Post political compasses.
How did I do, Sup Forums?
Post political compasses.
How did I do, Sup Forums?
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Move left, Luigi.
Objective measure here.
What do I win?
Only true measure.
Meme compasses incoming
>not for suicidal borders
>be a literal meme
>being a turbulent beta
kys. even my gf got assertive
thanks texas
I hope you voted leave ya cheeky wanker
Whats the website for the test result in the top left paragraph?
feels good
Thanks pal
Did I pass guys?
This is me right now apparently. Thought I was more right wing but thats fine.
Next I'll post where I started years ago and where I've gone.
Its been a wild ride
>using shit compass
I know you guys want to live under my rules
left-libertarian is contradictory.
its not, its just called social liberalism not left-libertarian
Why is the father figure in the bonghead part of the spectrum? That makes no sense
Switch the bottom two
Its not contradictory its just retarded
Nice score lad
im not even on the Fucking
ENTJ master race
>green box
>green box
>redpilled parent
It is contradictory. Pic related. You can't have shared means of production without it being enforced.
So basically you're saying
>x axis is economic freedom
>y axis is social freedom
Well, first of all, that's not true. But even if it were, social liberalism is NOT social freedom.
The tenets that progressives/liberals/etc push are a form of morality that needs to be enforced through government power. Things like the civil rights act - which is where the government forces you to interact with people you don't want to interact with - is NOT social freedom.
People seem to think that social authoritarianism only comes in the flavor of christian traditionalism. When in reality, all this shit where people are forced to accept fags, niggers, muslims, etc is all a form of authoritarianism where the government steps in and punishes those who don't follow the religion of progressive tolerance.
forgot pic
Sweden has one of the biggest redistribution of income schemes, are you saying Sweden is authoritartian?
it was probably because the dad didn't really give a shit and was laid back
We're almost the same OP
Are you serious? Yes, absolutely.
Damn Right
Allahu Akbar!
The U.S. must take Monroe Doctrine now.
The U.S. must withdraw American Forces from all Foreign Countries now.
Stop America's doing its all wars now!
I love American99% and the U.S.
China, Germany and Japan must loosen Germany's, Japan's and China's monetary policies now!
China, Germany and Japan must stimulate Germany's, Japan's and China's domestic demands now!
Japan and Germany must issue a lot of construction bond now!
Japan, Germany and China are evil empires.
Islamists' true enemies are Japan, Germany, China, top1%, Wall Street, American Military Industry and DOD!
Allahu Akbar!
kek, then you obviously don't know what authoritarianism means
I dunno which to use. I balanced the budget with this test but the tax increases required apparently flopped me to the collectivist side of the chart. It's like the only way to be a modern individualist is to completely ignore your debt, and if you don't, you're now a collectivist no matter how many freedoms I give people.
On the other hand, this is a better chart than the Nolan chart overall.
>Authoritarianism is a form of government characterized by strong central power and limited political freedoms. Juan Linz's influential 1964 description of authoritarianism[1] characterized authoritarian political systems by four qualities:
>1. limited political pluralism; that is, such regimes place constraints on political institutions and groups like legislatures, political parties and interest groups;
>2. a basis for legitimacy based on emotion, especially the identification of the regime as a necessary evil to combat "easily recognizable societal problems" such as underdevelopment or insurgency;
>3. minimal social mobilization most often caused by constraints on the public such as suppression of political opponents and anti-regime activity;
>4. informally defined executive power with often vague and shifting powers.[2]
Yeah, that sounds right to me.
No thanks bastard child.
i made it pol im in the cool kids zone
sweden ranks almost first in the world for political freedom, they are fully multi-party democracy with little corruption. If the Swedish people really wanted their income not redistributed they have the freedom to vote for something else.
Is it such a hard concept for you to understand that some people willingly want their income redistributed?
that test got upgraded try it again
Political freedom, but only if you agree with the leftist dogma, otherwise you can expect a mob of angry anti-fascists vandalizing your house.
>Supported Ron Paul, Rand Paul, Bernie Sanders, and Donald Trump.
Just appealing to authority and saying they rank high in some bullshit scoring system means absolutely nothing.
Fact of the matter is the swedish government fucking rules its subjects' lives. Just because you vote for authoritarianism doesn't make it not authoritarian.
And don't even get me started on "political freedom" in sweden. Prepare to have your assets seized and yourself thrown in fucking jail for not going along with the cultural marxist propaganda.
The entire point I'm making is that people like you don't seem to understand that authoritarianism comes in different flavors. It's more than just people enforcing traditional values. That's just one particular form. Places like germany and sweden are authoritarian, but enforce a liberal CURRENT YEAR style of morality instead of a traditional one.
Do I win?
I think you are just trying to justify Swedish people being cucks by blaming da ebil authoritarian goverment. The thing is, the majority of Swedish like it thats why they keep voting for it. Authoritarianism means having no choice to change the government, Swedish people HAVE the choice and freedom to do it, but they don't.
