Do you faggot retards realize that before the "alt-right" term was said by Hillary, the liberal kike media was already using "White Supremacist", "bigot", "racist", "Neo-Nazi" and "literally Hitler omg I'm literally shaking" to label anyone who stands up to them? Another term doesn't makes it any different.