>And don't even get me started on "political freedom" in sweden. Prepare to have your assets seized and yourself thrown in fucking jail for not going along with the cultural marxist propaganda.
now you are just imagining things
That is not what authoritarianism means. You can have democratic authoritarianism. You can have a libertarian monarchy. It's all a question of how the government (whatever type of government that happens to be) limits the personal freedoms of its people.
Hate speech laws and wealth redistribution are authoritarian. End of discussion. It doesn't matter if the majority vote for it or not. If 90% of people vote for the government to seize the assets of the other 10% and distribute it among everyone, is that freedom? Of fucking course not
>You can have democratic authoritarianism
I didn't say you can't have, I am just saying Sweden is not one of them. You have the freedom to criticize the government, you have the freedom to make a new party and get voted, thats not what authoritarianism is
>wealth redistribution are authoritarian
well, I guess there is no point arguing with someone that views taxes as authoritarianism
I am a fascist, I believe in corporatism which is the organization and enforcement of the private sector by the state. Rate me.
Explain how they're not. You're just trying to weasel out of this conversation.
Protip: authoritarianism isn't a bad thing in and of itself. It's a bad thing when authority is used to push for the dismantlement of the nation's people by destroying their culture, livelihood, and gene pool. I have no problem with taxes itself. I have a problem with money being siphoned away to pay for 3rd world immigrants.
As for your first comment, I've already addressed this, but it doesn't seem to be getting through to you. Being able to run for election and vote does make a government intrinsically unauthoritarian. What matters is the degree to which the government uses force to enforce policies, whether they be of an economic or moral persuasion. This defines sweden to a T
heres mine.
explain to me how is Sweden authoritarian? if someone criticizes government policies will go to jail? is it illegal to create your own party? is it illegal to vote for the party you like? Are you saying that the majority of swedish people don't like it but they can't do anything about it because the evil authoritarian government stops them?
also, I could argue that the top right of the chart is far more contradictory than bottom left. Its impossible to have a genuine free market with an authoritarian government
Hate speech laws. Boom goes the dynamite.
so thats it? Swedish is now an authoritarian state because that one specific law? so if they removed that one speech law Sweden is now magically no authoritarian?
How did I do Sup Forums?
Authoritarianism is a spectrum.
Having said that, they're pretty high on that spectrum, considering the various ways in which social and economic freedom is suppressed. I merely listed one major example.
yes it is a spectrum, and they are very low on the spectrum. Real authoritarian governments in middle east would probably laugh at what you call authoritarianism. Having to pay a fine because you called someone a nigger puts you very low on the spectrum compared to a country that you can't vote and get jailed for criticizing the government
no idea what it means
I've already discussed how form of government and authoritarianism are independent things. Stop trying to fall back on that
Be honest Sup Forums, do you deliberately try to get as top right as possible?
Yo pass me ajoint
lmao, so what exactly is authoritarian in sweden if its not the government?
means you're a faggot
Been on Sup Forums daily for a couple of years now, used to be a tiny bit further to the bottom left. Sup Forums is satire in many ways but can still provide an informative perspective on many issues and events.
You're still socially liberal, but ever so slightly becoming more authoritarian, heading towards to blue side hopefully.
Not a left-anarchist, but no. Anarchism=/=no rules or no violence. It just means no initiation of violence. If you're a leftist you think that privately owning the means of production or hiring a person is a violent act. Therefore, it is justified to respond to it with a proportional use of force.
Hm. Seems to weight it a bit less, but not by much.
Had to make some sacrifices to keep both the budget balanced and the tax rates within the upper range of acceptable, but I think this is a pretty good society all things considered.
No way in hell the Eurozone can survive without Germay. If Germany leaves, the Eurozone is kill, with the EU to follow. Globalists won't allow that
well you want both guaranteed income and free college, thats a lot of money. and you had to slash all your military spending to manage to be on the individualist side
Slash? I'm just putting at the NATO standard. I'm not American, we don't need to spend that much on it.
dude the meter is different, its as percentage of budget not GDP and 2% is pretty low
You're literally where Margaret Thatcher is, Faggot.
Well, bye bye GMI I guess.
Did I come on a normal place or some fucking Hillary supporter place?
I thought conservatism was authoritarian
Look, it's a Cypriot. That's rare.
le epic XD
I am on the green box and I think baning guns is stupid.
Actually I think baning guns is so stupid, that I would still think that baning guns is a stupid idea even if killing people with guns was illegal under all possible situations (even to kill someone that is trying to kill you with a gun and etc... ALL POSSIVLE SITUATIONS)
nice meme
Like you but right leaning
You are a: Right-Leaning Anti-Government Total-Isolationist Nationalist Reactionary
Collectivism score: -17%
Authoritarianism score: -17%
Internationalism score: -100%
Tribalism score: 17%
Liberalism score: -67%
rate me Sup Forums
Having some coercion to preserve such a system isn't some slippery slope to gulags or totalitarianism. Even anarchism isn't rejecting all rules or coercion. Libertarianism definitely doesn't. They just believe in reducing or minimizing the amount of force. If someone commits a forceful act, most libertarians and anarchists would say that measured reaction is justified.